Nirupama Subramanian Profile picture
Journalist. ElectionBeat podcast Gone fishing @AwaazSouthAsia . Earlier @ The Indian Express, The Hindu.
Nov 29, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Read the full text of the US court's indictment @awaazsouthasia… Two main actors in the indictment - accused (defendant) Nikhil Gupta and man identified as CC 1, who identifies himself as an Indian government official, formerly with CRPF, &at time of this alleged plot, “senior field officer” with responsibilities in “security mgt” & “Intel” .
Apr 10, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Friends, I’ve been reporting from 🇱🇰 over the last 2 days for @IndianExpress The anger I’ve seen and heard in this time is a massive explosion against the failures of the government to make it better for the people after a 3-decade civil war ended in 2009. Here are the links to a couple of my reports:…
Oct 28, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Let us understand it for what it is. The celebration of Pakistan’s cricket victory by Kashmiris was an eruption of 2+ years of pent up anger/resentment against GoI &the unilateralism of all its decisions on J&K, a mass protest, an expression of the alienation. #kashmir #cricket It’s an indicator of all that’s wrong with govt’s policy on #Kashmir. Arresting Kashmiri youth, booking them for terrorism for supporting Pak in a #cricket match is not just absurd, it’s not going to make “good” Indians of Kashmiris. It will make them hate us more.
Sep 3, 2019 26 tweets 5 min read
Long overdue, long thread from #Kashmir from my visit to the Valley from Aug 20-25.

It's surprising how many people believe India's Kashmir problem is solved.The reality on the ground is entirely different, & once the fog of celebration clears,the challenges may become apparent. For one, India has no friends left in Kashmir. Even those who called themselves “moderates”, those who pushed India's case in the Valley, are angered so much that they say they have to rethink everything they stood for.
Aug 7, 2018 9 tweets 1 min read
Can’t help remember today #Karunanidhi publicly applauded LTTE for fighting back Indian Army (IPKF) in SL >> He refused to attend a ceremony to welcome back Indian soldiers who landed in Madras as IPKF withdrew from SL in 1990