Looking for Scrolly Tales? Check out these recent candidates

Feb 22

Essa semana analisei as despesas do desgoverno entre 2023 e 2025.

Dessa vez melhorei o algoritmo para tentar encontrar com mais clareza o que são as despesas anômalas que podem indicar supostos desperdícios, fraudes ou abusos. Siga o fio!Image
Para os que gostam de dados, ciência de dados, engenharia de dados, o repositório de tudo o que fiz aqui está no GitHub. Lá você consegue baixar os dados e as planilhas geradas pelo programa para fazer suas próprias análises!

Agora vamos à explicação. Na parte 1, eu procurei formatar os dados e organizá-los para poder melhor analisá-los:

Read 21 tweets
Feb 22
Штош, это все вам за то, что вы не молитесь.

Обзор на истинно православную энциклопедию для девочек. Зачем? Нахуя? Кто знает. Image
Начинается все довольно безобидно, и даже полезно — мама доступно объясняет пятилетке откуда берутся дети. Все приправлено лютым пгм, но пока без дичи.

Дичь начинается, когда девочка вырастает. На десятилетку ложится половина быта. Как говорится, хотите ляльку — родите няньку. Image
Градус мракобесия в книге ПОКА ЧТО на минимуме, ограничивается душеспасительной хтонью про зомбиапоклипсис, точнее, второе пришествие. Но дальше будет только жарче. Image
Read 22 tweets
Feb 22
1) Now I will prove that the US is planning to partner with Russia, using SecState Rubio’s own words. You see this tweet? That circled part is problematic enough. And “cooperation”? Actually, Rubio said PARTNER with Russia geopolitically and economically. Let me show you⬇️ Image
2) So you can check it out for yourself, you can find this tweet on the Department of State’s X account. Then you click on that circled link, which takes you to that page on the right. Let’s continue⬇️ Image
3) Rubio is asked this question. So Rubio goes on and on and we arrive at the REAL goal of this need to end the war in Ukraine actually is, which I will show you next. So let’s continue⬇️ Image
Read 5 tweets
Feb 22
In today’s Vatnik Soup, I’ll introduce a former Ukrainian politician and president, Viktor Yanukovych. He’s best known for selling his country to Russia, trying to turn it into an authoritarian state, and eventually fleeing to Moscow once his plan failed.

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Now that Russia and the US are planning to replace president Zelenskyy with someone who’s more willing to sell the country to them (most probably Viktor Medvedchuk or one of his cronies), it’s a good time to remind people how Yanukovych and Putin almost took over Ukraine.

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Yanukovych’s first attempt at power came in 2004, when he “won” the Ukrainian presidential election through massive fraud. The rigged vote sparked the Orange Revolution, a wave of protests that forced the election to be re-run. His opponent, pro-Western candidate…

3/22 Image
Read 23 tweets
Feb 22
🧵CUTTING ROOM FLOOR from the return of prominent J6 defendants to the Capitol, shortly before Enrique Tarrio’s arrest on a simple assault charge.

It started at the base of the west front Image
The group included: Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers, who had been sentenced to 18 years in prison for seditious conspiracy Image
There were Joe Biggs and Ethan Nordean, who led 100s of Proud Boys to the Capitol on Jan. 6 and were imprisoned for 17-18 years until Trump committed their sentences Image
Read 17 tweets
Feb 22

En la bahía de Cartagena, debajo del Faro de la Curra, se encuentra esta formación rocosa sumergida que históricamente ha representado un peligro significativo para la navegación, debido a su posición y características. Image
«La Laja del Puerto, un promontorio rocoso que se eleva desde los-13 m.s.n.m. hasta apenas unos 20 cm bajo el nivel del mar en época moderna.
Las fuentes escritas, como el poema de Al-Qartayanni o Jerónimo Hurtado y el Marqués de los Vélez, indican que este islote todavía asomaba Image
unos centímetros sobre la superficie marina en el s. XVI, observándose en ella restos de argamasa y caementicio similar al del Anfiteatro. Lo que, junto a los restos arquitectónicos aparecidos en prospecciones arqueológicas subacuáticas en sus proximidades, nos indican que, Image
Read 23 tweets
Feb 22
امِ حسان کی گرفتاری اور تحریک طالبان کی بے چینی – مختصر تھریڈ 🧵

