Looking for Scrolly Tales? Check out these recent candidates

Apr 26
En esta nota de +NACIÓN el Secretario de Educación Carlos Torrendell afirma sobre el Presupuesto de las Universidades Nacionales 2023:
“Fernández recortó 120%
¿Es correcto?
Creo que queda claro, me parece.”
No se si queda claro, pero está MAL. Va🧵

En esta tabla se muestra el Presupuesto Inicial, el Vigente al 31/12 y el Devengado transferido a las Universidades Nacionales. Los recuadros en verde indican cuando hubo presupuesto prorrogado: en 2022 el congreso no lo aprobó, en 2024 el gobierno de Milei no lo envió. Image
Si se comparan los presupuestos vigentes entre años consecutivos se obtiene cuánto aumentó el gasto entre esos años.
Cuando hay presupuestos prorrogados e inflación lo que aumenta el presupuesto inicial y el de cierre es muy diferente. Image
Read 13 tweets
Apr 26
Jungkook fans talking about the frauds but let's see:

“How Seven’s streams are Bots, Payola and Frauds”

A thread…🧵🧵
Read 13 tweets
Apr 26
Creé esta Influencer con IA en 2 minutos

Así es cómo lo hice: Image
Seguro que ya conoces @rendernet_ai

- Imágenes de IA con control inigualable

- Genera imágenes, tal como quieras. Dominio del rostro y perfección de la postura en segundos.

Pruébalo ahora: rendernet.ai/?via=miguel
@rendernet_ai Empezar es fácil:

1. Ir a
2. Crea una cuenta gratis rendernet.ai/?via=miguel
Read 7 tweets
Apr 26
Stop creating resumes yourself!

AI can create your resume in seconds.

Here are the Top 10 resume and CV builders that exist (all FREE):

{ Thread 🧵 } Image
1. Resume Trick

Create your perfect resume for free in no time!

🦾 t.ly/resumetrick
2. Teal Resume Builder

Make your resume stand out by quickly customizing it to each application!

🦾 t.ly/tealresume
Read 13 tweets
Apr 26
Digging through old files for data, I ran across this talk, developed in 2005. Yes, I actually gave this talk on several occasions staring in '06. For those who have wondered, yes, I've always been like this--it's congenital, not acquired, dementia with psychotic features. Image
Yes, I began treating osteo orally in 2005, and considered the myth of IV only for osteo busted. Numerous colleagues told me I was insane and practicing below the standard of care medicine. To whit, I cop to the former, but history has vindicated me on the latter.
A lot on IGRA recently. Before the IGRA there was the PPD. It sucks for active dz.

Read 7 tweets
Apr 26
A road might seem like a simple thing...

But it was mastery of road construction that made Rome the most connected—and powerful—empire in the ancient world.

Roman roads were engineering marvels in their own right 🧵 (thread) Image
“All roads lead to Rome” is a saying everyone knows. And there’s a reason for it—Rome developed the most incredible network of interconnected highways in the ancient world.

It’s estimated there were over 50,000 miles (~80000 km) of paved roads throughout the empire. Image
A 4th century surveyor described the extent of the highway system:

“They reach the Wall in Britain; run along the Rhine, the Danube, and the Euphrates; and cover, as with a network, the interior provinces of the Empire.” Image
Read 20 tweets
Apr 26
Sciences - #Hommage

🔸Il a été résistant, champion de boxe, alpiniste, ingénieur... On le connaît comme le père de la volcanologie moderne.

Aujourd'hui nous rendons hommage à Haroun Tazieff.

Un Thread 🧵 Image
🔸Haroun Tazieff est né le 11 mai 1914 à Varsovie 🇵🇱 et nous a quitté le 2 février 1998 à Paris 🇫🇷, il était un homme aux 1000 vies. Aperçu d'une existence bien peu commune... Image
🔸Le jeune Haroun est tout d'abord diplômé ingénieur agronome de la Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux en 1938 puis entre dans la résistance pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

🔸Il est à nouveau diplômé ingénieur géologue de l'Université de Liège en 1944. 📷 Wikipédia
Read 17 tweets
Apr 26
For those who still have any doubt about who was behind the election year riots in the summer of 2020, and who's behind this election year protests on school campuses across the country.

