TheWOCproject Profile picture
The Women+ of Color project provides an open platform for women of color (WOC) to communicate how to apply to and thrive through grad school.
Oct 11, 2020 26 tweets 5 min read
To kick off the second day of the Grad School 101 Workshop we welcome back Steven B. Torrisi and Lauren Niu!

#wocproject2020 #graduateschool Talking about research is a different skill set from doing your research!

Communication is universally transferable!
-conference talks, papers, twitter threads, etc.
Oct 10, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
We welcome Celia Eliot who will talk about Fellowships!

#wocproject #womenofcolorproject #graduateschool #womeninstem Check with your own instutions about resources and lists about fellowships available to their own students.
UIUC offers a website with information sorted by eligibility, citizenship, etc.…
Oct 10, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
We welcome Osase Omoruyi who will be talking about Recommendation Letters!

#graduateschool #recommendationletters #wocproject What do graduate schools look for in a letter of recommendation (LOR)?
1. Rank you compared to your peers
2. Give applicants who are weak in certain areas another chance
3. Account for extranenous situations
Oct 10, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read
Now Lauren Niu, Steven B. Torrisi and @AlxndriaTH3Gr8 will talk about writing a statement of purpose! #wocp #thewocproject2020 #graduateschool #womeninstem What is a statement of purpose (SOP)?? The SOP for graduate school is a more specialized and focused document, it is NOT like the college essay! It is a statement of:
-Research experience
-research interests
-how you fit into the program
#research #gradschool #sop #womeninstem
Oct 10, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
We welcome Dr. Jacob Barandes, Co-Director of Graduate Students at Harvard University! He will be talking about Demistifying the Graduate Admissions Process! #thewocproject #wocp #stem #womeninstem #graduateschool Science PhD Programs don't charge tuition, but rather students get paid!! This is a big thing that most students may not know about. #salary #gradstudentsgetpaid