ان سےملیے یہ ہیں اُمِ حسان لال مسجد کے خطیب مولانا عبدالعزیز کی اہلیہ اور جامعہ حفصہ کی موجودہ پرنسپل، جن کو گرفتار کر لیا گیا۔

کچھ عرصہ سے یہ ٹی ٹی پی کو حد سے زیادہ سپورٹ کرتی نظر آرہی ہیں۔


ان کی گرفتاری ایک پولیس وین پر مسلح حملے کے بعد عمل میں آئی، جو ایک مسجد کی زمین کے تنازعے پر ہوا تھا.
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امِ حسان سیکیورٹی فورسز کی کھلی مخالف رہی ہیں اور سی ٹی ڈی اہلکاروں کے قتل کے اعلانیہ فتوے دیتی رہی ہیں۔

اب، ان کی گرفتاری پر ملک بھر کے شدت پسند گروہوں میں کھلبلی مچ گئی ہے۔ ٹی ٹی پی، ٹی ٹی جی، ٹی ایل پی، اور جُنداللہ سمیت کئی گروہوں نے پاکستان کو سنگین نتائج کی دھمکیاں دے دی ہیں۔
Read 6 tweets
Feb 22
$MVIS could be on the verge of a face melting short squeeze on par with $GME in 2020 and almost nobody knows about it yet.

Here is the timeline of how this setup - 13 years in the making - developed and is now brewing.

Keep reading. 🧵👇🏼
February 2012: Palmer Luckey, a 19 year old VR prodigy, posts on Reddit’s r/MVIS, declaring himself a “believer” in MicroVision’s laser-based display technology. $MVIS, a 1993 founded innovator in MEMS scanning systems, has pioneering tech and IP, however it is overshadowed by commercialization struggles Luckey. Here is his commentary from that original post 13 years ago.Image
2012–2014: Luckey launches Oculus with a $2.4 million Kickstarter in 2012, later selling the company to Facebook for $2 billion in 2014. This cemented his reputation both in the tech and finance world. $MVIS, meanwhile, signs a 2013 development deal with a “Tier-1 tech company” (likely Microsoft), hinting at AR applications. Its stock dips below $2, but its IP quietly matures.Image
Read 15 tweets
Feb 22
La frecuencia 432 Hz es considerada la vibración del universo.

Algunos creen que armoniza el cuerpo y la mente, reduce el estrés y la ansiedad.

¿Hay ciencia detrás de esto o es solo un mito?

Aquí te lo explico: 🧵 Image
1. El origen:

La teoría de los 432 Hz (moderna) comenzó con Joseph Sauveur (siglo XVIII) pero fue popularizada por el músico Giuseppe Verdi.

Él propuso ajustar el La de referencia a exactamente 432 Hz, en lugar del estándar moderno de 440 Hz establecido en 1939. Image
2. La base matemática:

Los defensores señalan que 432 tiene propiedades matemáticas interesantes.

Es divisible por muchos números y tiene conexiones con proporciones encontradas en la naturaleza, monumentos antiguos y la proporción áurea. Image
Read 14 tweets
Feb 22
Market is still near all time highs despite the pull back last week.

Here are 10 stocks I'll be buying if we get a deeper correction: 🧵

1. $AMZN

Forward P/E: 34
Gross Margin: 48%
5 Year Revenue CAGR: 14%

It's the leader in the US retail e-commerce and cloud computing and it's rapidly expanding market share in digital advertising.

Global cloud computing market is expected to reach $2.4 trillion by 2032.

