Thread Reader App Profile picture
I'm a 🤖 to help you read threads more easily. Reply to any tweet of a thread and mention me with the "unroll" keyword and I'll give you a link back 😀
8914 subscribers
Jul 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Most twitter threads are kinda ephemeral, you read and forget. But the ones we ❤️stick around and leave us thinking, feeling and dreaming more. Here are 3 unrolls that I'm still thinking of after reading them more than a week ago With Oppenheimer at the movies, it's a good time to learn about how *constructive* nuclear fusion can be, and @Andercot gives us a wonderful primer…
Apr 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Good news! Unroll (web method) is now up and running! We're currently testing out with our Premium users first, but it will be available for everyone soon. If you're a Premium member, log in and click on the Unroll Thread button on your account page to try it out.…
Mar 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Impt heads up: Twitter just announced basically the end of free Twitter API service for us. We are of course way above their new very restricted limits.… We are apply for "enterprise access" but if rumors are true that they are charging $42,000/month (and up!), that is of course *far* beyond our reach. Yesterday, Twitter stated we have till April 29 before new rules kick in. Will keep y'all updated!
Dec 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
It seems like Twitter shadow banned us as our account @threadreaderapp doesn't appear on search and our replies are hidden :( If you see this tweet, please let your friends know that we are still alive and we can still unroll threads!
Jan 27, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
New feature for our premium members! When new unrolls are available from your favorite authors, we will send you the thread right to you email inbox! So, instead of just getting a notification that new unrolls are available from your favorite authors with a link to our site, you can read the whole thread right there from your email 😊
Jul 16, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
New feature for members: Sort your unrolled threads with hashtags and find your favorite threads easier! 1) Simply put any hashtag at the time you unroll a thread (can be multiple!) Image
May 6, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Here are some nice #Scrolly threads we'd like to share with you!

1) Best Taverns and Beer in Madrid by @natalia_velilla (thank you @paco229 for sharing!)… 2) We found many great #Scrolly threads by @friendschurches introducing historical churches in England and Wales:…
Apr 6, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
Here are more examples of beautiful #Scrolly we recently found!

1) Cherry blossom viewing festival by @AlexPler_… 2) Fascinating repair of an old calculator by @Foone…
Apr 5, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
OK, we realize that asking you to hunt for Scrolly Tales without the right tool is a big ask. So we’ve come up with It’s a list of recently unrolled threads that we think may look great as Scrolly Tales. But the “may” here is doing a lot of work, because our 🤖’s guess is nowhere near perfect. So we need you to pick the most Scrolly-worthy Tales
Apr 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Happy Easter! To celebrate, we are having an Easter Egg Hunt contest!

Find a thread that works great as Scrolly Tale and win one year of free Premium Membership with Thread Reader App! To recap what Scrolly Tales is about, please read the thread below:
Apr 1, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
Big announcement! We just released a new feature on our site called "A Scrolly Tale" that lets you experience Twitter threads in a more visually immersive way! So what exactly are Scrolly Tales? The easiest way to find out more about it is to experience it in action! Here are some of the gems we found:
Mar 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
New feature for Premium members - send PDFs to your friends for free!

So, we sometimes run into conversations like:

🧑‍🦱"Does anybody have this great thread in PDF?"
🧑‍🦰"Yes, I'm a Premium member on Thread Reader App so I can send it to you!" We like Premium members sharing PDFs with their friends!

But sharing big PDF files can be a hassle sometimes, right? Now you can send a link of the PDF to your friends by email directly from our site!
Feb 10, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
When your thread is ready, we reply you with a link with an image that summerizes the thread. This image is called Open Graph og:image and we are constantly trying to improve it so it looks interesting when shared on Twitter, Facebook, Slack, etc. We've revised images for threads many times in the past and we just released another version (which some may have noticed already!)

We made the font a little bigger and added a quote line. Here's how our og:image has evolved over the years! Image
Jul 8, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
We just rolled out a brand new feature to automatically save your new PDF archives to Google Drive or Dropbox! You can now read your threads all stored nicely in your Google Drive or Dropbox folder, anytime! Setting it up is super easy! Just connect our app with Google Drive and/or Dropbox on our website's "My Archives" page. After that, all the new PDF you create will automatically be uploaded to your folder!…
Jun 26, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
We have new features on our site for authors who love writing Twitter threads!

1) Get PDF archives of all your own threads
2) Publish your threads to blog using Micropub

We are providing these for free to help authors spread their work! 1) Get PDF archives of all your own threads

In order to archive your own threads, please create a free account with us from the link below using Twitter login so we know which threads you authored.
Apr 30, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Here's a fun feature we added on our site!

When people request us to unroll a thread, we reply with a link to the unroll. When you "like ♥️" that reply, that thread will be automatically added on "My Threads" on our website! How does it work? First, create a FREE account with us (no need to sign up for Premium membership) and make sure you login using Twitter (or else we don't know if you liked something on Twitter!)
Apr 7, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
We now support Arabic, French and Japanese unroll requests! Instead of the word "unroll" use the following!

In Arabic, use the word "تنسيق"

In French, use the word "déroule"

In Japanese, use the word "まとめ” We really like the word "unroll" as we think it's quite catchy (right?!) but we always wanted to support other languages to make it more relatable and easier for non-English speakers too!
Jan 27, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Did you know that you can "Retweet with a Comment" to unroll threads? This method could prevent redundant unroll replies and can be actually a better way to share fantastic threads right away with your followers. Instead of clicking on the 🗨️Reply button, click on the ♻️Retweet button from any tweet of the thread.
Jun 15, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Looks like even though Twitter apologized for erroneously suspending us and restored our account, that suspension led to an automatic marking of our domain threadreaderapp dot com as spammy. This prevents us from tweeting the link to the unrolled request! Hoping to get Twitter to fix this, but as you know Twitter is very hard to communicate *to*! Please let us know if you have ideas how we can attract @TwitterSupport 's attention
Jan 9, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
Several users have requested we prevent redundant unrolls for popular threads e.g. We want to help solve this! But a big problem is Twitter shows different replies in different order for different users! Here is an example of how the replies looked different on two different accounts on the same thread!
Jun 24, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Today let's take some time to learn more how to use Thread Reader.
I've made a series of video tutorials for you.
Starting with the basics: How to unroll a Thread
Second important part of Thread Reader:
Login into your personalized account