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Mar 13
From Global Leader to Rogue Nation: How Trump’s Policies Are Destroying U.S. Influence

🧵1/9: There was a time when the world could count on the United States.

That time is over.

Not because we were conquered.

Not because we were outmatched.

But because we let it slip away. Because we turned on each other.

Because we have allowed one man to turn our institutions into weapons of vengeance, our laws into tools of self-preservation, and our global leadership into a sideshow of pettiness and destruction.

For most of the post-World War II era, the United States was the pillar of global stability.

We were the axis upon which the modern world turned.

We led in defending democracy, upholding international law, ensuring economic security.

The Pax Americana—however flawed—kept the world in relative balance.

But today, the U.S. is no longer a stabilizer. It is a destabilizer.

The country that once defended order now manufactures chaos.

And no single person is more responsible for this shift than Donald Trump.

For the past ten years, even when he wasn’t in office, Trump dictated the direction of U.S. foreign policy, economic strategy, and domestic governance.

He has been the single most destabilizing force in modern American history. This is not just about a second Trump presidency.

This is about a decade-long transformation of America from a superpower into a source of global instability.

The collapse of global order didn’t begin with Trump.

But he accelerated it in ways once thought unimaginable.

When the Cold War ended, the U.S. stood uncontested as the world’s superpower.

The American Century was supposed to endure.

But instead of fortifying our institutions, we let them rot.
Newt Gingrich, the Tea Party, and Donald Trump

2/9: The Republican Party, once a champion of American strength abroad, turned its gaze inward—away from foreign adversaries, toward its own countrymen.

Newt Gingrich redefined politics as war.

The Tea Party turned governance into siege.

By the time Trump arrived, the GOP had already abandoned policy for grievance, and he gave them what they had been waiting for: a demagogue who didn’t just hate Democrats, but democracy itself.

This shift created a party that no longer seeks to govern—it seeks only to rule.

Some argue that Trump’s nationalism was a necessary correction after decades of globalization.

But economic nationalism does not have to be isolationist or erratic. Trump’s reckless trade wars, unilateral tariffs, and deliberate antagonism toward U.S. allies weren’t about strengthening America—they were about punishment.

While past administrations leveraged economic power to build alliances, deter adversaries, and reinforce global stability, Trump wields it as a weapon of sabotage, turning America’s economic influence against its own allies.
The Threat Multiplier

3/9: It is often said that being an ally of Trump’s United States is more perilous than being its adversary—and the evidence overwhelmingly supports this claim.

From his first term to his current tenure, Trump has systematically undermined, alienated, and even punished traditional allies, all while extending deference and admiration to authoritarian regimes that seek to weaken U.S. influence.

Most world leaders—even deeply flawed ones—possess some level of strategic thinking, intellectual curiosity, or adaptability.

Trump has none of these qualities.

He does not study or understand history, governance, or diplomacy.

He acts purely on personal vendetta, making policy decisions based on who flatters him and who offends him.

And because of this, Trump is a global threat multiplier. Under his leadership, every crisis escalates. A trade imbalance becomes an economic war.

A foreign policy dispute spirals into reckless provocation. A public health emergency is worsened by denial, misinformation, and negligence.

His tariffs on China led to $316 billion in lost U.S. GDP, but benefited Beijing, which strengthened its trade alliances elsewhere.

The European Union responded with counter-tariffs, hitting American manufacturers and farmers hardest. Trump’s economic nationalism did not protect America. It isolated it.

But it is not just his incompetence that is dangerous.

It is his vindictiveness. His ability to turn personal grudges into state policy, to weaponize the full machinery of government against his enemies.

We saw this when he withheld intelligence from Ukraine, weakening their strategic defenses and emboldening Russia.

We saw it when he sabotaged pandemic mitigation for political gain, leading to hundreds of thousands of preventable American deaths.

We saw it when he incited a mob to storm the Capitol, then sat back and watched as his followers hunted down lawmakers.

Trump does not lead. He reacts. And he reacts poorly.

Before Trump, presidential transitions followed an unwritten rule: past leaders stepped aside.

Bush did not undermine Obama.

Clinton did not interfere with Bush.

But Trump defied this norm, behaving as a shadow leader.

Even after leaving office, he held private meetings with world leaders, contradicting official U.S. policy.

He praised Putin while attacking NATO. He signaled to allies that America was no longer reliable.
And the damage is not theoretical.

Since Trump took office, the U.S. has suffered its worst diplomatic retreat since the Vietnam era. NATO allies now hedge their bets.

Europe has increased defense spending—not just in response to Russian aggression, but out of uncertainty over whether America itself has become a risk factor.

In Asia, China’s influence has grown as regional leaders no longer trust the U.S. to be a stabilizing force. Even America’s own military leaders have warned of Trump’s erratic decision-making. Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis put it bluntly:

“Trump does not even pretend to try to unite the country.”
Read 9 tweets
Mar 13
• Hey gidi günler!
1952 yılında tedavüle sokulan 5 TL'lerin arkasında kullanılan bu fotoğraf,bize tarımın ve üretimin Türkiye’de bir zamanlar ne kadar büyük bir anlam ifade ettiğini gösteriyor. Image
Eli sepetli,köylü genç kızların yer aldığı bu siyah-beyaz fotoğraf,Giresun’da fındık toplarken çekilmiş.
Emin Çölaşan: “Bir zamanlar askeri hastanelerimiz vardı.

Özel doktorlar yetiştirilir, Doğu’daki askeri hastanelere gönderilirdi. Image
memleketim dört bir yanındaki askeri hastaneler kapatıldı.

Nedenleri hiçbir zaman kamuoyuna yansıtılmadı.” Bir zamanlar şeker pancarı üretirdik..

Şeker yapar fazlasını dünyaya satardık. Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 13
It's official:

The S&P 500 just CLOSED in correction territory and the Nasdaq 100 is 7% away from its first bear market since 2022.

Over the last 16 trading days, the S&P 500 has erased an average of -$340 billion PER trading day.

Here's what you need to know.

(a thread) Image
Let's begin with an updated timeline.

While the trade war ramped up into February 1st, the market PEAKED on February 19th.

Even as more tariffs went live in early-March, the real turning point was March 6th.

This was when Trump said he's "not watching the stock market." Image
Dip buyers have been crushed in this downturn.

The S&P 500 has not seen a back-to-back gains for 15 consecutive trading days, the longest streak since April 2024.

This is also the 5th longest stretch since the 2020 pandemic.

Market uncertainty is at its highest since 2020. Image
Read 15 tweets
Mar 13
Hoje no @operamundi, falamos sobre os 61 anos do Comício da Central. A histórica manifestação visava demonstrar apoio às reformas de base propostas por João Goulart, voltadas ao combate à concentração fundiária e à redução da desigualdade social


Reunindo cerca de 300 mil pessoas, o comício alarmou os setores conservadores, que reagiram incentivando o recrudescimento da articulação golpista. Menos de três semanas depois, Goulart seria deposto em um golpe militar.

2/25 Image
Em agosto de 1961, menos de 7 meses após sua posse como presidente, Jânio Quadros renunciava ao cargo e inaugurava um período de grande agitação política. À época, as eleições não eram disputadas por chapas. Havia votação separada para presidente e vice-presidente.

3/25 Image
Read 25 tweets
Mar 13
@KiwiStreamNZ The Crown stole no land @Rawiri_Waititi, prove it.

Nearly all Maori land was sold. Title deeds of sale are available. 👇🏽
The small amount of land falsely claimed stolen was land lawfully confiscated by the Crown to quell armed insurrectionist uprisings post Treaty; aka “utu”.
1/ Image
@KiwiStreamNZ @Rawiri_Waititi It’s falsely framed as stolen land, the reality is it was justly taken under the law of the land post 1840.

Maori Chiefs begged the British to take sovereignty in their letter to the then King, asking for the protection, which the sovereignty for protection deal Treaty gave.

2/ To King William, The Gracious Chief of England. King William To King William, the gracious Chief of England. King William, we, the chiefs of New Zealand assembled at this place, called the Kerikeri, write to thee, for we hear that thou art the great chief of the other side of the water, since the many ships which come to our land are from thee. We are a people without possessions. We have nothing but timber, flax, pork and potatoes. We sell these things however to your people; then we see property of the Europeans. It is only thy land, which is liberal towards us. From thee also come the mi...
@KiwiStreamNZ @Rawiri_Waititi The British side of that Treaty deal was protection. Protection from other warring tribes, but also from the French who were itching to invade, take over NZ, exact ‘Marion’s’ revenge.