If Amazon only holds its current 31% market share, you are now getting its other business for free.Image
2. $GOOG

Forward P/E: 20
Gross Margin: 58%
5 Year Revenue CAGR: 17%

It's dominating digital advertisement and it also has the fastest growing cloud business among all the mega-cap companies.

Youtube is also becoming the largest streamer in the world as its global share of screen time is way higher than the competitors. It's also rapidly expanding Venmo in the US which is currently the only operational robo-taxi business.

It's currently the cheapest mega-cap stock.Image
3. $AMD

Forward P/E: 23
Gross Margin: 53%
5 Year Revenue CAGR: 27%

Its data center segment grew over 60% YoY last quarter and it's set to grow at least another 50% this year.

Its AI chips have cost advantage over Nvidia chips in inference workloads, meaning demand for its chips will skyrocket as AI workload shifts from training to inference.Image
Read 11 tweets
Feb 22
Some of the paramount positions in the federal government have long been independent and above presidential politics, with leaders remaining in place even as presidents change.

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One such position has been the FBI director. Thursday, in violation of that tradition, the Senate confirmed Kash Patel as Trump’s hand-picked director.

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A second such position is the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Like clockwork, giving no reason, Trump today fired Joint Chiefs Chairman CQ Brown, a 4-star general and 41-year Air Force veteran from the post…

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Feb 22
Ukraine 🇺🇦 : 3 ans de guerre🧵

Moscou voulait faire tomber Kyiv en 3 jours et depuis 3 ans l’Ukraine résiste. L’armée russe considérée comme l’une des plus puissantes du monde s’est brisée contre la résistance érigée par Zelensky⤵️

1/23 Image
👉 Invasion

En réalité, la guerre en Ukraine a commencé en 2014, avec l’annexion de la Crimée. Les Tatars, qui représentent 15% de la population de la région, sont depuis la cible d’une répression sans limite de la part du Kremlin, comme elle le fut jadis sous Staline.

➡️ Soutien des séparatistes

Moscou a réalisé une guerre hybride en armant et en soutenant les séparatistes dans le Donbass & dans le Louhansk. Le Kremlin a déployé des milliers de soldats ainsi que des mercenaires sur le sol Ukrainien pour accentuer la déstabilisation.

Read 23 tweets
Feb 22
XAUUSD Turtle soup Longs Review for this week.
🧵: Image
First should be the daily bias
SMT with Silver at previous Friday lows, Which set a stage for Tuesday Expansion Image
After the daily draw on Liquidity is clear, you want to lower to the 4Hours. For PD arrays, to continue to the daily draw.
Here's the 4Hours. Following the FVG, we can see that there are 3 trading opportunities. Let's break them one by one Image
Read 7 tweets
Feb 22
Savunma hücumla başlar...

Başlığımızı attığımıza göre başlayalım konuşmaya.

Galatasaray'ın en büyük sorunlarından biri top kaybı. Buradan şu anlaşılmasın, bu sezon çok fazla top kaybı yapıyor sonucu çıkmasın.

22-23 Sezonunda : 105
23-24 Sezonunda : 107
24-25 Sezonunda : 108

Maç başına top kaybetti Galatasaray. Ortalama biraz daha düşer Lemina'nın gelişiyle.

Konumuz bu değil.
Konumuz hücum yerleşimi ve top kaybı sonrası yaşanan sorunlar. Daha önce verdiğim bir verdiğim bir veri ile devam edeyim.

Rakiplerin şut mesafesi 1.5 metre kaleye yakınlaşmış, Ceza sahasına girişleri artmış, rakipler maç başına 1 isabetli şut fazla çekmeye başlamış ve bu 1 isabetli şutun ol olma oranı %33 olmuş....Image
Peki bu nasıl oluyor?

Futbol, kanat - merkez - kanat şeklinde oynanmaz. Merkez - kanat - Merkez olarak oynanır. Top eninde sonunda merkezde yani kalede hareketini tamamlar.

