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May 13th 2023
Tell me again how #Texas (aka @GregAbbott_TX ) "R" is trying to stop the #BidenBorderCrisis with resulting rising crime in #TX and that he is just helpless to fix the problems in his own backyard because "biden" sniffer in chief is in the way...

I will wait. Image
King exposes #BorderPatrol secretly bussing illegal immigrants deep into the heart of #Texas

Border Patrol parks trucks to block the cameras capturing what they're doing.
In the next few videos I will show you that a game is being played by by local #tx uniforms claiming to help…
Read 6 tweets
Mar 21st 2023

SGT Leigh Ann Hester became the first woman awarded the Silver Star for combat valor through her actions on 20th MAR 2005, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

#Armyhistory #USArmy
While escorting a supply convoy near Baghdad in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, SGT Hester’s squad was ambushed by a group of approximately 50 insurgents armed with AK-47’s, heavy machine guns, and RPG’s.

#OperationIraqiFreedom #SilverStar #NationalGuard #Diversity #TRADOC
Outnumbered 5 to 1 and taking withering fire, Hester’s squad leader directed the squad to flank the enemy position in a nearby trench line and orchard. Hester positioned her vehicle so that her gunner could enfilade the enemy positions and dismounted. #WomensHistoryMonth
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Dec 16th 2022
🧵Texans on stand-by, ready to serve Texas

Dec. 15, 2022-The Texas National Guard is placing elements of the 136th Airlift Wing, Texas Air National Guard, and the 236th Military Police Company on stand-by /1

#Breaking #Border #TXNG #NationalGuard
to assist and support authorities with border operations in preparation for the repeal of Title 42. These actions are part /2
of a larger strategy to use every available tool to fight back against the record-breaking level of illegal immigration and transnational criminal activity.
Title 42, a public health emergency order used to expel asylum-seeking migrants from the U.S., is currently set to /3
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Aug 20th 2022
#DariaDugin, daughter of #AlexanderDugin, has been #Assassinated via #CarBomb near #Moscow.

#AleksandrDugin is a prominent #Russian strategist sometimes called #PutinsBrain. He’s thought to have inspired #Putin to pursue the annexation of #Crimea, the... [1/2]
...#SpecialMilitaryOperation in #Ukraine, as well as the concepts of #Novorossiya and the #FairWorldOrder.

The #Assassination of the #FWO strategist’s daughter #DariaDugina is comparable to elimination of #NWO strategist #HenryKissinger’s daughter. [2/2]
The elimination of #DariaDugin represents a potential #Escalation between #NewWorldOrder and #FairWorldOrder. If #Russia assesses that #NWO actors are involved, the #Russians are likely to pursue #TitForTat. If #Washington’s proxy in #Kiev is determined the perpetrator... [1/2]
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Feb 10th 2022
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/10/2022…
The Surprisingly Messy Culture Wars Within The New York Times Crossword Puzzle…
#CrosswordPuzzles, #history, #CultureWars, #NewYorkTimes
Read 20 tweets
Dec 4th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/04/2021…
A 45-year-old man declared 'dead' was found alive after 7 hours in a morgue freezer, reports say…

Magnetizable Concrete in Roads Could Charge Electric Cars While You Drive…

#ElectricVehicles #BatteryCharging #MagnetizableConcrete
Read 13 tweets
Apr 14th 2021
Brooklyn Center Tuesday:
A crowd of nearly 1,000 marched for the third consecutive day of protests after the police shooting of Daunte Wright #BrooklynCenter #DaunteWright #BrooklynCenterPolice
“A day after they lynched that boy, they raised a blue line banner.” A man called out the raising of a pro-police flag at the Brooklyn Center Police station this week, as protesters gathered outside #BrooklynCenter #DaunteWright #BrooklynCenterPolice
Singing of Jayanthi Kyle’s “Hand in Hand”, as the crowd put cell phone lights in the air outside the police station #BrooklynCenter
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Feb 10th 2021
#TrumpIsGuilty, the only reason why any senator would fail to convict is to conceal his own involvement! #Insurrection was an #ActOfWar! You told the #BigLie! You conspired in 45's #Insurrection! @SenRickScott @SenRickScott refused to watch the film #ManUp…
@SenRickScott @marcorubio Are we a #SovereignNation or not? Are you sworn to uphold the Constitution or not? Will you betray #Florida & America again 4 #Trump? #Insurrection was an #ActOfWar. They defecated in our Capitol. Hope they didn't miss your ofc!…
#MAGATerrorists took down #OldGlory & replaced it with #TrumpBanner, signifying dominance over America's #Capitol as their territory. That's what flags are for; just like #IwoJima! #Insurrection shall not stand or we are no longer a #SovereignNation & a self-governing democracy. ImageImage
Read 15 tweets
Jan 14th 2021
I find it infuriating to see the outrage over our soldiers sleeping at the capital. We have been at war for nearly 20 years. We have had soldiers sleep on the dirt floors of bathrooms in peasant villages. We have had soldiers electrocuted in showers built by local contractors.
We have had our soldiers blown up, maimed, tortured, burned alive, and hung from bridges. But now there is outrage because our soldiers are sleeping on the marble floors of our capital. Wherever you assign our military you will find sleeping soldiers.
They will sleep on everything and under anything. How many of our soldiers are sleeping in the sand in foreign lands tonight? I’m glad that they are there. I’m glad that they are going to ensure a peaceful transition of power.
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Jan 8th 2021
Fears of a #FifthColumn in US law enforcement have apparently not been unfounded.