THREAD 🧵 Image
George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests
"[Barack Obama and Hasan Chandoo] were part of our radical revolutionary Marxist-Leninist cohort. They were in our secret club. They were talking about how there was going to be a revolution and how the revolution was inevitable."
Read 15 tweets
Apr 26
Warren Buffett on American Express:

"That was my partnership's best investment"

In 1964, Buffett put $2.8M of his $17.5M fund into AMEX. AMEX grew to a 40% holding, "the largest investment the partnership ever made," and compounded at 50% for four years.

Here's the story…

"Things had never looked rosier at AMEX than they did in mid-November 1963." Traveler's checks. Charge cards. Deposits. Earnings. The stock. Everything was "growing by leaps and bounds." AMEX was a "true growth stock of prime investment quality.

But that was about to change.

On December 2, 1963, the WSJ broke a story about fraud at an AMEX subsidiary. American Express Warehousing, Ltd. issued $82M of receipts against salad oil inventory that "was either missing or had never existed." And this subsidiary had just $100K of net worth to back the claims.

Read 19 tweets
Apr 26
On this day in AD 121, the Philosopher Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, was born.

His diary (never meant for publication) is a reservoir of quotable sayings, preaching resilience and self-control. It's worth reading.

Here's a thread of my favorite lines from his Meditations: 🧵👇 licensed from Adobe Stock
15. Be like the rock against which the waves break.

It stands firm and tames the fury of the waters around it. Waves Breaking on a Rocky Coast by David James, bef. 1904
14. Consider the past.

Empires rose and fell, and they will in the future, too.

So it is with a human’s life. Thomas Cole: The Course of Empire: Destruction
Read 17 tweets
Apr 26
Redistribution of wealth by communists in Bengal
Part-2 Industry

They demanded 50% share of profit from factory owners.
Started GHERAO even led by state labor minister
56000 factory were closed.
They ruined Sonar Bangla.

Dear countrymen, never trust on leftist ideas.
after the agriculture they picked up Bengal's industry.

CPM came to power in Bengal in 1978.
1n 1980, introduced industrial policy and banned any new corporate investment specially by MNC.

like agriculture, they did not stop here.
they started ruining the existing. Image
up to 1970, Bengal's share in industrial production was 20%

number one you can say, because Bombay (24%) was then actually Maharashtra + Gujrat

in 2010 it came down to 4%.

Just after coming into power, CPM'S trade union CITU started fierce and violent trade union movement .
Read 7 tweets
Apr 26
Stop Wasting Time & Tears! 

Here are 9 Tools that can speed up your work

(Bookmark Now):
1. Framedrop AI

Trun Long form content into short viral clips

2. Apob AI

Create your AI Professional Photos within a few minutes. With over 80+ templates to Try

Read 11 tweets
Apr 26
“Laboratorio Palestina”

Come l’industria israeliana delle armi e della sorveglianza di massa testa nei Territori occupati sistemi che vengono utilizzati in tutto il mondo.

Il mio nuovo articolo su #IntelligenceForThePeople

(Link all’articolo in fondo al thread!) Image
Secondo due recenti inchieste israeliane, le forze armate di Tel Aviv hanno fatto ampio ricorso a due sistemi fondati sull’intelligenza artificiale nel corso della loro devastante operazione militare a Gaza.
“The Gospel”, il primo, elabora milioni di dati per identificare a gran velocità edifici ed altre strutture da cui potrebbero operare i miliziani palestinesi, trasformandoli così in bersagli da distruggere.
Read 30 tweets
Apr 26
"During a two-day visit – and accompanied every step of the way by HELLO! – Sarah met Ukrainian refugees as she toured the Tikva orphanage"..
"As the Duchess looked around Tikva's new children's home, school and housing for its alumni orphans, she told us why she identifies with the plight of refugees." 😏
"“I came to the Ukrainian border three times last year with my charity Sarah’s Trust, bringing items of aid."..
Read 12 tweets
Apr 26
Do this for the next 60 days and you'll become unrecognizable by July:

