Stollen: otra receta hermosa que aprendí con Gustavo Nari y que preparé hoy para Nochebuena.
Salen dos unidades del mismo tamaño de la que ven en la foto.
¡Les comparto el paso a paso de la #receta ! 😍
Sii les gusta, ❤️ y RT.
¡Muchas gracias!
Para la esponja integré 300 g de harina 0000 con 17 g de levadura seca (o 50 g de levadura fresca) y 180 ml de leche. Dejá descansar el bollo tapado hasta que duplicó su volumen. El horno, en mínimo, ya está prendido
Para el amasijo integré 200 g de manteca pomada (la saqué 1/2 h antes de la heladera), 200 g de azúcar (tenía 150 g de mascabo y completé con blanca), 50 ml de Ron, 20 g de miel, 2 huevos, 5 g de sal y 500 g de harina 0000. Tapé y dejé descansar media hora.
Hosted on the WAAS website, it's "human rights and responsibilities".
Article 37 -
'Every person should recognize the responsibilities owed to the community within which the full development of the talents and capacity of the individual is made possible.'
FO, commies.
whoops that's article 35 - but check out 34:
'Everyone has an obligation to promote and defend a universal political order, based on the dignity of every man, woman and child.'
🧵 Uma thread de @Salansar1 1️⃣–🔟: fatos brutos que você não ouvirá das câmaras de eco da mídia alemã 🇩🇪 sobre o último e horrendo ataque terrorista na Alemanha / #Magdebourg:
Início de 2006: 'Taleb Al Abdulmohsen' foge da Arábia Saudita após ser acusado de estupro e implicado em crimes graves.
Segue o 🧶 fio 👇
2️⃣–🔟 Pedido de extradição saudita ignorado:
A Arábia Saudita 🇸🇦 solicita formalmente sua extradição, mas a Alemanha 🇩🇪 nega o pedido, citando preocupações com direitos humanos, apesar das evidências claras de suas atividades criminosas.
3️⃣–🔟 Pós-asilo na Alemanha 🇩🇪:
Após chegar à Alemanha, Abdulmohsen se reinventa como um dissidente, declarando-se publicamente ateu e ex-muçulmano.
Esse movimento pareceu estratégico para ele, provavelmente visando garantir proteção total de asilo na Alemanha — ao se retratar como uma vítima de perseguição, em vez de um fugitivo da justiça.
1/ Liberalism claims neutrality, but it is anything but neutral. Beneath its facade of freedom lies a totalitarian agenda—one that transforms the West, all erases distinctions, and imposes a worldview as absolute as any ideology it attacks. 🧵👇
2/ At its core, liberalism promises liberty, equality, and neutrality—a world where people are free to choose their own paths without interference.
But this promise is a sleight of hand. It masks a project that dissolves people & cultures, flattens hierarchies, and commodifies life itself.
It destroys.
3/ Liberalism erases all rootedness, severing the bonds that connect people to their history, culture, and community.
Under the guise of neutrality, it subordinates shared identities—ethnic, religious, cultural—to abstract individualism.
The result? A hollow world, stripped of meaning, where loyalty to the enduring is replaced by the worship of markets and choice.
🧵 Thread 1️⃣-6️⃣: Genuine warning to our friends in the UK 🇬🇧 & Canada 🇨🇦: There are two dangerous jihadist individuals; one is connected to the perpetrator of the recent terror attack in Germany 🇩🇪, and the other is on the US 🇺🇸 terror list.
#Magdebourg @elonmusk @stillgray #UK
2️⃣-6️⃣: Don’t take my word for it; check their posts, videos, and statements. Both are Saudi fugitives and dissidents but are actively and explicitly promoting ISIS and Al-Qaeda, radicalizing vulnerable youth in the West.
3️⃣-6️⃣: Omar Bin Abdulaziz: Fled Saudi Arabia due to financial charges and settled in Canada🇨🇦. His online activity has consistently amplified extremist ideologies under the guise of activism. Below are examples of his unwavering support for ISIS and other terror orgs.