During a planning meeting, the Defense Department offered the Capitol Police and the city of Washington additional National Guard troops. They were turned down.(1/7)…
More than an hour elapsed from the time rioters approached the Capitol to when they began smashing their way in, but no help materialized. The bulk of deployable agents from DoJ & DoH were not called upon until after the protesters had breached the building.(2/7)

#FifthColumn Image
Capitol Police have first jurisdiction over the Capitol, so federal agencies could only be involved at their discretion. “We watched in horror. As much as we wanted to be there, we couldn't send anyone in without the specific request of the Capitol Police."(3/7)

#FifthColumn Image
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Jan 8th 2021
On #January6th 2021, Donald #Trump attempted a coup. He failed. But it was absolutely an attempted coup. It followed a familiar pattern: (1/4)
Step 1: The defeated president gives a speech to a group of supporters where he tells them he was robbed of the election, denounces his own administration's members and party as traitors and tells his supporters to storm the building where the voting is being held.(2/4)
Step 2: Supporters, many dressed in military attire and waving revolutionary-style flags, then storm the building where the federal law-enforcement agencies controlled by the current president do not establish a security cordon and quickly overwhelm police.(3/4)
Read 10 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
Calls to overhaul the legacy bureaucratic systems of the U.S. with cutting-edge AI-driven mass tracking and #surveillance technologies are intensifying at the top echelons of the #NationalSecurity state with all eyes on the #2020election.
by @hijodelcuervo…
#US #Cyber Command and the #Pentagon are availing themselves of the #Russian meddling narratives and added a few others to justify the creation of a #cyberwar army with international and domestic capabilities via the #NationalGuard.
by @hijodelcuervo…
From #DHS to the #military, the pressure is mounting on all sides to revamp federal #LawEnforcement hierarchies, shift information pipelines, and reimage the nature of warfare.
by @hijodelcuervo…
Read 3 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
#kenosha just before curfew Image
2/ The young men are saying “They’re calling for back up” and “You can talk to us?” and “He looks like Michael Meyers without the mask” and “You’re Army? I thought they sent National Guard. They just biked away. Hour to curfew. #kenosha
3/ Another guy just biked up, asked to take officers’ photo, they agreed.
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Jun 1st 2020
.@realDonaldTrump, Please stop injecting yourself into crises. Don’t try to tell governors what to do. Instead of calling for calm & for the nation to unite, you were sequestered in the White House basement & silent. Governors and mayors, on the other hand, were actively (1/5)
engaged in trying to bring order to their cities and towns. The #NationalGuard has been deployed across the country and most of the demonstrations were largely peaceful. While you only seem to feel the need for the use of more force, local elected leaders tried to (2/5)
control things in a way that will allow them to build for the future. While you just want to condemn people, real leaders are acknowledging the very real racial issues we are facing. In times like this, real leaders step up, and deal with the immediate problems while (3/5)
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May 30th 2020
#AntifaTerrorists will be dealt with. #TimesUp You get what you deserve
The #QAnon Drops in order #2645
#QAnon drop #839
Read 23 tweets
May 30th 2020
1/Last night a Police station was taken over by protesters and demolished. The Police had to flee
Read 151 tweets
May 28th 2020
1) A thread on #ContactTracing. Yes, it's here. We are watching the #NWO #Agenda21 script play out right in front of our eyes. First we'll show what this is, then I'll share an Anon's opinion of what is really going on. No fear....
2) First, THOUSANDS of #ContactTracers are being hired all over the country. The evidence of this is clear.…
3) Now, who would be attracted to such an invasive job? How EXCITED your neighbor might be to be able to decide the future of your kids and other family members through #ContactTracing! 🙄 Controlling flags, grass length and noisy dogs is just not enough!
Read 60 tweets
May 20th 2020
The Trump Admin’s repeated attempts to nickel & dime members of the @USNationalGuard would be wrong under any circumstance, but it's particularly offensive when these troops are responding to the #COVID19 pandemic that has killed more than 90k Americans…
I strongly oppose a “hard stop” of Guard deployments at 89 days to deny #NationalGuard members full benefits for their service on the frontlines of this crisis and have called on Trump to fix it by extending Title 32 authority…
But, since Trump has failed to fix the problem, today I introduced legislation to require that Title 32 authority be extended for the duration of the #COVID19 public health emergency…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 19th 2020
1/ .@TulsiGabbard's announcement: ★ The best way I can be of service at this time is: ✪ to continue to work for the health & well-being of the #People of Hawaii & our country in #Congress; ✪ to stand ready to serve in uniform should the Hawaii #NationalGuard be activated
@TulsiGabbard 2/ …★ Democratic Primary #Voters have chosen Biden to be the person who will take on Trump; ★ I may #Not agree with Biden on every #Issue, but I’m confident that he will lead our country guided by the spirit of #Aloha...
@TulsiGabbard 3/ ★ I offer my full support to Biden in his quest to bring our country #Together. ★ I will continue to advocate for a 21st century foreign policy, one that’s based on mutual respect & #Cooperation.
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Jan 14th 2020
#PuertoRico #USA #PuertoRicoEarthquakes

#PuertoRico still doesn't seem calm after so many #storms, and this Saturday there was a new 6.0 MI magnitude #earthquake on the momentum magnitude scale as part of a series of #aftershocks that have intensified since Friday night.
According to Prensa Latina, the meteorological phenomenon occurred in #Guánica, 14.87 kilometers south of #Peñuelas, at a depth of 5.04 kilometers.
On the other hand, the #NationalGuard of #PuertoRico considered declaring the island a #disaster area in order to receive additional funds after the #earthquakes.
Read 8 tweets

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