SanJeet K. Profile picture
Option Trader (Full Time) : Volatility and Portfolio (🦘 & 🐮). Mechanical Engineer (M. Tech)
Power Of Compounding 🇮🇳 Profile picture Septimus Scott Profile picture Krish Profile picture PARESH Profile picture Kintu Patel Profile picture 18 subscribed
Dec 29, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
👉 Decision Points:
In Intra Price Action; after opening and ORB next important point is DECISION POINTS, also slowly corelated to each other topics.
Let me sumup first imp key level. ORB high/low, DH/DL, WH/WL, MH/ML, PDH/PDL, Inside Swing High/Low, Fractal, BRN, POC/HVN etc.

Not necessary to use each n every thing always but with context it's become important.
Dec 20, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
↪️ Opening Range Breakout (ORB):
As clear with name range breakout view after some formation in open or previously as well.
What exactly ORB mean; in formation all type of players entered in market with some view either bullish/bearish/sideways. Normally ended with few players win and few loss. So in other word some kind of consolidation happen initially which anyone can relate big volume at initial candle.
There are various different orb setup as well timeframe, all useful but different scenarios.
Dec 14, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Leverage Thread 🧵
Leverage can make or break people.
Specially when we talk about derivative product which already leverage. If not aware about effect and side-effects then definitely.
Inspired by Wayne (Famous Portfolio and strategic builder). As we know derivative product approx 6x leverage which means for 6L we normally pay 1L for taking it delivery in account. What if we take without leverage, less leverage risk exposure or even 10x leverage. Any system robustness checked by its drawdown properties.
Dec 13, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Calendar don't work like normal straddle or vega negative. Calendar means shorting high iv and long low iv set-up if trading atm or little offset classic calendar. There is some difference always wat we look in theory and practical. Hope this link will be helpful.
Oct 6, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
#derivatives #nse
Data analysis not an easy task as it's look like.
Today I am talking about specially long or short buildup only. Everyone knows including book says when price going up with oi up is long buildup. But in reality only few mins or one day buildup not enough to summarise it also confirmation required after any kind of buildup.
Let's explore more...
Any big players in intra or swing trader can't enter in mkt at once it's slow process.
Sep 20, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Today again IV in upward direction. 😬

Mindvoice: I want expiry day soon. straddle premium continue up now. live chain and data changes can be checkout here:
Aug 20, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Wat today happen with nifty 16450 ce and yesterday bnf option, it can happen to anyone. Either you trade any time with sl-m. Even in stocks further worst.
Every type of system hv some limit. Suppose someone hv 100cr aum for one trade then impossible to exit at price sll or slm. Even in urgency you can think wat will happen. Also nowadays one kind of quick money scheme like intraday option selling very famous along all ppl and everyone hv little various like 20-50% series stoploss. When they start hitting; huge demand of buyers n no sellers to fill.
Jul 14, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Case Study of Mine Mindtree Earning trade
1. Started with 1:3 Call ratio of 4k credit approx.
2. In dip volume missing so converted to 1:2 yesterday.
3. after morning gap when ORB trigger converted into butterfly.
4. Also took CSP sell OTM put. (optional)
Overall stop 3k holding. without CSP.
May 25, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
Risk Free Projection (RFP) Ver. 2.0
RFP basically a way where we can reduce/remove our losses from position but it can be only possible by time and profit running only. This is also subpart of Time-Warp option strategy. Lets explore in detail 1. Locking Profit
When your long call/put position already in profit then simple buy hedge (convert to spread). this addon make spread formation where ur loss almost offset. advice only do when 50% premium gain and view still sideways to directional.
May 15, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
One thing commonly I see in new commers they focus a lot on high probability of trade, for that they try to be prefer big range for trading from start. As static edge of most occurance of winning with you no doubt. Even I go sometimes HPT strategy but after learning a lot found this is also kind of myth to pick big range. So let's start and sharing my experience about it.
Both hv own pros and cons. Both good as well.
Feb 19, 2021 22 tweets 7 min read
Video available now, How to use RTD and develop custom dashboard. Please check discription of youtube, there is Google drive link i leave excercise file and rtd tweak file there.

Some good questions as well will back with answer thanks. 👍🙏 Image
Jan 31, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
45. Understand the edge in trading. (Directional).
46. Engulfing, Insider/Outsider bar....
Dec 19, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
If you are intraday trader or swing trader then there are some location where you should focus, these area price action most important as it's give high probability trades and good risk reward.
Most of Intraday system works around them even simple to complex. You should always mark these zone in your chart.
1. Previous day High, Low and Close (PDH, PDL & PDC).
2. High and Low formation of current Day.
3. Major Swing High and Low.
4. Vwap Closing (or HVN high volume node of yesterday).
5. Big Round Number.
6. First hour Range
Nov 20, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Setup and roll written already in first pic bottom.
Simple math 2x0.75 delta - 0.5delta = approx 1delta which is future delta. Payoff diagram posting below. ImageImage No effect of vega. Almost fraction.
Sep 29, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
I hv seen ppl telling subjective about firsy 15 days buy Option last 15 days sell option etc.
This is actually not a proper way of doing.
Implied Volatility (IV)
Historical volatility (HV).

When IV less than HV go for buying option
When IV greater than HV go for selling For iv observation keep tracking any Option related websites.

But my simple suggestions dont do it complex simply use spread. Its reduced theta and iv issues almost and also easy to adjust.
For adjustment see Long call repair article tree.
Sep 28, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Sometimes 40 can be low PE or sometimes it can be high PE. You cant say buy low PE and sell high PE. Some sector PE trade above 100 and few 20. Whenever u read without comparision actually u r doing incorrect.
IF PE high it means it will outperforming sector than costly Valuation Mostly good companies keep trading in premium than actual valuation.

Sep 28, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Best timing again. @SarangSood straddle rocked in trendy day as well.
Sep 26, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Mostly i hv seen people do calendar incorrect by doing both call put sell at atm and buying long straddle next expiry.
There is no need to place 4 leg which can happen only by 2 leg either by call calendar or put calendar.
If u see both example exact same payoff. ImageImage But i prefer put calendar due to its less sensitive to delta and more effective on vega as we know put side more premium mostly available and they decay slow and near to end of day/near to expiry.
Calendar is neutral payoff but its harsh move resistance power.
Sep 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
FII & Pro increase Bearish position and Clients increase Bullish position ( as well in cash fii keep selling ), Index wise Nifty seen buildup and Bnf OI unwinding. Global Weak and Monthly Expiry better leave 1 hr to settle market then will initiate trade. Support level i m looking 10883-11913 zone and resistance zone level for me 11045-11080 zone for as per opening. 11k is imp support but cant say untill open. So, best to wait first 1hr to settle price as opening near gap down (previous low).
Sep 23, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
People do itm put calendar instead of otm call calendar. Why give big slippage and stt. Any benefit with it. Just reviewing one adjustment technique.
Views most welcome, also giving free one way of adjustment.
#adjustment #option ImageImageImageImage One diffence i can see fut to fut arbitrage pts difference. Rest everything almost same for me.
Sep 22, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Before going this article must read old thread about moving average.
Covering basic part soon will add standard deviation also part also.

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