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#Somaliland | Africa's #55thState
Jul 14 14 tweets 8 min read
Little Djibouti 🚨

Little Djibouti's long-term hostility towards Somaliland and Ismail Omar Guelleh's enduring fear of Isaaq is deeply rooted in history.

Specifically how the Isaaqi SNM ended the "Esayi Dream", destroyed Guelleh's USF and almost had him killed in 1991.

Read below:Image November 1989:

The situation is eerily identical to July 2024. See for yourself:

- Disgruntled Gadabursi diaspora founded the Somali Democratic Alliance (SDA) with Oromo refugees (!) and funding from Somalia.

- The Issa launched United Somali Front (USF) with the support of boon Marehan soldiers of Siad Barre, the USF was headed by Djibouti's second-in-command back then, Ismail Omar Guelleh.

The USF's 500 fighters were trained at a barracks in Djibouti: the Cheikh Osman camp.

- The Darods revived the United Somali Party (USP) of the 1950s, uniting the Warsangeli and Dhulbahante and mobilising them to oppose the Isaaq."

SDA ==> Fake Awdal State
USP ==> Terrorist SSC militia

The remaining constant in this equation being Ismail Omar Guelleh, who was Aptidon's righthand man back then and little Djibouti's dictator today.

Whats taking shape in the Horn is nothing new. The same forces conspiring against Somaliland and Isaaq in 1989 are making near identical moves in 2024.Image
Mar 7 9 tweets 4 min read
Somaliland's government continues to suffer debilitating institutional amnesia.

How can you make any progress when you're doomed to repeat the same fucking mistakes every few years.

A short historical walkthrough, please read. FIVE YEARS AGO, in July of 2019, faqash propagandist @AnalystSomalia made a post advertising a workshop he was personally delivering, in Hargeisa Somaliland!

Feb 21 8 tweets 4 min read
Somalia has just given away 30% of its entire marine resources to Turkey. This includes fisheries, offshore-oil and gas and deep sea mining rights.

They've done this in exchange for protection from illegal fishing!

This is the robbery of the century.

Lets unpack this: 1. Somalians are attempting to insinuate that the deal will act as a bulwark against the Somaliland - Ethiopia MoU. This is nonsense.

Somalia's leader Hassan Sheikh is very precise in his address that the agreement is to target illegal fishing and dumping of waste within Somalian waters.
Dec 27, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read

The United States is coming to Berbera, Somaliland.

The maritime base at Berbera is near completion.

Tomorrow's meeting in Djibouti between Pres. Muse Bihi and Somalia's Hassan Sheikh is most likely about Berbera, no other issue commands such urgency. Image 1. Timeline of Berbera maritime base construction.

Although the work has been ongoing for years now, all construction was paused for some time before being resumed in May of 2022.

What happened in May 2022?
Sep 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Every Somalilander must see this.

Classified internal UN documents from 1994 show the level of contempt these institutions and INGOs have for Somaliland.

Pandering to them is the biggest mistake we ever made as a nation. Image Note how they wouldn't even name SL and would refer to the "Administration" in this 1994 doc.

The language cant get any more explicit. Reads almost like a film villain's monologue:

"They need us more than they want us out"

"necessary evil"

"as long as we continue to pay..." Image
May 28, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
Somaliland will not exist in 10 years.

A radical shift is a needed. We need to go back the spirit of 1991.

Please read. Image In the first 10 years of Somaliland's existence, we were a nation that was utterly devastated by genocide and subsequent liberation war.

But the story of Somaliland; what we stood for, what we believed in, was crystal clear.

Somehow this is not the case today. A quick example: Image
May 11, 2023 35 tweets 14 min read
Faqash are trying to cause confusion about the illustrious history of of Isaaq and their participation in the Adal wars using a poorly scribed manuscript copy of Futuh Al Habasha.

Only problem is, their manuscript actually STRENGTHENS the Isaaq case.