The British had a duty to uphold the law & they did, by means of threats to confiscate land.
3/ Image
Read 9 tweets
Mar 13
🚨 BREAKING: Trump's Strategic Bitcoin Reserve and Digital Asset Stockpile are the BIGGEST move in crypto history - and almost everyone is missing what's REALLY going on...

🧵 Thread explaining what this means (and why it's WAY bigger than you think) 👇 Image
1/ Trump just signed an executive order creating TWO separate entities:

- Strategic Bitcoin Reserve (SBR)
- US Digital Asset Stockpile

The distinction between these is CRUCIAL. Here's why... Image
2/ 🔥 BOMBSHELL: The government will now HODL ALL seized Bitcoin permanently. Not just holding - but NEVER SELLING.

Meanwhile, other crypto can be dumped at will. Think about what this tells us... Image
Read 10 tweets
Mar 13
Thread of surreal sculpture details 🧵

1. There is no rope in this image... it's marble. Image
Francesco Queirolo spent 7 years carving this intricate net from a single marble block.

No apprentice dared to touch the sculpture, fearing the delicate net would crumble in their hands.

It's called "Release from Deception" and is housed in the Sansevero Chapel in Naples. Image
2. In Canova’s magnum opus, Cupid’s wings are so exquisitely thin that they shimmer with a warm peach glow when kissed by sunlight.

"I can't read or write, but with these two tools, I can create poetry," he used to say, as he held his hammer and chisel. Image
Read 21 tweets
Mar 13
Hacklenmiş bir kullanıcının hesabı üzerinden yapılan reklamda, millete tezgah kuran Hackerların,

"Binance", "Varlık ve Borçlar Kanunları", "Masak" gibi isimler kullanarak "güven sağlamaya çalıştıkları" görülüyor

👇FLOOD 🧵1/5 #Binance #kripto #masak Image
Hackerlar, X kullanarak sponsorlu reklam yapıyorlar. X'te son bir haftadır sayısı artan bu sponsorlu reklamlar ile insanları avlamaya çalışıyorlar! @elonmusk

"Belirli saatlerde" phishing saldırıları için reklam verip site üzerinden bilgi topluyorlar. Kullanıcıları mağdur etmek için sahte bir gönderi (yukarıdaki gibi gerçek bir haberi kurgulayarak) ve websitesi (kişisel bilgilerinizi kopyalamak) hazırlamışlar.

👇🧵2/5 #Binance #kripto #masakImage
"Onaylanmış mavi tikli bir şirket hesabı" üzerinden verilen sahte sponsorlu reklamda, sahte bir "giriş yap" karşılama sayfasıyla sizleri karşılayıp, kişisel bilgilerinizi ve borsa giriş bilgilerinizi çalmaya çalışıyorlar. @BinanceTR @binance @cz_binance

👇🧵3/5 #Binance #kripto #masakImage
Read 5 tweets
Mar 13
عید پوریم جشنی یهودی گرامیداشت نجات یهودیان از توطئه‌ی هامان، وزیر خشایارشا (پادشاه هخامنشی) است.
بر اساس کتاب استر در تنخ (عهد عتیق)، هامان قصد داشت یهودیان ساکن امپراتوری پارس رو نابود کند، اما ملکه استر (همسر یهودی خشایارشا) و عمویش مردخای پادشاه رو👇🏼 Image
متقاعد کردند که این توطئه رو خنثی کند. در نتیجه، یهودیان نجات یافتند و خود علیه دشمنانشون مقابله کردند.
اگه عمیقتر نگاه کنیم، این روایت فراتر از یک نجات ساده‌ست و مدلی از تغییرات قدرت، بازیهای استراتژیک، و سرنوشت دیکتاتورها رو نشان می‌دهد.
داستان پوریم درباره‌ی یک چرخش قدرت است: Image
یهودیان که در آستانه‌ی نابودی بودند، ناگهان نجات پیدا کرده و خود بر دشمنانشان چیره شدند. این روایت از یک الگوی تاریخی تکرارشونده پیروی می‌کند که در آن اقوام و ملت‌های تحت ستم، گاهی در موقعیت رهایی و حتی قدرت قرار می‌گیرند. اگه این الگو رو به وضعیت امروز ایران تطبیق بدهیم، Image
Read 20 tweets
Mar 13

This is Michael Mann, the climate scientist who published the "hockey stich" climate temp graph. He sued 2 writers for claiming that he manipulated data and won over $1 million.