1. Image
2. Image
3. Image
Read 9 tweets
Apr 26
Давно не выкладывала рецепты сюда, а вчера приготовила такой потрясающе вкусный черничный пирог, что было бы кощунственно не рассказать о нём вам💜

Сохраняйте в закладки, чтобы устроить чаепитие в грядущие выходные! Image
Нам понадобится:
• яйца – 2 шт
• кефир – 250 г
• мука – 250 г
• сахар – 150 г
• масло сливочное – 120 г
• разрыхлитель – 10 г
• ванильный сахар – 10 г
• черника замороженная – 250 г Image
Яйца взбиваем с сахаром и ванильным сахаром в пышную белую пену. Теперь добавляем кефир и растопленное масло, тщательно перемешиваем.

Муку вместе с разрыхлителем вводим в два приема, хорошенько перемешивая до однородности.

Дно формы выстилаем пергаментом. У меня форма 20 см.

Read 5 tweets
Apr 26
Podemos ficar anos pesquisando e identificando a lógica familiar e genealógica da classe dominante tradicional de uma região, um "objeto sociológico complexo" e de repente boa parte da classe desfilou e foi atualizada em um ritual, no IV Centenário do Rio de Janeiro, em 1965+
Tudo é política, muitos ficaram contentes com o movimento de 1964 (reacionário e golpista para alguns, a redentora e renovadora para muitos), preservando a dominação histórica da classe. Em uma lista de 2015, quase um censo, do genealogista Cau Barata, visualizamos 10.000 nomes+

Pesquisar e conhecer a classe dominante tradicional é tarefa sociológica, política, histórica e genealógica. Para se construir uma base de dados identificando famílias, trajetórias, ocupações e cargos no Estado em uma região pode demorar anos. Boas listas ajudam ! +

Read 8 tweets
Apr 26
How to make thumbnails that get your content an INSANE amount of clicks:

Here’s a quick breakdown for you:

Step 1: Learn from Jaack Maate's explosive thumbnails Image
Step 1: Learn from Jaack Maate's explosive thumbnails

Jaack Maate uses vibrant colors and expressive facial expressions.

He also include elements like teasing questions boxes..

Here’s why this works…
All of the above tactics spark curiousity in the viewer.

Here’s some quick tips to get more clicks from Jaack Maate:

-Use vibrant colors.

-Add depth with effects:

Use lighting effects, such as simulated explosions, to add depth and make the thumbnail pop.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 26
1/6 The upcoming months are anticipated to be the most challenging for Ukraine since the initial weeks of the invasion. Quick take by @joni_askola Image
2/6 russia is acutely aware that with the approved US aid, Ukraine's imminent mobilization, and the construction of defensive lines, they must make significant advances now, before the situation stabilizes. Image
3/6 Ukraine is confronted with an exceedingly challenging situation in the East, as russia is advancing at a faster pace than before and possesses an increasingly significant manpower advantage. Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 26
They don’t give this to everyone, but…

I got access to the global data for Micromarkets.

Here’s a master list of the best-selling products you need for your vending machines:

(Bookmark This)
Top 5 Selling Items (Sales/Store):

1. Pastries.

2. Gatorade.

3. Bottled Water.

4. Celsius.

5. Sweet Tea. Image
Top 5 Most Common Items (By # of stores carrying):

1. Dr. Pepper.

2. Poptart frosted Strawberry.

3. Mountain Dew.

4. Doritos nacho cheese.

5. Pepsi. Image
Read 8 tweets
Apr 26
Exposed de todos os envolvidos na morte do Carlos de 13 anos que sofria Bullying

Segue o fio 🧵 Image
Eu tinha desistido de dar exposed nesses garotos, ja que a mídia estava noticiando os fatos

Mas desde que um cachorro morreu, ninguém lembra mais do carlos né?

A bola da vez é um cachorro, porque isso é mais importante do que a vida do carlos!

Olha como ele era inocente🥺
Vamos começar, eu procurei o máximo de informações para não cometer qualquer equívoco ou injustiça

Tudo que eu postar a partir de agora, são informações públicas, que já estão na Internet

As fotos e os nomes dos agressores estão completas no próprio perfil do primo do carlos Image
Read 24 tweets
Apr 26

Hoje eu vim falar do animal mais temido entre todos, O pinscher. Image
São pura canalhice, quem tem um pinscher sabe o que eu tô dizendo, esses olhões esbugalhados e seu corpo que pode abrigar todo o ódio do universo, nosso bombo explosivo é originário da Alemanha, isso pode explicar um pouco do apelido anterior. Image
Esse delinquente tem raiva do universo, então ele odeia todo mundo sem exceção e sem distinguir raça , o arrombadinho parte pra cima.

São inteligentes para caralho, mais corajosos que a porra do leão rei da selva, o pinscher é o rei do hospício, doído mas fiel e leal ao seu dono.Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 26
10 Visuals everyone should know

1. How to read an annual Image
2. How to analyze stocks Image
3. Thinking Fast and Slow Image
Read 11 tweets
Apr 26
Vienna, where the melodies of classical music intertwine with the whispers of imperial palaces!

Let’s explore 12 of its cultural treasures: Photo from https://pin.it/1H0D7Uht5
1. St. Stephen's Cathedral

A Gothic masterpiece standing proudly in the city center, symbolizing Vienna's freedom. Photo from https://pin.it/17mTVhQ0N
This iconic structure began its construction in 1137 and has stood as a testament to Vienna's rich heritage ever since. Photo by Wojtek Wilda
Read 20 tweets
Apr 26
In questa foto ho evidenziato la costellazione della Corona Boreale, facilmente visibile nei nostri cieli per gran parte dell'anno. In questa costellazione c'è una stella particolare di cui sentiremo parlare presto, forse prestissimo...
Un thread sulle stelle novae 🧵✨ Image
Parlo di T Coronae Borealis (T CrB), un'anonima stella che normalmente non è visibile a occhio nudo (magnitudine 10.8, mentre sono visibili stelle fino a mag 6: la scala è al contrario!). T CrB fa però parte di una particolare classe di sorgenti chiamate "novae ricorrenti". Image
"Novae" è il termine con cui si indicavano nei secoli passati le stelle che apparivano improvvisamente in cielo e rimanevano visibili per qualche tempo per poi scomparire di nuovo. Queste stelle erano appunto "nuove".
Read 19 tweets
Apr 26
🎛️ Loved animating these isometric api illustrations by @danhollick for the new Raycast site.

