Cue the music Profile picture
Here to ⛈️⚡️⚡️🌧️🌦️ Trust God & the Plan.
Apr 17, 2019 10 tweets 8 min read
Are you following big name accounts & wondering how to tell a patriot from a #paytriot? Follow me down this rabbit hole & hopefully gain some insight & power to decide for yourself. Thanks to @MaReQ for farming 8ch & reaching out.
@occulturalism @paulacblades001 @QBlueSkyQ We know where Praying Medic stands on questions & digs: he blocks the accounts that bring visibility to problematic points of fact, as explored in this thread:
Feb 16, 2019 26 tweets 14 min read
Yesterday I opened a letter from SSA: the judge denied my disability claim. This letter inspired me to share info, & hope that a signal comes back, so here is the longest thread twitter will allow abt my #toxicinjury. I brought a number of diagnoses to the table. I can demonstrate allergic reactions to a number of chemicals+ ADHD, ASD. I must demonstrate that even if I worked in such a place, I would be too sick to work from exposure on the commute or even at home.
Feb 8, 2019 19 tweets 16 min read
Well I just finished moving these over from!XtNhURSb!1M… I got a little carried away...
Feb 5, 2019 17 tweets 12 min read
There's a whole folder of memes about Planned Parenthood
#ChildrensCrusade In my last #QAnonMemeDrop thread, I noted that the new memes were hard to find because they were unorganized. Well 😆👍👍😄
Feb 4, 2019 9 tweets 8 min read
That's right, it's time for another #MAGAstrology report. Mars in Aries as Atmakaraka pushes through any situation with military precision & ultimate strategy. Look to matters of security, partnerships, & clandestine affairs to come under improvement or necessitate resolute action.
Jan 30, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
3.2: Follow Huma. 3.2/2 #WhereAreTheyNow? Not on Twitter... not recently.
Jan 29, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Maybe that should be (A) body double (how many could there be?)
From here, let's move on to thread #3, where I address questions raised by Q in the 2nd post, and more points of fact related to #QAnon 3.1: Mockingbird
3.2: Huma
3.3: Soros
Oct 19, 2018 13 tweets 5 min read…
source of memes^^
#NPCmeme I've felt this way for a long time: that most people were on autopilot, moving about their day like they're programmed to, with no indication of originality or diversion from their programming.
Sep 16, 2018 6 tweets 5 min read
I heard the MEGA meme folder was back, and I tried it!
It's BACK, bb's!!XtNhURSb!1M…
And I missed the April MOAB but I'm going to drop these memes here anyway (bc there are others w/o the date) & tell y'all abt a dream I had back around then. I dreamed I went to a college campus & many students walked around everywhere in celebration. AntiFA/Marxist sympathy ran low & the few left in the "resistance" seemed more like angry emo teens than protesters.
Jun 3, 2018 12 tweets 6 min read
I won't speak to yr culture, but history, not thru "American" eyes but thru the lens of historic record.
Countless ethnic groups and subgroups, from Ibernians to Huns, all occupied different regions, negotiating & sometimes warring much like Native American tribes, until.. ...the Roman Empire swarmed over Europe from south to north, assimilating, decimating (killing 1/10), or exterminating ethnic groups in turn (remember the Iceni & Queen Boudicca! U have a fkn statue!). End result: less diverse groups under a Roman banner as the remnants of each..
May 14, 2018 16 tweets 7 min read
This thread is a brief story outline of how I woke up, and how I was #redpilled. For muh followers, a little story of my #GreatAwakening, in tweets, to show, y I am a real person. Tell me if you catch the abbrevs, or if u don't. Tag me if u share a story. Godspeed, #patriots. 1. When I was younger...
a)Feb 1998: read 1984. Picture of Big Brother on TV screen as I walk into class freaks. me. thefuck. out.
b)May, 98: see Matrix cinema premiere. Sudden paradigm shift. Intuitive knowing: This is more real than fiction.
c)June 3, 2000: BCT, USNG. FtJ,SC