Read on. ImageImage The silly claim is entirely based on basic scribing errors found in the 1779 copy.

This thread will debunk it and show:

1. The 1779 copy is objectively inferior in detail, quality of language used, and most importantly in documenting Somali clan names than the 1812 copy.. AND
Mar 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Recently released voter registration data of Majeerteenia region of Somalia (Puntland) prove what we've been saying for years.

Total Puntland region voters = 401,120*

Total Maroodijeex region voters = 400, 379

Puntland region's claimed population is equivalent to a single…… ImageImage But thats not the full story.

Majeerteenia added voters from Sanaag (Somaliland Republic) and Mudug (Galmudug) to inflate their numbers.

If you remove both, and only count Majeerteenia regions (Bari + Nugaal):

Total Puntland region = 264,910
Togdheer = 205,591 ImageImage
Mar 16, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
The Dhulbahante Minister of Misinformation @HoehneVirgil's dishonesty truly knows no bounds.

Claiming that Isaaq subdued Dhulbahante due to British weapons is a lie for which you have zero evidence.

Lets expose it one last time. The narrative presented about how Dhulbahante lost Caynabo rests on two massive lies:

1. The Brits armed HJ, &
2. Dhulbahante were defeated in the 1920s due to being weakened as a result of the defeat of dervish terrorists.

Here is Hoehne pushing this lie in his little thesis:
Feb 27, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
Landers jumping to the defence of Dahabshiil should stop and learn about this company's disgraceful history of supporting our enemies.

Below are some shocking facts regarding Dahabshiil's involvement with Somalia that blur the lines between business and treason, read below... ImageImage Did you know that Dahabshiil bankrolled the government of Somalia during the TFG era?

According to leaked cables from the US Nairobi office, Dahabshiil was the TFG's biggest source of liquidity, which resulted in exclusive use of Dahabshiil by Somalia's government. Image
Jan 2, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
2 January

27 years today, Somali Republic's clannist, coward, kafir dictator, who rejected the Quran, killed sheikhs, committed a genocide and destroyed his country, died like a cockroach in a Nigerian toilet.

But how did Afweyne end up dying in a toilet in Nigeria? 🤔 The last days of Afweyne's life were hellish.

His own Marehan clan, the people to benefit most from his era of corruption "Booli Qaran", distanced themselves from him after they looted Muqdisho (his words).

Italy, Egypt & UAE rejected Afweyne's asylum application.
Dec 4, 2021 35 tweets 10 min read
A collection of my threads and tweets on #Somaliland and #Somalia, covering history, politics, genocide and the Somali civil war.

If you like them please share with family and friends.

(Bonus faqash exposés at the bottom😀) Starting with Kacaan Myth, an objective look at the irreparable damage caused to the fabric of Somali society by Afweyne's Kacaan.

Dec 27, 2020 33 tweets 23 min read
27 Dec.

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the passing of the creator of the Latin Somali Alphabet, Muse Haji Ismail Galal.

A thread on his extraordinary life, from a nomad in Cayn, to visiting China in search for suitable alphabet for the Somali language.
#Somaliland #Somalia Image Muse Galaal was born circa 1920 in Cayn, #Somaliland to a nomadic family. He was a writer, poet, scholar, linguist, historian and polymath.

He was an expert in traditional Somali science with keen interest in Somali astrological, meteorological and calendrical systems.
#Somalia Image
Oct 22, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
#Somaliland, please boycott #SomaliWeek2020.

This event is run by @HannaAli, a bigot who showed nothing but hate and disdain for our country and our icons.

- She attacked @Mo_Farah for wearing the SL flag
- She attacked Mohamed BK for the same reason

Her tweets saved below 👇🏾 #Somaliland, as soon as @HannaAli was exposed she quickly deleted her tweets to cover her tracks, but luckily, saved a copy:

Oct 21, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Its 21 October.

One of the darkest epochs in the history of Somali speaking people began on this day.