En marzo de 1945, un soldado estadounidense cayó presa de un terrible dolor de muelas en la ciudad alemana de Tréveris. El dentista que lo atendió era un exoficial de las SS que había participado en la ocultación de obras de arte saqueadas por los nazis. Tira del hilo 🧵👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
Antes de continuar, si te gustan las historias de emprendimiento, innovación y de personas que han cambiado el mundo, no puedes perderte ninguno de mis 3 libros de "Historias de Galicia que nadie te había contado". El regalo ideal para Navidades, aquí:
El médico se ofreció a revelar el escondite de los tesoros más valiosos que habían sustraído los nazis a cambio de un salvoconducto para salir de Alemania para él y su familia. Los aliados aceptaron el trato.
The Archives of Tammy Lemon "Bake orange flavored cream puffs with me, Let's bake!" (3 years ago) #TammyLemon #GorlWorld #YouTube
-she starts out saying hello
-she asks us to guess where she is from
-she said she is from the Netherlands
-she is celebrating King's Day
-people put out a Dutch flag and wear orange
-she shows decorations
-she said due to what is going on in the world, King's Day is different
-in this video she is going to do some baking, she said she doesn't do it often because of weight loss and her struggle with depression
היום לקחנו את ארבל לבארי.
היא הייתה בת 4 וחודש כשהחבאנו אותה בארון מפני המחבלים שהסתובבו בסלון, שברו חלונות וירו בדלת של הממ"ד. למזלנו הטוב לא ניסו לפתוח אותה, אבל שני קליעים חדרו כמו סכין חמה בחמאה.
אם היו מנסים לפתוח לא היינו כאן.
ארבל לא זוכרת הרבה מאז. את הארון דווקא זכרה >
אבל אנחנו לא מסוגלים לשכוח.
רגעי האימה וחוסר האונים נצרבו עמוק בנפש וצפים בכל פעם שאני מביט בילדים ויודע שרק אני אגן עליהם. ושלא תמיד אוכל. >>
השבוע שר הביטחון ישראל כץ (כהן-צדק) דרש מהרמטכ"ל להגיש לדרג המדיני את כל התחקירים הצבאיים עד ל-25 לינואר. בצדק דרש.
אבל שר הביטחון שכח כנראה באותה הזדמנות לעדכן את הציבור מתי תתחיל ועדת החקירה הממלכתית שתברר גם את אחריותו ואחריות הדרג המדיני כולו. >>
It was having detrimental effect on my health. I was on sertraline which I thought was due to post natal depression when I had my daughter in 2022 but it was connected to my fandom.I see so many Wales fans suffering from various illnesses 1/9
It was effecting my physical health like Brittany here. I was hospitalised a dozen times in 2022 and 2033 and the doctors could not tell me what was happening. Medication wasn’t working.
I noticed many Wales fans suffer from health issues 2/9
I was trying to conceive in mid 2023. I was struggling. Something else I noticed was that many Wales fans also struggle. My cycle became normal after I let go of the hate and although we didn’t try straight away as soon as we did I was pregnant. 3/9
Elon Musk said this week ⤵️ that there are "good questions" to be asked about Burisma. I agree! And there’s one good question no one is asking:
❓Why does everyone—from the leftwing BBC to rightwing Tucker Carlson—call Burisma Ukrainian when it’s actually Russian?
Burisma is Russian?! No way, you say. Yup, it sure is. Hang onto your butts—here’s the reality: 🧵
Burisma. That one word reeks of corruption, insider deals, and everything Americans rightly hate about Washington. elites. As such, 'Burisma' has become a one-word argument against support for Ukraine.
The story goes: Hunter Biden made beaucoup bucks from Burisma, which the media calls “Ukrainian,” so of course that's why Joe Biden is sending money to Ukraine! Aha!
But what if Burisma is the key to Biden's disastrous policy of not letting Ukraine win?
Let’s rewind to 2014 ...
In February 2014, Burisma’s CEO was part of the cabinet of Ukraine’s pro-Kremlin president, Viktor Yanukovych—the very deep-state Soviet rot Ukrainians rose up to overthrow that winter.