Galatasaray bek - kanat forvet - merkez - kanat forvet şeklinde kurguladığı hücum planını (2022-23 ve 2023-24) bu sezon itibariyle terk etmiştir.

Eskiden yani 2-3 sene önce topu kanat forvetine (4-2-3-1 veya 4-3-3 oynuyor olmanız önemsizdir) verdiğinizde bek ve half-space'e dalacak oyuncu gelir bir üçgen kurardı.

Galatasaray bu köhne hücum düzenine devam bile etmiyor. Artık üçgen kurmakla uğraşmıyor. Bunun yerine iki seçenekten birini tercih ediyor.

Hücum hattı savunmaya yaklaşıyor, savunma hücum hattına yaklaşıyor ve sonunda 35-40 metrelik alana sıkışınca uzun atıyor. Bu bir seçenek, bazen işe yarayan bir seçenek. Bunun için iyi bir first touch'ı olan bitiriciliği kuvvetli, hızlı iki kanat oyuncusuna ihtiyaç var.

Oyuncu üzerinden gitmeyeceğimiz için örneklemiyorum.Image
İkinci seçenek ise topu bekten kanata veya merkezden kanatlara attığınız anda 2'ye 1 yapmak. Burada Mertens'in rolü öne çıkıyor.

Kanatlar topu aldığında Mertens gelip hücumu şekillendirmeli. Kanat - Merkeze - Merkez kanatlara - Kanatlar merkeze...

Burada da iki opsiyon doğuyor.
Ya şut ya pas...

Bunların hepsi tam olarak doğru yapılırsa pozisyon oluşmasını sağlıyor. Yani artık üçgen kurmak yerine dörtgenlerin kurulduğu kanat - merkez hücum organizasyonlarını bir kenara bırakın, Galatasaray bunların hiçbirine uymadığı gibi geri kalmış şeyleri de denemiyor.Image
Read 6 tweets
Feb 22
Wszyscy niedawno żyliśmy legendarnym przemówieniem wiceprezydenta USA, JD Vance'a w Monachium.

Dla Polski równie mocną przemowę wygłosił Mateusz Morawiecki na CPAC - to jedno z najmocniejszych wystąpień polskiego polityka na arenie międzynarodowej.

Zapraszam na ważną nitkę.
1. Mateusz Morawiecki rozpoczał wystąpienie od przypomnienia amerykańskim konserwatystom, czym w istocie jest Europa.

Wielkim kontynentem wartości, innowacji, choc teraz jest w odwrocie.
I jak sam powiedział:

Chcę by Europa znowu stała się wielka! (Make Europe Great Again).
2. Jak przystało na Mateusza Morawieckiego kontynuował operując danymi i liczbami o Europie - jak wyglądała produkcja przemysłowa lata temu, a jak dzisiaj, nie bez powodu przytaczając przykład Niemiec i Polski.

Musimy powstać ponownie, bo Europa przestanie mieć znaczenie.
Read 18 tweets
Feb 22
I'm 45.

As I age, I become more at risk for the 4 horsemen of disease:

Heart disease, cancer, diabetes & Alzheimers.

Here are 6 health tests I'm taking now that might save my life: Image
#1 - Coronary Calcium Scan

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women, resulting in the death of 1 in 5 people.

A coronary calcium scan helps assess the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) & future cardiovascular events. Image
#2 - MRI Cancer Screening

Cancer results in 1 in 6 deaths globally & one of the largest health problems in the world.

Regular screenings can help identify cancer before symptoms appear, increasing the likelihood of successful treatment and potentially saving lives. Image
Read 10 tweets
Feb 22
🚨 ¡A Google Lens le acaba de salir un verdadero competidor!

Chance AI es el motor de búsqueda visual más poderoso jamás creado.

He aquí por qué es el futuro de la búsqueda de IA: Image
Chance AI analiza imágenes de forma más rápida, más inteligente y con mayor precisión.

@Chance_vision puede reconocer objetos, textos y escenas con una precisión increíble.

