Jelle's Caravan of Thought 🚌 Profile picture
Embodiment | Autism | Phenomenology| Comics | TeamHuman |UTwente | @designyourlives | Want to connect? Send me an email please!
Jul 11, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
#HugoDeJonge redt zijn vege lijf in een kamerdebat door bij #Gommers via Whatsapp los te peuteren dat er 1600 IC bedden zullen zijn. Wat Gommers niet wist en waar hij geen invloed op had. Tijdens een #pandemie. Letterlijk spelen met levens. #COVID__19 @volkskrant
Mar 2, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Many autistic people are highly sensitive to sound. This leads to all sorts of problems in daily life...

...well... not always....

True story, with a fab ending, told by my father in law:

My wife's brother lives in a sheltered home together with several men and women. Most are autistic. One week ago, they were all sitting in the community area together with a care person after dinner. /2
Jan 17, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Before I dive into a twitterless weekend, this was one thing still on my mind. I am struggling with the concept of moral agency. On the one hand it refers to us: we are moral agents. On the other hand it seems to mean simply 'anything that is a moral factor at play' /1

@Abebab For designers this is relevant. The famous bridge in the US city I forget (NY?) where buses from poor neighborhoods cannot pass so these buses never reach the rich parts of town, has strong moral agency in the second sense. But to say it is 'a moral agent', means we are using /2
Sep 5, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
As soon as we say AI’s, as ‘agents’, have a moral responsibility, the risk is that people who actually have it (financers, politicians, designers, engineers, users) feel excused from it. we should be really clear on what we mean by technology having moral agency. It is clear that technology has moral *influence*. Having a gun in hand makes you see things as shootable: this is basic affirdance theory /1
Aug 26, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
What we call 'cognition' only exists within a warm bath of background context, culture, local setting, ongoing bodily activity and the structure in the environment, including the various technologies available. /1 Once we define computational models of a certain cognitive capacity, these models cover / represent both any intrinsic human capacity (the type of contributing factors we usually associate with the workings of the brain) *and* the contribution of the warm bath. /2
Jun 6, 2018 15 tweets 3 min read
#dailyquote #embodiment #interaction


Today a famous quote from Lucy Suchman, and also some later reflection of herself on this passage from her book "Plans and Situated Actions" (1987).

It deals with the concept of (mental) plans for action.

The quote goes like this: "the efficiency of plans as representations comes precisely
from the fact that they do not represent those practices and circumstances
in all of their concrete detail.