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Crypto/Blockchain is a field of tech as revolutionary as the internet, but #Bitcoin is still fiat & crypto still stuck in first-generation #fluffcoin garbage
May 22, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
(1 of 13) #silversqueeze chess being played by China et. al., while the West dumbly playing checkers

SHFE/SGE #silver trading at $3-5 USD/oz. premium over Western markets, this is intentional and won't be simply arbed out

Here's a quick thread on the exploit: (2 of 13) By allowing & supporting #silver prices $3, $4, even $5/oz higher in Chinese markets, creates an arbitrage opportunity: traders will buy silver on Western markets, to sell into Chinese markets. This type of arb trade usually balances out global prices
Jan 21, 2023 25 tweets 7 min read
(1 of 25) Thread: CBDC rollout will blast #gold & #silver into once-in-a-generation "moonshot" (e.g. $250/oz++ silver in today's purchasing power). #silversqueeze is great, but is a stratospheric trajectory; CBDCs result in a lunar orbit (only if positioned properly), here's why: (2 of 25) I'm not saying #gold & #silver can't (or won't) shine BEFORE dUSD (digital/CBDC US Dollars) arrive, NOR that anyone should wait to get their hands on physical metals. And I'm also talking about REAL, physical metals here, not that rehypothecated paper stuff. On we go:
Aug 14, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
(1 of 6) Quick #silversqueeze thread on MONUMENTAL SHIFTS quietly unfolding now

The 4 largest paper #silver traders by net position (bullion banks) saw their shorts CRATER from 31.8% of open interest, down to 22.3%

This is the largest weekly drop EVER (by far)

continued >> (2 of 6) For context, the green area is the size of the move which occurred this past week. Shifts of this scale have happened a few times before, but they have ALWAYS taken 6-12+ weeks to unfold

This vaporization of bullion bank shorts happened in 5 trading days

continued >>
May 31, 2021 16 tweets 7 min read
(1) #silversqueeze is draining the physical silver market, & past several months have seen a relentless upward trend reflected in paper #silver prices, as the system begins deleveraging. Here is a thread on the monthly cycles observed since this began & what it may mean for June. (2) We begin w/the hourly chart, starting from end of MAR, after banks cleaned up all the crazy WSB YOLO bets and took their money. The systemic silver shortages from #silversqueeze had now started seeping into every corner of the physical market, the paper deleveraging had begun
Mar 24, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
(1) Think of the @PerthMint unallocated #silversqueeze crisis like this:

Perth Mint leases (borrows) the titles of classic cars stored in other people's private, secured garages. The mint has no access to the cars themselves, only borrowing the titles. (2) Perth Mint then gets unsecured loans from plebeians for those leased titles, telling clients they are investing in a pool of classic cars, & those loans are "backed" by classic cars stored at the mint's garages. Clients can even be repaid by taking delivery on a classic car.