Burisma CEO Zlochevsky was deputy secretary of Yanukovcyh's defense council, having previously, as an oil oligarch, been 'ecology minister.'
From October 2013-February 2014, in protests more resolute than the Ottawa Truckers, Ukrainians faced bullets from the Yanukovych regime and refused to leave Kyiv's main square, or Maidan.
Victoria Nuland, a U.S. bureaucrat with main character syndrome, arrogantly tried to broker deals between Yanukovych and the protesting Ukrainian people.
Yes, Nuland tried to STOP the revolution! And what, pray tell, happened?
Hacia diciembre de 1954 se encrudecieron los conflictos entre el gobierno del general Juan Domingo Perón y la Iglesia Católica, lo que afectó las celebraciones de las fiestas por la Navidad de ese año debido a las diferentes prohibiciones y sanciones que pesaban sobre tal institución religiosa.
Hasta octubre de 1954, las relaciones entre la Iglesia y el gobierno habían sido armónicas, a pesar de algunas fricciones. Después de todo, el Congreso dominado por el peronismo había votado en 1947 para hacer permanente un decreto provisional que imponía la instrucción religiosa como asignatura obligatoria en los programas de las escuelas del país; y la Convención Nacional Constituyente de 1949, también dominada por los peronistas, había mantenido al Catolicismo Apostólico Romano como religión oficial de la Argentina. Al observar este principio, el gobierno peronista había otorgado subsidios anuales para el mantenimiento de instituciones católicas, inclusive el amplio sistema de escuelas religiosas. A su vez, la jerarquía católica había prestado apoyo al gobierno de Perón, o más bien abstenido de realizar críticas.
Pero en los últimos meses de 1954 aparecieron las primeras declaraciones públicas de los roces con la Iglesia Católica, que hasta ese momento estaba aliada al peronismo, cuando Perón en el discurso del 17 de octubre refirió a algunos enemigos del gobierno que se “disfrazaban de peronistas”, expresión que claramente aludía al clero.
Amberlynn Reid's Vlogmas Day 21 "Opening up about my current eating habits" #YouTube #ALR #AmberlynnReid #GorlWorld
-she is trying to decide what to wear, she is in a black robe that almost shows her boobs
-she shows us more Torrid clothes
-of course she has a mesh dress, exposing her bra
-she is always gravitating her hands to her boobs, it is so cringe
-she tries the second dress, doesn't love it that much
-she puts her black jacket over it
-once again touching her boobs, probably for Tommy
-she is about to cook
Teraz 5G, czy szczepionki mRNA wpędzają niektórych w lęki. A dawniej? Kiedy szkło zafascynowało ludzi, wielu zlękło się, że są szklani i że się potłuką. Bardzo przyczynił się do popularyzacji tej iluzji Karol VI „szalony”. Był tak "szklany", że nie mógł się ubrać i rozebrać.🧵
Wcześniej istniała iluzja tego, ludzie są literalnie ulepieni z gliny, która się pokruszy czy rozpłynie. Kiedy szkło stało się czymś fascynującym i unikalnym wyparło glinę w iluzji. Było też czymś z czym mogli się bardziej utożsamiać nobliwi.
Wydaje się to śmieszne, że ktoś mógł myśleć że jest szklany. Ale skąd ten przesąd że rozbite lustro to wiele lat nieszczęść? Rzymianie wierzyli, że refleksy z rozbitego lustra trafiają w duszę, która odnawia się co 7 lat.…
In 2008, the global economy didn’t just crash—it was crashed.
A demolition job by reckless banks, complicit regulators, and a political machine that bailed out the arsonists while we choked on smoke.
We learned nothing, we’re heading there again, and here's why:
A thread 🧵
The 2008 financial crash wasn’t an accident. It was a meticulously crafted time bomb, rigged with subprime mortgages, predatory lending, and financial products so convoluted even their creators couldn’t explain them.
But here’s the thing: They didn’t need to. These toxic derivatives weren’t meant to be understood—they were meant to be sold.