They’re all SVG:s animated with CSS, here’s how it works (it’s dead simple) 👇
1️⃣ Import the SVG as a React component and group the paths by each “layer” that should move.
Each layer has two classes for the state: the offset starting position and the ending position that is toggled once the illustration enters the viewport. Image
2️⃣ Each group is then animated with css transitions using transforms and opacity, using transition-delays to orchestrate the animation.
A custom easing curve makes the movement feel natural and snappy.
Any color changes are handled by updating their css variables. Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 26
What Your Acne Means
1. Lips = Greasy food Image
2. Cheeks = Hormones & dirty pillowcases Image
3. Forehead = Sleep deprivation Image
Read 7 tweets
Apr 26
The British trans charity Mermaids was exposed as having put undue pressure on the GIDS pediatric gender clinic. Now @Mermaids_Gender responds to Cass Review: Instead of calling out the misinformation about activists attacking the report, Mermaids complains of misinformation going in the other direction.
Mermaids accuses the 388-page Cass Review of not being written in accessible language or of being clear enough: "We are deeply frustrated with the lack of clarity throughout the report, which has enabled wilful misinterpretation and the spread of harmful misinformation. Clear and accessible language is vital, especially when services are operating in a context where there is significant hostility to and misconceptions about trans people, particularly in the media." mermaidsuk.org.uk/news/mermaids-…Image
Mermaids says of the Cass Review: "As well as this lack of clarity, young people have told us that they are frustrated by the report’s desire to pinpoint a “cause” for trans young people to be open about who they are and are worried that it may be interpreted to limit social transition, particularly in schools."Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 26
L'Univers a ~13,8 milliards d'années. Je me rends bien compte que c'est difficile d'imaginer une histoire aussi longue. Ça vous dit de lire un résumé de tout ça ?
Une brève histoire de l'Univers et de la vie sur Terre en un thread?👇
©WMAP Image
Pour commencer, il faut remonter au Big Bang, concept introduit en 1927 par l’Abbé belge Georges Lemaître, qui propose que l'Univers est en expansion, et devait donc être plus petit dans le passé (pas con hein?) Image
En 1929, Edwin Hubble observe des galaxies au Mt Wilson en Californie. Il se rend compte que les galaxies, ces "univers-iles" contenant des milliards d'étoiles, s'éloignent de nous. Et plus elles sont éloignées, plus elles s'éloignent vite. L'Univers est bien en expansion! Image
Read 24 tweets
Apr 26
The architecture of St. Petersburg pushes the boundaries of artistic extravagance, boldly proclaiming itself as the world's most beautiful city.

Join us for a stroll through the heart of St. Petersburg." 🧵⤵️ Interior of St. Isaac's Cathedral, Saint Petersburg, Russia Credit: @archi_tradition
Winter Palace

Famous for being the former residence of the Russian emperors and a masterpiece of Baroque architecture, the Winter Palace is now part of the Hermitage Museum, one of the world's largest and most prestigious museums, known for its extensive collection of art and antiquities.Beautiful ceiling artwork in the Winter Palace in St Petersburg Credit: @MagicalEurope on X
Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

Known for its dramatic Russian Revival architecture, this church stands on the site where Emperor Alexander II was assassinated. It is renowned for its intricate mosaics, covering over 7500 square meters, and its picturesque multicolored domes.Credit: @Culture_Crit
Read 17 tweets
Apr 26
While everyone squints at the inflation numbers in today's report, the more important takeaway is the sustainability of the income-led expansion.

HH incomes growing at ~6%, spending is growing at the same rate & despite low savings rates, borrowing is subdued and wealth is up. Image
The persistent nominal income growth well above the rate post-GFC and at the high end of the last 35 years is supporting nominal spending which is also elevated.

But with wage comp growing at 5-6% and spending at 5-6%, its a very sustainable expansion. Image
Income-financed spending can be seen in subdued borrowing too. Despite so many dramatic clickbait headlines, household *have never in the post-war period borrowed so little during an economic expansion.*

Heck they haven't borrowed this little during typical downturns! Image
Read 9 tweets
Apr 26
Dr. Hilary Cass issues her likely last essay on the Cass Review website, in which she chastises "assertions being made on social media, and occasionally on mainstream broadcast media, which misrepresent the report and its findings, whether willfully or otherwise. Whilst some commentators have tried to debunk these misrepresentations, we live in a world where misinformation, when left unchallenged, becomes part of an accepted narrative regardless of its validity."
I have myself worked hard to debunk the many false assertions made by activists such as Alejandra Caraballo @Esqueer_, Erin Reed @ErinInTheMorn and Mallory Moore @Chican3ry.
Thanks to those of you who have helped in setting the record straight that, no, neither the systematic literature reviews nor the Cass Review simply "disregarded," "discarded" or "threw out" most of the available research about pediatric gender-transition treatment.
Read 21 tweets
Apr 26
7 ILLEGAL and CREEPY apps that you should NEVER install:😖 Image
1. Randonautica

It sends random locations about creepy places around you.

You can go there and explore at your own risk.

2. Secret SMS Replicator

Often installed by jealous lovers and Exes to stalk.

It automatically forwards every single message you receive to another person.

They can see all the notifications and activity.

(Note: Beware of these kind of apps.)
Read 9 tweets