Lets take this opportunity to look back at the damage to the Somali way of life caused by faqash and their kacaan.

#Somaliland #Somalia #Djibouti Image #Economically:

The Kacaan's economic performance was abysmal, records show it lagged behind sub-saharan Africa for its entire reign.

In theory, the Somali Republic's economy should have performed A LOT better, after all, it was the largest aid recipient in Africa!

It didnt. Image
Oct 17, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
October 17th. SNM Martyrs Day 🚨

SNM is, without a doubt, the single most successful movement in the history of the Horn of Africa.

We owe our very lives to these incredible martyrs.

#Somaliland, Lets remember them today by sharing incredible tales of their bravery. Image On 18 July, the SNM seized a fishing trawler illegally fishing in #Somaliland waters. The ship belonged to the Soviet Union, then a supreme int. superpower.

The USSR had to make a payment to SNM of $250,000 for illegal fishing, only then were ship & crew returned.

Incredible! ImageImage
Oct 1, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
The question of who is majority in Sanaag is very easy to answer.

All records point to Sanaag being an Isaaq region.

Unlike emotional Farastinis (🎠) who make claims with zero evidence, lets look at every single election in the history of Sanaag prior to SL. 👇🏾
#Somaliland In #Somaliland's 1960 parliamentary elections, Sanaag MPs were voted in as follows:

- Michael Mariano (HJ)
- Sh. Axmed Maxamuud Dalmar (HY)
- Maxamed Cali Faarax (HJ)

- Maxamuud Axmed Saalax (WR)
- Cabdilaahi Qablan Axmed (WR)

Zero Farastini (🎠) MPs 😁
Sep 23, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Sometimes I wonder, do Farastinis (🐎) have any history to be proud of?

Literally every single photograph they share of terrorist outfit known as Dervish (proto AlShabab) is FAKE.

Case in point, photo they claim to be of Ismaaciil Mire, is actually of an ERITREAN clan chief! 😂 1- Go to Google.

2- Search for (bogos clan chief Eritrea 1936)

3- The first hit is the portrait of a Bilen clan chief taken in Eritrea by an Italian photographer in 1936.

Farastini simps (🐎) flipped the photo thinking this will make it harder to reverse image search 😂 Image
Jul 18, 2020 12 tweets 13 min read
Is @portsmouthuni aware their staff Mohammed Ibrahim Shire @Warsame101 runs a site dedicated to the whitewashing of Siad Barre, the fascist mass-murderer Somali dictator responsible for genocide of +200,000 Somalis?
#Somaliland #Somalia #BlackLivesMatter Not only does @portsmouthuni staff @warsame101 run a site dedicated to mass-murdering facist Barre, he also wrote a book in praise of his legacy!!

This is equivalent to simultaneously running a site dedicated to Adolf Hitler whilst also publishing a rose-tinted biography of him.
Apr 29, 2020 22 tweets 10 min read
There is a lot of falsehoods and ignorance peddled around Somali participation in the Adal wars according to Futuh Al Habash.

Many faqash attempt to weaponise history.

This is partly due to malice + ignorance + bad translation.

The answer is to read the oldest Arabic copy 👇🏾 1. Yabare name mentioned in Futuh had nothing to do with Darod. Yabare was a nickname of Isaaq Habar Magaadle.

The Arabic source is incredibly explicit:

"The Yabare are Habar Magaadle".

"واليَبَرّي هم هبر مَچادلي" Image
Jul 12, 2019 12 tweets 8 min read
#Thread 👇

#Puntland region of Somalia is the only entity that demands establishment of clan borders in the Horn of Africa.

#Somaliland, #Ethiopia, #Djibouti and even #Somalia reject ethnic borders, so why does PL insist?

The answer lies in #Puntland's demographic problem. It appears that in the absence of reliable census data post the Somali civil war, #Puntland has managed to successfully inflate their population figures in published estimates by various orgs.

In reality, this region has always been the most sparsely inhabited area in the horn..