I left. Because this is a Nazi bar run by a fascist. https://t.co/KcGkytlO81 on Mastodon
Jul 1, 2022 8 tweets 1 min read
Die Ausschreibung für die Nationale Bildungsplattform (wir erinnern uns: Insgesamt 630 Mio EUR sollen da ausgegeben werden) ist raus.

Und es ist sehr LOL. (Die Leistungsbeschreibung sind 27 Seiten, in denen vor allem Vorgehensblabla [mit SCRUM natürlich!] steht. Also es gibt quasi nichts belastbares bisher. Developmentmethode Fuck Around And Find Out.
Apr 28, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
The Bitcoin/Crypto crowd has shifted narratives a few times. The current trend is to claim to want to support poor people in the global south or in areas in crisis ("banking the unbanked" etc). This narrative is based on really shoddy arguments and data. They keep pointing to El Salvador who made it legal tender. Yesterday again crypto people argued that this was important so El Salvadorians can protect their assets against inflation. What's the other legal tender in El Salvador? The fucking US Dollar.
Mar 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Good. And to those complaining about this decision:
There is no neutral search engine, they all have opinions and biases. DuckDuckGo made this one transparent. That's about as good as it gets. You can disagree with the decision (I don't) but the fact that they decide is fine. Seriously. No Algorithm working within social contexts is ever "neutral", that is just a flawed goal. Algorithms are designed and implemented and configured based on the goals of the people running them. A system that claims "neutrality" often just hides their politics.
Mar 9, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Der Bundestag hat ja diverse wissenschaftliche Unterstützungsorganisationen, die den Abgeordneten zentrale Informationen möglichst objektiv und knapp zusammenstellen sollen.

@annalist zeigte mir heute das Paperdes Büros für Technikfolgenabschätzung zu NFTs.

Holy fuck. @annalist Das Paper kann man hier bekommen, ist öffentlich: publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/1000143464

Nicht nur werden schon in den ersten zwei Absätzen sachlich falsche Informationen bereitgestellt. Denn natürlich können NFTs gar nichts über Off-Chain Dinge garantieren (Orakel Problem)
Feb 15, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
#Blockchain as tech, #cryptocurrencies as assets and #web3 as a sociotechnical movement are three distinct things. One could like blockchains but not crypto or could like blockchains and crypto but not web3. There are clear relationships though of course: web3 needs crypto and in most concepts blockchains (or closely related technologies that might have slightly different structures and affordances).
Feb 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
"But blockchain is still young, use cases will come, it's normal"

Blockchain is about as old as the iPhone. Are smart phones still looking for a use case? Same for video-capable SLRs, flash-based storage or the Tesla roadster. All these things are Bitcoin's age. With software the whole approach gets even more ridiculous: "React" which massively changed how people build web apps was released in 2013. Websockets, the de facto standard to build live-ish web apps is - like Bitcoin - from 2008.
Jan 25, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
It's too simplistic to keep thinking and laughing about NFTs as ugly images. That's just the current scam.

What the Web3 crowd wants is way more insidious: They want to turn everything into tradable assets. Because capitalism needs new lands to accumulate. Capitalism is always about imperialism. It's about finding new spaces and cutting them up, taking them and selling them. And NFTs are exactly that: An attempt to colonize the digital.
Jan 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
There is a lot of talk about ethical investing. Of not putting money into oil companies, weapons manufacturers or speculate on resources. And that's important.

But if you care about the Internet, don't support organizations that want to destroy it with "NFTs" and crypto. People can cloak what they are doing in grand narratives of freedom, decentralization and whatnot. People pretend "Web3" was more than investment scams to be able to accept money from the people who run the scams and need more marks.
Oct 5, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I'm not saying that machine learning and PoW blockchains are the same. Not at all (machine learning systems are actually useful) but from an energy consumption/pollution perspective they are fucking closely related. Many people have no idea what ungodly amounts of energy is used and CO2 produced to train image processing tools or language models. Yes, the application is cheap but the training is catastrophic.
Jun 21, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Diese GovDigital Spacken wollen jetzt ernsthaft Zeugnisse in Blockchains packen.