@Chance_vision Antes de continuar, no te pierdas esta increíble herramienta IA 👇
Read 9 tweets
Feb 22
"From Grandeur to Dust: The Rise and Fall of America's Architectural Marvels"
A captivating Thread unveiling the breathtaking buildings we created and then destroyed, unra
veling the mysteries behind their demise...🧵 Image
01. America's most beautiful library (built 1874) was demolished in the '50s for a parking garage.
Its cast-iron book alcoves were pulled down to move the library to a more "efficient" space — and the old site repurposed. Image
2. Garrick Theater, Chicago
That's not the only thing demolished for more parking space.
The US has a rich heritage of theater design, although its best works are lost. This opulent theater was a landmark of early modern architecture, now gone Image
Read 14 tweets
Feb 22
eletrônicos que valem cada centavo e você acha na Shopee! pt.3

thread útil: Image
Read 13 tweets
Feb 22
🇺🇦 🛰️ Czy Musk może wyłączyć „polskiego” Starlinka Ukrainie?

Minister @KGawkowski napisał, że nie wyobraża sobie możliwości zerwania przez SpaceX komercyjnych umów na Starlinka, którego dostarczamy Ukrainie.

Niestety sytuacja jest chyba bardziej skomplikowana.

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@SpaceX Garść zastrzeżeń:

1. Wyłączenie Starlinka Ukrainie wciąż ma status plotki.

2. Moje wnioski opierają się o dane z przestrzeni publicznej. Trzeba pamiętać, że szczególnie w temacie umów SpaceX z amerykańskim Departament Obrony oficjalnych informacji jest niewiele.

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Zacznijmy od tego, że w USA od czerwca 2023 odpowiedzialność za dostarczanie usługi Starlink na Ukrainę wziął Departament Obrony.

Nie znamy szczegółów, ale wszystko wskazuje, że jej clue to nie terminale, ale o odpowiedzialność i koszty zabezpieczenia operacji.

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Feb 22
Si trabajas en una oficina seguramente tendréis comedor para guardar y tomar el almuerzo aquellos que no podáis volver a casa a mediodía. Ese es mi caso. Pues resulta que alguien roba habitualmente mi comida del frigorífico. 🧵🧵🧵👉🏻👉🏻 Image
El ambiente de trabajo es agradable y el puesto me gusta. Es una pequeña oficina desde la que llevamos la administración de varias farmacias. A la semana de comenzar a trabajar se sucedieron los acontecimientos que os cuento. En definitiva, falta comida. Image
Al principio pensé que era una casualidad y no le di más importancia. Alguien se habrá confundido. Los tuppers son todos parecidos. Pero el suceso se repitió varias veces. Me quedé sin ensaladilla el lunes y el miércoles desapareció el pollo. Tenemos un ladrón en la oficina. Image
Read 28 tweets
Feb 22
For fifty years Basil II ruled the Empire of the Romans, campaigning tirelessly to secure the borders and bring peace through war.

This is a thread on the mighty life of the greatest ever soldier-emperor:

• The Purple-born Bulgar Slayer •

🧵[Thread] Image
Basil was born in the purple chamber of the imperial palace in Constantinople in AD 958, earning him the moniker ‘Porphyrogénnetos’.

Following the death of his father in 963, Basil’s early life was dominated by regent co-emperors; Nikephoros Phokas & John Tzimiskes, rebelling generals, and overbearing conspiratorial ministers.

When he was 18 the last of his regents, Tzimiskes, died, leaving him as emperor but still partially under the thumb of his chief minister & relative Basil Lekapenos who even provoked a failed rebellion by removing the general Bardas Skleros from power.

These attempts to usurp and control Basil had a profound impact on his rule and personality later in his life.Image
Basil knew he needed his own military prestige to demonstrate an alternative to the great military families of the empire and decided to march against the Bulgars who had raided the Balkans.

But his first campaign was a disaster, leading to an ambush and bloody retreat.

This damaged his reputation among the leading generals of the empire and severely damaged his position.