His damages case was built on lies, exactly what he was accused of doing in his research. Image
During trial, Mann introduced evidence that he had lost millions of dollars in grants due to the defamation that he suffered "post-publication" of the "defamatory" statements. That evidence was based almost entirely on Mann lying about the extent of his damages. Image
The court noted that Mann made an "eye-catching" assertion that he had applied for a grant post-publication of the defamation totaling over $9 million when the actual amount was around $100K. Mann's intent was clear was to increase the size of the post-pub injury for the jury. Image
Read 15 tweets
Mar 13

Here’s what he said:👇 (1/9) Image
(2/9) Russia supports a 30-day ceasefire with Ukraine, but the key issue is what to do with the Ukrainian incursion in the Kursk region.
(3/9) He believes that, given the situation in Kursk, a ceasefire would be beneficial for Ukraine, as without it, they risk being physically blocked and left with only two options: surrender or die.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 13
Humanitarian assistance by Israel a thread 🧵

Israel are giving aid and protection to the Druze of Syria while the rest of the world has covered their eyes and ears. Israel has helped in many of the biggest catastrophes and disasters in recent times.

Anyone who wants to Israel and the Jewish people’s belief that when you save one life you save the world, entire will be interested in this thread that highlights the expertise and energy that Israel puts into rescue and humanitarianism.

Hikmat al-Hijri, the spiritual leader of the Druze community in Syria said:

"There is no agreement or consent with the new extremist Syrian regime, and we will work for our interests as a sect.
We are in a phase of “to be or not to be” and we will move in the direction that suits the sect.”

10,000 aid packages have been delivered from Israel, and soon Druze workers will begin entering the Golan Heights for work.

Below is a list of some of the other humanitarian work Israel has done for the world in recent times:
Assistance in Mozambique in 2019
After Cyclone Idai which was one of the most destructive recorded
People reached with food, shelter, medicine, WASH and Protection after the 2023 earthquake in Turkiye

Below is a video showing the rescue and medical efforts by Israelis after the major earthquake in February 2003 affecting Türkiye and Syria
Read 9 tweets
Mar 13
We will be attending CinemaCon once again and make sure to follow us to stay up to date with every single update, news, trailer, announcements and more!

Check out and save this thread so you’ll know the day and times of each panel!

• March 31 @ 6:30pm-8:45pm PST

Sony Pictures Panel Image
• April 1 @ 9am-11:30am PST

Lionsgate Panel Image
Read 10 tweets
Mar 13
'Top 7' European Leagues (Strikers)
🇩🇪🇮🇹🇫🇷🇪🇸🇵🇹🇳🇱🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 @DataMB_

Goals per 100 touches | Goal conversion % | Passes received per 90 (circle size) 📊

1) Bundesliga Image
2) La Liga 🇪🇸 Image
3) Serie A 🇮🇹 Image
Read 7 tweets
Mar 13
SITREP 13.03.2025: Ukraine withdraws from Kursk.

Over the past 10 days, a Russian offensive pushed Ukrainian forces out of the Kursk salient, ending a 7-month operation.

What happened? Why did Ukraine withdraw? What’s next? 🧵

You can read a longer version on our Substack

1/ Image
In August a Ukrainian offensive captured over 1200 km² of Russia's Kursk oblast.

The claimed goals were to draw Russian forces from Pokrovsk, capture leverage for negotiations and spoil a Russian operation from Sumy. It was likely also meant to shift the discourse.

2/ Image
However, the Ukrainians failed to expand & secure their flanks and over the next 6 months the Ukrainian perimeter in Kursk diminished steadily. By the beginning of March the Ukrainians only held a bit over 300 km² of terrain in a narrow salient around the town of Sudzha.

3/ Image
Read 27 tweets
Mar 13
L’ANESTHÉSIE [13] - La Kétamine, késako ?

1/ Introduction :

On en parle ces jours, mais en réalité, la kétamine fait partie de la pharmacopée de l’anesthésiste depuis des décennies.

Petit topo pour mieux comprendre cette molécule fascinante mais non exempte de risques. Image
2/ Rappel historique :

Elle est développée dans les années 1960 comme alternative à la Phencyclidine (PCP), analgésique puissant mais retiré du marché à cause de ses effets indésirables (agitations, convulsions), qui lui-même se voulait remplacer les opiacés. Image
3/ La Kétamine est largement utilisée comme anesthésique de guerre au Viêt Nam où on découvre ses avantages : induction d’anesthésie rapide, maintien de la pression artérielle dans le choc traumatique, pas de dépression respiratoire si bien dosée. Image
Read 27 tweets
Mar 13
🧵THREAD: The 13 rules they DON'T want YOU to know about - used by EVERY major Democrat since Bill Clinton.