• Banks handed out mortgages to anyone with a pulse, knowing they wouldn’t bear the fallout when payments stopped.
• Credit rating agencies rubber-stamped AAA ratings on what was essentially radioactive financial waste.
• Mortgage-backed securities were chopped up, repackaged, and sold globally like hot potatoes coated in gold paint.
Homebuyers weren’t buying homes—they were buying ticking grenades.
The guardrails weren’t ignored—they were dismantled. The Glass-Steagall Act, the firewall that separated commercial banks (where your savings sit) from investment gambling (where billionaires place bets), was systematically destroyed in 1999 under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
This wasn’t a glitch in the system—it was a feature.
• Regulators turned into cheerleaders for the financial sector.
• Politicians, greased with Wall Street money, signed away protections for everyday people.
• Oversight agencies became paper tigers, toothless and timid.
Once commercial banks could gamble with ordinary people’s deposits, the stage was set. Financial institutions transformed into casinos where the chips were your mortgage, your savings, and your future.
“Aboriginal America” wasn’t just one unified blob of heya-hoya red men. I know that this is what you were told we believe, but it’s not true. Pre-Columbian America was home to a wide array of vastly different races and ethnic groups, which helps to explain their disparities.
One of the first observations Columbus made was the wide gulf between the two peoples of Hispaniola: the Taino and the Carib.
The former were pastoral, passive, and short; the latter were a violent, slaving people, tall and visually distinct.
People tend to view aspirin as a nefarious pharmaceutical, but in reality, it's a purified plant medicine that's been used for thousands of years.
Well known as a painkiller with blood thinning properties, aspirin's benefits go far beyond what is commonly recognised...
Aspirin belongs to a family of natural compounds called salicylates, the simplest of which is salicylic acid.
Trees, shrubs, flowers, grasses, and, to a lesser extent, fruits and vegetables naturally contain salicylic acid.
In plants, this molecule functions as a hormone that supports growth and provides protection against foreign invaders.
The medicinal use of salicylic acid, the main metabolite of aspirin, dates back to the ancient Egyptians, who used willow leaves to treat various forms of inflammation.
Hippocrates (460-377 BCE) recommended an extract of willow bark for fever, pain, and childbirth.
He cavado un hoyo en el jardín para plantar un abeto como árbol de Navidad. Para mi sorpresa ha aparecido una caja metálica de galletas antigua. Es una cápsula del tiempo con más de 100 años. Pero no trae buenas noticias. Es la huella de una niña atormentada por su pasado. 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻
La caja es de una marca de galletas que ya no existe. Se pierde en la noche de los tiempos. No la conozco. En su interior hay objetos que los niños ya no usan: una peonza de madera, una muñeca de porcelana, un pañuelo de tela, un sobre y dentro una carta.
¿Qué estás haciendo?, me dice mi mujer. Quiero comentarte los regalos de navidad. Le digo que quiero antes terminar con el árbol. Pero en realidad estoy obsesionado con la cápsula. Ella se marcha y empiezo a leer la carta.
United Healthcare has a decades-long history of working to limit and/or halt attempts at health care reform, from Hillarycare & Obama's effort, to Medicare for All in 2019, and whether the public option or more modest expansions of Medicare - all while enriching itself. A thread:
UHC was among the big industry players who were pushing the Clintons' doomed "managed competition" model from the inside - they even provided Hillary's adviser on the effort, whom the admin admitted was a clear conflict of interest.
A decade later, UHC was a big part of the whole-of-industry push for Bush's 2003 reform that created Medicare Advantage, the semi-privatised program that UHC has used to make billions, sometimes while defrauding taxpayers.
Mariia ‘Gerda’ Chekh is a Ukraine’s defender who survived the siege of Mariupol and russian captivity.
This is her story🧵👇
This is an archival photo of the Azov Brigade servicewoman, celebrating her birthday in one of the Azovstal’s bunkers. She is the only one in the photo who survived.