In 985 he dismissed the long-term and incredibly influential chief advisor, Basil Lekapenos.Image
Read 22 tweets
Feb 22
Dr William Price, Father of Cremation in the UK. 👀 Image
1. Image
2. Image
Read 39 tweets
Feb 22
1. Wizyta ostatnia moja w pewnym miejscu zaowocowała informacjami, z których drobne breadcrumpsy zapodam. A dotyczą jednego z ulubionych tematów polskich internetów czyli pepeka Moskit. Image
2. Jak wiadomo powstało konsorcjum (PCO/PGZ/WITU/WB), które ma doprowadzić do komercjalizacji wyrobu Moskit, w tym zakresie zarówno WITU jak i @WBGroup_PL informowały. W ub. roku złożono wniosek o dofinansowanie projektu rozwoju Moskita w ramach NCBiR i ZTCW ma być Image
@WBGroup_PL 3. podjęta decyzja o przyznaniu środków w ramach projektu "PERUN". Co do samego ppk Moskit to pisałem już o nim wcześniej i obecnie są to testowe modele/demonstratory, które mają podlegać zmianom w kierunku tzw. produkcyjności (tak jak często wspomina o tym kierownictwo WB), choć Image
Read 5 tweets
Feb 22
I’m *ready* to share the results of #ReviveRoehampton project after making the @thebookseller #Nibbies #LibraryOfTheYear Finalists!

I’m unbelievably proud & grateful for everyone who’s supported me in giving us ‘underdogs’ a chance to feel safe, seen, valued & celebrated! TY! 🤩 Image
There was a LOT to process when I started at Roehampton Library.
Like a lot, a lot.
I decided that to truly #ReviveRoehampton I needed to be big, bold & brave.
It broke down into: 1. Environment 2. Community Outreach 3. Stock 4. CYP Programme & 5. Partnerships
A MEGA Task! 😵‍💫 Image
1. Environment
The library didn’t have a Children’s Librarian & despite their best efforts, I inherited this…

Community feedback was either they go to a different library, stopped coming, came at the holidays & felt it wasn’t an inclusive, accessible, lovely, modern library. 😭 Image
Read 21 tweets
Feb 22
Bausand & Betonkies - Warum Grönland für Europa strategische Bedeutung bekommen könnte 🧵

Sprichworte “wie Sand am Meer” und riesige Sandwüsten täuschen darüber hinweg, das fürs Bauen geeignete und förderbare Sande und Kiese nicht nur in Europa knapp sind.

Denn um tragfähige und dauerhafte Betone und Mörtel zu produzieren, braucht es frostfeste Gesteine mit genau abgestuften Korngrößen und kantigen Formen der Körner.
Und die entstehen in bester Qualität nur in Flüssen. (Mit Abstrichen können Brechsande verwendet werden).
2/13 Image
Der weltweite Bedarf an Bausand und Betonkies hat sich in den letzten 20 Jahren verdreifacht.
Es wird mittlerweile doppelt so viel Kies und Sand gefördert, als die Flüsse der Welt nachproduzieren können.
Lagerstätten in Europa erschöpfen sich.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 22
This is a great thread and you should read the whole thing. I'm a STEM guy who's always been interested in the humanities, and you all should consider what has been said.

My 🧵will be about my own favorite subject: adventure stories.
In secondary and tertiary schools, it is pretty clear that stories are selected in just the manner described in the QT: specific didactic purposes are held up and sensational or lurid trash is excluded. Image
What I'm here to point out is that:

1) adventure stories are probably better for the intended purpose of invigorating the imagination and motivating the will toward good

2) there are already adventure stories being used for this purpose, their origins have been obscured Image
Read 14 tweets
Feb 22
In 1991, Tony Robbins discovered a tumor in his brain.

Today? He teaches people how to build unf*ckwithable wealth with the power of the mind.

Presidents, Billionaires & NBA stars pay millions for his advice.