Your professor never taught you these, but they're the (not-so-secret) Democrat playbook. And they WORK.

Some of them are legit. Some are pure evil... Image
2/ The establishment LOVES these rules. They were created by a community organizer named Saul Alinsky, and refined by his protege: Hillary Clinton.

He even dedicated them to Lucifer! Image
3/ RULE #1: "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy THINKS you have"

This is why small groups can take down giants. It's not about size - it's about PERCEPTION.

This one's straight out of Sun Tzu.

Look at how GameStop traders scared Wall Street... Image
Read 14 tweets
Mar 13
Putin: Ukraine needs truce, we don’t; I agree to truce, but demand impossible conditions - no mobilization, no military aid or training for Ukraine, but I agree to truce 0/
Putin: How will the 30-day truce be used - so that Ukraine can сontinue to receive weapons? To enforce mobilization? 1/
Putin: For the Ukrainian side, it would very good to reach a truce for at least 30 days. And we are in favor. But there nuances.

What are we going to do with this part of the encampment in the Kursk region? If we stop fighting for 30 days, what does mean?

Read 9 tweets
Mar 13
هل تسائلت لماذا عندما نفتح بث مباشر لمشاهدة الصلوات في الحرم المكي الشريف نلاحظ أنه نظيف دائماً ولا نرى أي نفايات رغم الأعداد المليونية التي تزوره؟

هذه سلسلة تغريدات لتقرير أعجبني من العربية يوضح سبب ذلك، سأنقله نصاً: Image
قبل أن تزدحم ساحات الحرم، تبدأ فرق العمل استعداداتها، المكانس الكهربائية تُجهز، المطهرات تُحضر، والفرق تتوزع وفق خطة منظمة، لا مجال للارتجال، فكل دقيقة محسوبة. تُستخدم أكثر من 500 معدة وآلة غسيل حديثة، و30 سيارة كهربائية، و67 آلة تنظيف لإنجاز المهمة بفعالية. Image
لا يمكن ترك أي زاوية دون عناية، ينتشر 4 آلاف عامل وعاملة في مجموعات، كل منها مسؤولة عن جزء معين، من تنظيف الأرضيات إلى تعقيم الممرات وجمع النفايات، مع الالتزام بعدم تعطيل حركة الطائفين والمصلين. Image
Read 8 tweets
Mar 13
“I have learned the hard way don’t mess with Pharma.”

Dr. David Weldon just released a 4-page statement on his CDC nomination being withdrawn.

READ:🧵 Image
“I have learned the hard way don’t mess with Pharma.”

“My big sin was that as a congressman 25 years ago I had the temerity to take on the CDC and Big Pharma on two critical childhood vaccine safety issues.” Image
“FDA, CDC, and Pharma had allowed a tremendous amount of a neurotoxic preservative called thimerosal into the infant schedule.”

“Under pressure … the CDC and Pharma removed the neurotoxic thimerosal, but it took them years to do it.”

“One of the things that seemed to unite us in The House who engaged on this was that none of us took money from Pharma.”Image
Read 6 tweets
Mar 13
El deportista más dominante de la historia no fue:

• Mohamed Ali
• Michael Jordan
• Cristiano Ronaldo

Fue un ajedrecista quien aplastó el imperio soviético.

Pero luego DESAPARECIO durante 20 años. Esta es la OSCURA historia del mayor genio del ajedrez: Image
1943, Brooklyn.

Una mujer con doctorado en medicina y 7 idiomas da a luz a un niño.

El FBI la investigó por vínculos comunistas.

Su padre probablemente fue Paul Nemenyi, un físico húngaro.

Este chico cambiaría la historia del ajedrez:
A los 6 años, Bobby Fischer descubrió el ajedrez a través de su hermana.

En un año, consumió toda su vida.

Después de que su hermana perdió el interés, jugó contra sí mismo durante horas.