Und nur weil in Deutschland die Behörden bei der Digitalisierung komplett gepennt haben, widerspricht solchen Plänen niemand schon in der Frühphase.

t3n.de/news/digitales… Es ist wieder so eine Pseudolösung: Man sucht händeringend, irgendwas Relevantes, was man in Blockchains stopfen kann, damit man danach behaupten kann, Blockchains wären nützlich. Die Bildungsministerien spielen da jetzt den Useful Idiot.
Jun 18, 2021 14 tweets 2 min read
Blockchain dudes are annoying as hell in general but what's probably more irritating is how they claim to be great technologists building the future while absolutely not understanding on a fundamental level how engineering works. Short thread. Engineering (in contrast to hacking or prototyping) is defined by a certain kind of process. If you don't align yourself with the process it's something else. Maybe creative coding or research but not engineering.
Jun 18, 2021 9 tweets 1 min read
Höre einer Studienpräsentation zur Zukunft der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft zu und das Buzzword Bingo ist schwindelerregend. "Wenn dann durch Quantencomputer KIs besser werden..."

Das hat nicht miteinander zu tun. Quantencomputer haben Einsatzszenarien in sehr engen Rahmen. Das sind nicht einfach "viel schnellere Computer".
Apr 15, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Ich bin auf dem Land großgeworden. Menschen das als Lösung für hohe Mieten in Städten vorzuschlagen grenzt an Gewalt. Wers mag, kanns ja machen. Aber Städte als Technologie sind halt, wo Menschen ihr Zeug haben. Infrastruktur, Kultur, etc.

Klar kann man ebenso wie die Servicekräfte auch Menschen, die from home arbeiten können aufs Land schicken, aber was für ein Gesellschaftsverständnis is das?
Apr 14, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Oh, the leaked EU "AI" regulation is already starting out interesting.

(As with privacy/data protection the idea of regulating "manipulating behavior" is super problematic and a bad approach.) This is basically all "AI" systems operated by someone in business. That is Amazon's product recommendation.
Apr 13, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Die Stadt Weimar hat ihre Bewertung der #LucaApp abgeschlossen. Als ich das hier las, musste ich sehr lachen. Die wollen Millionen haben, haben aber weder Support noch sinnvolle Prozesse (Ticketsystem).

stadt.weimar.de/fileadmin/reda… Jedes rumpelige Open Source Projekt ist da professioneller aufgestellt. Und die CWA war ja vor allem so teuer, eben weil Telefonsupport in mehreren Sprachen angeboten wurde.
Mar 15, 2021 14 tweets 2 min read
Germany basically shifted to a "herd immunity" (just let the fuckers die) strategy because planning for vaccinations in the months before the delivery was kinda annoying and people were busy with election campaigns or holidays. I know that some people still think that Germany kinda knows what they are doing with the pandemic but that's totally untrue. There's no strategy, the policy is basically written by tabloids and in spite of numbers jumping up, we decided to open shit up. Now.
Mar 14, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Ich möchte noch mal auf diese Recherche von @evawolfangel zu @_lucaApp hinweisen
Dabei ist - neben den toll herausgearbeiteten Problemen der @_lucaApp - wichtig, das Auftreten der Protagonisten (alles Dudes) wie es sich auch in den Replies zu @evawolfangel zeigt mit in den Blick zu nehmen.
Jan 30, 2021 20 tweets 3 min read
(Usually this is kind of a very distanced, pseudo-intellectual blabla channel, but this is slightly different. Just ignore it if you are here for the blabla) With a new year often come resolutions. And I do have those. Like, I want to write more on my blog for example. There's a lot of work stuff that I want to do. I plan to run the Berlin marathon again, etc. etc. Boring stuff.
Jan 28, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The academic job market is a train wreck and the conditions are bad still I have a pet peeve with academics: You put out a thought here and the first thing you get is "yeah X, Y and Z wrote about that in $paywalledPublication/paper in a journal that 5 people on this planet read".
Jan 28, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
So. We hear a lot about bias these days, especially about bias in "AI". But while bias in "AI" systems is real and a problem, the narrative hides a bigger issue and masks it as something to find technical fixes for. "AI" is it is understood today is basically a form of bureaucracy. Let me explain.
Jan 26, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Die Datenstrategie der Bundesregierung ist nicht veröffentlicht, aber auf einer iOS- und invite-only Plattform können einige Menschen sich die Aussagen der Bundesregierung dazu anhören.

Das sagt mehr über die Datenstrategie als ihnen lieb sein kann. Mein Gott ey. Muss man denn jedem albernen Hype hinterherrennen? Ja FOMO und Marketing ist so, aber kann man da als Minister bzw. Staatsministerin nicht mal diese pubertäre Haltung überwinden?