Pippellia the social graph guy Profile picture
I demystify the social graph so you can learn and use this powerful tool more effectively npub176p7sup477k5738qhxx0hk2n0cty2k5je5uvalzvkvwmw4tltmeqw7vgup
Moses Yang Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 28, 2023 21 tweets 6 min read
If you are looking for ways to contribute to #bitcoin, there is one FOSS where you can truly have an impact.

Not many know about it, yet it is one of the most important projects in the space.

> > a thread 🧵 < < Image First, I will tell you a story that you already know.

A nocoiner buys his first sats on Binance and Coinbase, probably along with some shitcoins.
Jan 23, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
#Bitcoin has taught me many lessons.

One is "not your node, not your rules".

As usual with #Bitcoin, this lesson expands far beyond.

>> A THREAD🧵 << Among the many things it is, Bitcoin is software, free open software. It is software that you can download on your computer, modify and share.

But it must be your computer, not someone else's.
Jan 9, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
#Bitcoin for Kids

If you're a Bitcoiner and you can't explain to a 7yo in 5 min how #Bitcoin works.

Read this 👇 now 🧵 Because Kids are smarter than we think Kid, today I'm going to talk to you about something called #Bitcoin.

It is a digital currency, it is energy, but above all #Bitcoin is Truth -- but let's take it slow.
Dec 29, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
Over the past 6 months, I've spent over 500 hours studying how #Bitcoin will change the world.

Here 👇 is my TOP 5 of the most exciting developments for 2023.

>> MEGA THREAD 🧵 << Image 1. The Lightning Network.

This comes as no surprise to those familiar with Bitcoin. The Lightning Network is already the killer app for #Bitcoin as MoE.

Orange-pill your friends by showing them the wonders of LN and explaining to them how it works simply and clearly! 👇
Dec 26, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
Value4Value will unlock the full potential of the Creator Economy.

Powered by #Bitcoin and Lightning ⚡ it will forever change the way we understand Value.

>> A THREAD🧵 << What is Value4Value?

Value4Value is a monetization model, a content format, and a way of life.

It starts from the realization that information wants to be free, always.
Dec 22, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
Bitcoin Twitter is abuzz with excitement about a protocol that promises to decentralize social media: #Nostr.

But all that glitters is not gold, ehmm not #Bitcoin.

A 👇 Thread 🧵 What is #Nostr?

Nostr stands for “Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays”.

(I love the name 🤣)
Dec 19, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
⚡ Lightning Network for kids

If you're a Bitcoiner and you can't explain in 5 min to a 5yo how the Lightning Network works

Read this 👇 now🧵 Image The Lightning Network (LN) is a payment system for instant transactions that no one in the world can break or control.

Its most popular implementation uses #Bitcoin as a base and is therefore called a “Bitcoin Layer 2”.
Dec 15, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
#Bitcoin is Money, everything else is Credit.

In an Hyperbitcoinzed world, credit will still exist because people want to leverage trust.

Today's credit infrastructure is not scalable and it is a tool for surveillance.

🍐 Pear Credit is here to change this🧵 Image 🍐 Pear Credit is a p2p open protocol that allows anyone to issue 💳 Credit tokens in a way that is

• scalable
• more private

Drumroll … It doesn’t involve a bLoCkChAiN!
Dec 12, 2022 23 tweets 7 min read
• Holding #Bitcoin on exchanges is easy but very dangerous.

• Holding #Bitcoin requires you to be your own bank - which is still too hard for many.

Thanks to @fedimint, there is now a third way.

👇 A thread 🧵 Holding Bitcoin is too difficult?

Many hard-core bitcoiners will be outraged by what I said.

Remembering 12 magic words is not difficult, right?
Running your own node is not difficult, right?
Dec 8, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
“The use of credit cards today is an act of faith...
...The cardholder in particular has no protection against surveillance.”

This is how starts the legendary paper titled Untraceable Electronic Cash

a technology that soon will be part of #Bitcoin 👇 🧵 Image Electronic payments are generally very bad for privacy because they can be traced.

Cash bills do not have your name written on them, credit cards do have it – which turn them into tools of surveillance.