Su madre, preocupada, puso un anuncio buscando oponentes: Image
Read 19 tweets
Mar 13
Naples, Italy 🇮🇹

From the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD that buried Pompeii to last night’s earthquake in the Phlegraean Fields

One of the most dangerous, seismically active, and densely populated areas in the world

What if it happens again?

A Thread 🧵 Image
Mount Vesuvius, Campania, Italy, with an elevation of approximately 4,203 feet, remains one of the world’s most infamous volcanoes—beyond its undeniable beauty and commanding presence over the Bay of Naples Image
Its last eruption dates back to 1944 (photo 👇) leaving behind numerous photographic records despite being an era vastly different from ours

Since that year, Vesuvius has not been extinct but is technically classified as dormant Image
Read 25 tweets
Mar 13
The world's best capital allocator?

Mark Leonard. He is the CEO and founder of Constellation Software

Here are 11 incredible lessons from him: Image
1. Buy-and-build

Just like Warren Buffett, Mark Leonard thinks like an owner.

When Constellation Software acquires a company, they do this with the intention to own it forever. Image
2. High autonomy creates value

Leonard keeps the autonomy of his employees as high as possible.

When they acquire a company, they do not seek to take over day-to-day operations. Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 13
L'Argentine 🇦🇷 de Milei se soulève et est durement réprimée. Les retraités sont dans la rue pour défendre leurs retraites et un mouvement spontané généralisé s'est formé pour les soutenir.

Le modèle des Ciotti/Le Pen est une catastrophe pour le peuple. #Thread pour comprendre 👇
Que dit la presse française de l'Argentine gouvernée par l'extrême-droite ?

👉 « Le bilan économique spectaculaire de J. Milei »
(JDD, 29/01/25)
👉 « La tronçonneuse, ça fonctionne »
(LCI, 31/01/25)
👉 « Pourquoi la France devrait s’inspirer de J. Milei »
(L'Express, 01/12/24) Image
Donnons quelques chiffres pour rétablir la vérité sur ce que vit actuellement l'Argentine.

1️⃣ Pauvreté

Depuis l'arrivée de Milei en 2023, le taux de pauvreté est passé de 42% à 53% en 2025. La pauvreté infantile a explosé, avec 64% d'enfants pauvres en 2025. Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 13
Operación Jubilee
Uno de los grandes fracasos de los Aliados.
El plan consistía en desembarcos para neutralizar las baterías de artillería costera en Varengeville-sur-Mer y Berneval-le-Grand.
Para lo cual asaltaron el puerto francés de Dieppe.
Veamos que pasó ahí 🧵⬇️ Image
1/Participaron en la operación 4963 canadienses, 1005 comandos británicos🇬🇧, 50 Rangers 🇺🇸estadounidenses y 15 soldados de la Francia Libre🇨🇵. La Royal Navy contaba con 230 buques y lanchas de desembarco, y la RAF con 74 escuadrones, de los cuales 66 eran escuadrones de caza. Image
2/La 2.ª División de Infantería Canadiense realizaría los desembarcos principales, y el Comando n.º 4, al mando del teniente coronel Lord Lovat, desembarcaría al oeste contra la Batería Hess en Varengeville-sur-Mer, Image
Read 24 tweets
Mar 13
The famous last words of big thinkers 🧵

1. In his final moments, G. K. Chesterton declared: "The issue is now clear. It is between light and darkness, and everyone must choose his side.” Image
2. According to Giorgio Vasari, regarded as the father of Western art history, Leonardo da Vinci confessed on his deathbed that he had offended God and mankind because his work had not reached the quality it should have. Image
3. In her final days, Emily Dickinson could only manage to write short notes.

According to her niece, Emily's succinct and poetic farewell read: “I must go in; the fog is rising.” Image
Read 20 tweets
Mar 13
Bueno es jueves y vuelve el muy esperado y reclamado hilo de los planes del fin de semana en La Plata.

Pongan 💛& RT 🫡 que llegamos a 100 y arranco ¡gracias!
Y no crean que finjo demencia y sigo adelante. Es un día terrible para la democracia tengo muchas ganas de llorar y patalear por las cosas que veo, leo, escucho y a la vez necesito un plan con amigos donde abrazarnos.
El primer plan lo hice la semana pasada y se los mega recomiendo. Falso 29 un ciclo los jueves de marzo con ñoquis en cuenco de masa en COCINARTE en Olmos. Sale 11500 la porción y sale con albóndigas o salsa o crema.

Si o si con reserva.