In the early days of the full-scale invasion, Gerda documented the humanitarian catastrophe and civilian casualties in Mariupol. She sought refuge at Azovstal, as russian forces relentlessly bombarded the city with artillery and airstrikes.
.@SecBlinken recently chaired a @UN Security Council meeting on the impact artificial intelligence could have on international peace and security. Here's what you need to know.🧵
At the dawn of the AI revolution, the United States led the way in establishing the rules of the road. We’ve demonstrated how AI can be safe, secure, and trustworthy, while also unlocking opportunities to solve the world’s greatest challenges.
The United States and our @G7 allies developed the first-ever multilateral framework for developers of advanced AI systems, called the Hiroshima AI Process Comprehensive Policy Framework.
All over the Ottoman Topkapı palace in Istanbul is Roman marble spolia. Plausibly much of it came from the Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople, which was demolished by the Ottomans.
Porphyry was a material the Romans only had in antiquity & was often recycled
One can see that the ancient marble stands out in contrast to the Ottoman tile decor, it often feels kind of awkwardly tacked on. (2/6)
Some panels seem really random! But these materials were rare and expensive, re-using them cut costs.
10 faits choquants sur l'attentat qui a eu lieu en Allemagne, que vous ne trouverez dans aucun média allemand.🇩🇪📷 via @Salansar1
Thread 🧵
1⃣-🔟#Magdebourg : Début 2006 : « Taleb Abdulmohsen » fuit l'Arabie saoudite après avoir été accusé de viol et impliqué dans des crimes graves.
2️⃣-🔟 Demande d'extradition saoudienne ignorée :
L'Arabie Saoudite🇸🇦 fait officiellement une demande d'extradition, mais l'Allemagne🇩🇪 rejette la demande, invoquant des préoccupations en matière de droits de l'homme malgré des preuves claires de ses activités criminelles.
3⃣- 🔟 Post-asile en Allemagne 📷 : Après son arrivée en Allemagne, Abdulmohsen se réinvente en dissident, se déclarant publiquement athée et ancien musulman. Ce geste semble stratégique, probablement destiné à obtenir la protection complète du droit d'asile en Allemagne en se présentant comme une victime de persécution plutôt que comme un fugitif recherché par la justice.
Aujourd’hui nous allons parler de train blindé.
Et spécialement du train allemand Panzer Zug 32 (à vos souhait).
Dont le commandant réalisa une super méga boulette de compet !
Thread (réedition) ⤵️ ⤵️⤵️
Pour ceux qui roupillaient en cours d’histoire, de nombreuses armées ont eu à utiliser des trains blindés.
Cela représente plusieurs avantages. Le poids du blindage est souvent négligeable. (Jusqu’à un certain point)
On peut y greffer de bons gros canons, qui tirent gros (et loin).
Ou qui tirent petit, mais vite (anti aérien de 20 mm).
Ça se déplace plus vite qu’un char, et ça emporte plein de munitions.
Toxine, la cliente de Wildeye Demon, vient une nouvelle fois de me doxx intégralement ainsi que ma daronne.
J'ai tellement hâte que toute cette affaire soit trainée devant un tribunal, ça va être incroyable.
Continue Yvette, continue.
Et merci pour la preuve que Wendy a bel et bien aidé une association de malfaiteurs qui m'harcèle depuis 2 ans.
Une génie cette Toxine, une génie.
#OpenProbe🧵| False accusations, disinformation, and intertwined narratives from Israeli, Russian, and Iranian accounts have fueled a coordinated digital campaign aimed at discrediting the Syrian opposition on social media.
✔️Eekad investigates this campaign, which began with the launch of Operation “Deterrence of Aggression,” exposing the tactics, objectives, and disseminated narratives.
✔️But how was this digital attack orchestrated? What motives drive these accounts? And what are their ultimate goals? Eekad answers these questions in detail.
✔️By December 5, 2024, the campaign had generated 27,269 potential impressions targeting the Syrian opposition since Operation “Deterrence of Aggression”. Activity reached its peak on December 1, 2024, involving 16,196 accounts.
📌Accounts driving this campaign can be divided into three primary groups: