Sima Kotecha Profile picture
Senior UK Correspondent for @BBCNews. Former UK Editor @BBCNewsnight
Apr 9, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
EXC - Fmr Chief Inspector of Prisons tells #Newsnight govt plans to build more jails “utterly bonkers”, saying even if they spend £4bn on new places, they can’t spend fast enough to keep pace with rising jail population - currently at 88,926 (full capacity Eng & Wales 88,890). 1/ At mo, there’s room for 1,964 inmates - but population projected to increase to btw 94,000 & 114,800 by March 2028. We’ve spoken to ppl working inside jails - one officer told me “only matter of time before major riot breaks out after inmates being crammed into tiny cells”. 2/
Jan 25, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
EXC - #Newsnight understands at least 16 former sub postmasters were asked to repay money stolen by robbers at their post office btw 2001 & 2018.  9 have spoken to us, saying they were initially told they were liable for losses. Postmaster told us when gun held to his staff .. 1/ member’s head, Post Office Security Manager asked why he gave thief key to safe. Some were told they had inadequate safety measures in place eg they had more money in safe than they should have. Post Office contract stated Subpostmaster is responsible for all losses caused.. 2/
May 10, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
EXC - FOI figures obtained by #Newsnight show over 300 outstanding crown court cases been waiting 4 yrs or more for a conclusion as of Sept last yr. Data for cases in Eng & Wales reveals most up to date figures on long delays facing victims & defendants. 173 cases remain .. 1/6 stuck in system after 6 yrs. @TheCriminalBar calls it “crisis”. Says more barristers needed to deal with backlog. Analysis of MoJ data shows 118 sexual offence cases adjourned on the day cos no barristers available btw Oct & Dec 2022 - 10 fold increase over same time in 2021. 2/6
Nov 7, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Business Sec Grants Shapps says more UK can work with partners ie the French to stop ppl crossing Channel in first place, the better. Says French stopped 29,000 ppl leaving their shores this yr - says increasing that number will relieve pressure on UK shores #r4today When asked by @MishalHusain why there was no returns agreements with EU, he said Europe had own red lines during Brexit agreement - says presume wasn’t possible but there are deals with Albania for example
Jan 26, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
This is what FCO whistleblower told @BBCNewsnight - that PM had personally authorised evacuation of animals from #Afghanistan Our whistleblower told us an info note submission from crisis centre in London to Dominic Raab dated 26 August included line "in light of the PM's decision earlier today to evacuate the staff of the Nowzad animal charity", again conveying he was at heart of that decision