📍42 y 202 Image
Read 12 tweets
Mar 13
🚨🚨 Vamos a valorar juntos Tesla $TSLA, de la misma forma que estamos haciendo en estos últimos hilos.

Así veremos si es una empresa que vale la pena analizar más profundamente o si es mejor verla desde la barrera.

De primeras tenemos un Drawdown del 50%😱

⬇️ Image
🚨🚨 En 5 pasos te enseño si descartar o investigar más profundamente una empresa.

Si veo que este tipo de hilos te gusta, subiré más contenido así.

Espero que te sirva💪

Al lío
Paso 1⃣: Comparamos el PER y el EV/EBITDA actual con la mediana de los últimos 10 años.


La empresa está cotizando a múltiplos superiores a su mediana histórica, por lo que no parece que pueda haber infravaloración (esto es así porque si la empresa tiene la misma calidad que en el pasado, ¿Por qué debería cotizar más cara?) a no ser que se espere un alto crecimiento, un cambio de estrategia, un aumento de márgenes, un aumento del MOAT o algún catalizador en el medio plazo o incluso en largo plazo pero que pueda explotar las ventas de la empresa.

Esto es trabajo cualitativo, entender si la empresa cotiza a mayores múltiplos por grandes expectativas o porque los beneficios están disminuyendo. También es trabajo cualitativo entender si el beneficio por acción está disminuyendo por inversión en OPEX, por alguna multa o por sucesos coyunturales.Image
Read 9 tweets
Mar 13
Most founders wait too long to hire an Executive Assistant.

They say, “I’m not ready” while drowning in emails, calendar chaos, and $20/hr tasks.

Your business isn’t stuck because you need to do more. It’s stuck because you won’t let go.

How to hire your first EA:
Before we dive in… this post is just a preview.

I’ve built a full Notion system to help you delegate, onboard, and scale with an EA.

(You can grab it at the end.)

Let’s get into it:
Step 1: Know what kind of help you need.

• A Virtual Assistant (VA) handles repetitive digital tasks.
• A Personal Assistant (PA) handles errands & home life.
• An Executive Assistant (EA) runs business ops, scheduling, and high-value execution. Image
Read 14 tweets
Mar 13
The California State Senate has severely limited press access in the chamber to journalists and despite repeated calls from @CCACalifornia to change this, leaders will not listen.

Here’s what’s going on 🧵 Image
Before the pandemic, journalists had access to these desks behind lawmakers.

@CCACalifornia actually has had jurisdiction over them.

These desks allow journalists to interact with Senators in a way that we cannot any other time outside of floor session… Image
@CCACalifornia Sitting behind Senators allows us to get clarification on a bill, floor action, or to simply develop a rapport with members.

But post-COVID, the Senate and its Chief Executive Administrator Erika Contreras decided to shove us in a back corner and give these desks to staff. Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 13
BREAKING: Hundreds of U.S. Jews and friends are taking over the Trump Tower to say: Come for one, face us all. Image
On Saturday, ICE agents abducted Mahmoud Khalil, a Palestinian activist, recent graduate of Columbia University and U.S. permanent resident as he returned home from an Iftar with his wife, who is 8 months pregnant. Image
Mahmoud’s abduction by ICE marks a new, severe escalation in the Trump administration’s attack on the movement for Palestinian freedom in the US, which has aimed its first crackdown at universities where students have organized. Image
Read 9 tweets
Mar 13
[THREAD] Les fins de contrat en Ligue 1 : quels sont les plans de chaque club ? 🇫🇷

En se basant sur les données de Capology, on va essayer d'analyser la gestion des contrats des clubs, à travers différents prismes : VM, salaire, âge, poste, minutes jouées..

On déroule !
👉Part de l'effectif

⚓️ Un très gros chantier arrive au Havre...
⚠️ Brest, Montpellier, Nantes et Angers vont également avoir des choix à faire
🥨 La stratégie BlueCo de Strasbourg bien mis en évidence
⚖️ Paris, Monaco et Reims sont les plus sereines par rapport aux FDCImage
👉 Part de la valeur marchande

⚓️ Près de 98% de la VM du Havre est engagée sur les 2 prochaines saisons
🔵 Les fins de prêt à noter à Auxerre avec Hamed Traoré, Hoever et Massengo
🗼 Paris a sécurisé ses grosses valeurs, tout comme Monaco et StrasbourgImage
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