But then in 1990 …
Dec 5, 2022 21 tweets 6 min read
Imagine if everything you say could be:

• listened to
• censored

This is how things work on the Web, but not for much longer thanks to @keet_io!

An app that every bitcoiner should be aware of🧵 Keet simply explained What is Keet?

Keet is a peer-to-peer, serverless Chat App, built with the Holepunch Platform.

It enables high-quality, low-latency video calls as well as the exchange of messages, files and value ⚡
Dec 2, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
Sovereign Computing will do to the Internet what #Bitcoin did to money.

👇 A thread 🧵 Image Sovereign Computing is a computing paradigm that places the individual at the top and services at the bottom.

It starts from the realization that if the service runs on someone else's computer, you are not in control. Image
Nov 28, 2022 28 tweets 10 min read
The #Web5 is a revolution.

It’s powered by #Bitcoin, but most bitcoiners don't know anything about it.

Here 👇 is what you have to know 🧵 Web5 Simply Explained What is #Web5?

Web5 is a new set of Web standards that aims to return ownership of Data and Identity back to the individual.

It does so by leveraging the power of decentralized protocols like #Bitcoin
Nov 24, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
Your Digital Identity is in the hands of large corporations that treat you as a customer. They own you.

ION solves this thanks to #Bitcoin

Here 👇 is how🧵 Image First, what is a Digital Identity?

It's whatever others use to identify you. It can be your phone number, your @, or your email.

But you don’t own these, the issuer does.
Nov 21, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
BOLT 12 is a game-changer.

But 99% of bitcoiners don’t understand it yet.

Here 👇 is what you need to know 🧵 What is BOLT?

BOLD stands for Basis of Lightning Technology.

It is a specification that describes the consensus rules and standards of the Lightning Network (similar to a BIP).
Nov 17, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
What is Zion?

Zion is a social media that aims to revolutionize the way people connect, chat and pay each other.

It leverages the power of #Web5 and #Bitcoin to build an incensurable, tamper-resistant network.

Here 👇 is why you should pay attention 🧵 Zion the Web5 Social Network Zion was launched in August 2021, but recently announced that version 2 of its network will be built in #Web5
Nov 10, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
Data behind the Bitcoin Lightning Network

The Lightning Network is seen as the way for Bitcoin to reach mass adoption and take over the world.

But where is the adoption? Is the network being used?

Here 👇 is what the data 📊 have to say 🧵 1. First, if you do not know how the LN works, check out this thread.

You can come back here later 👇
Nov 7, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Current Problems of #Web5

#Web5 is going to shape the Internet in a way that gives users the freedom to choose for themselves.

The freedom to manage our Data and Identity as we see fit.
But as with anything ambitious, there are problems to overcome.

Here 👇 are some of them 🧵 Image I am going to divide the problems into two categories:

• Technical
• General
Oct 31, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
#Web5 Roadmap

Being an open-source project, the #Web5 can only have an open roadmap.

Here is what has been done ✅ and what there is to do 👇🧵 Image 1. Announcing Web5

On July 10, 2022, Web5 was publicly announced as an open-source community initiative.

After the work in 2021 and early 2022, it was finally time to open the gates and take this project to another level thanks to the contribution of the community.
Oct 27, 2022 23 tweets 6 min read

There is a problem in the Attention Economy we live in.

Attention Economy -read it again.

The content we consume is not free: we pay with the token of our attention.

The ads model exploits that, but there is an alternative.

Here 👇 comes the value4value 🧵 Image 1. "if something is free, you are the product" -- can't be repeated often enough.

There is nothing like a free lunch; in the digital world we pay at the expense of our privacy and data.
Oct 13, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
The Lightning Network

“Bitcoin is too slow to be used for everyday transactions!” —they say.

Nothing could be more wrong.

Thanks to the Lightning Network, Bitcoin is already widely used for micropayments today!

Here 👇is how the LN works 🧵 Image 1. The Lightning Network

The LN is a decentralized routing system for instant, high-volume micropayments.

Let's go over its functioning starting with the fundamental element:

the Channel