The top 7 lessons he teaches them (that will transform your life):🧵 Image
In 1991, doctors found a rare tumor in Tony's brain.

Instead of surgery, he used the same mental techniques he taught others to shrink it naturally.

Within a year, the tumor disappeared without surgery.

That’s when the power of the mind became his obsession.
1/ The RPM Method that made him millions:

R - Results you want
P - Purpose behind them
M - Massive Action Plan

“I’ve found that 20 percent of any change is knowing how, but 80 percent is knowing why."
Read 15 tweets
Feb 22
Entry strategies are pointless.

Here’s exactly what you should be focusing on if you struggle with entering within the market.

A THREAD 🧵 Image
Before we dive into everything understanding why entry “strategies fail”
Read 10 tweets
Feb 22
Trago uma história da hater do Walter Salles, a colunista e professora Etiene Martins

Aparentemente ela *forjou um e-mail racista* p/ incriminar uma chefe q negou uma viagem a ela

Teria sido em meados de 2019, quando ela trabalhava na Prefeitura de BH

Temos documentos 🧶 Image
Este é o e-mail em questão:

"Depois da sua argumentação de hoje, você me faz constatar que para representar a SMSP é necessário um gerente branco como o Sebastião e lugar de negra é limpando o chão" Image
O problema, para Etiene Martins, é que a chefe Márcia Cristina Alves tinha um álibi

Ela estava numa agência bancária no mesmo horário em que o e-mail foi enviado

A chefe juntou os comprovantes bancários no Boletim de Ocorrência que registrou contra Etiene Martins Image
Read 6 tweets
Feb 22
This is Jay-Z.

The richest musician of all time, worth $2.5 billion.

But despite 25 Grammys, his music makes up just 3% of his wealth.

The other 97%? Built through BRILLIANT business skills even Warren Buffett admires...

If you want financial freedom, study his playbook:🧵 Image
Jay-Z grew up in Brooklyn’s Marcy Projects, one of the toughest housing projects in NYC.

As a kid, he sold CDs out of his car to make ends meet.

Then, he dropped out of high school to follow his dream:

Make it in music.
But in the early '90s, Jay-Z was rejected by every major record label.

Instead of giving up, he took matters into his own hands.

In 1995, he co-founded Roc-A-Fella Records with two friends.

They started small, but Jay-Z had a vision:

Control his own destiny.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 22
Bold Attempt by Indian Actress 🥵🔥

A Thread 🧵 Image
Samantha in Oo Antava Oo Oo Antava Song Image
Alia Bhatt in Gangubai Kathiawadi Image
Read 7 tweets
Feb 22
The third week of #February saw catastrophic #weather events around the world

A thread 🧵1/7

#Flood #Storm #Volcano #Cyclone #Eruption #Earthquake #Wildfire #Snow #Asia #Africa #Europe #Italy #Thailand #SouthAfrica #Chile #Hawaii #USA #Canada #Kentucky #Botswana #Climate #Viral
At least 15 killed, including 13 in #Kentucky as a winter storm swept through #UnitedStates


#Storm #Flood #KYwx #USwx #Montana #Dakota #Georgia #Virginia #Pennsylvania #Maryland #Flashflood #Winter #Rain #Climate #Weather #Viral
Storms unleashed torrential rains, triggering severe flooding in Pattaya #Thailand


#Flood #Asia #Pattaya #Flashflood #Rain #Climate #Weather #Viral
Read 7 tweets
Feb 22
McDonald's ice cream machines are broken 15% of the time.

But it's not an accident...

It's a carefully orchestrated $1 BILLION scheme that squeezed franchise owners dry for decades.

Until one startup decided to fight back.

Here's how they exposed everything: 🧵 Image
For decades, McDonald's ice cream machines have been notoriously broken.

So broken that people created apps just to track which ones actually work.

At any given time, 15% of all McDonald's ice cream machines are down.

But why? Image
The official reason - "Complex maintenance requirements."

But beneath the surface, a darker truth was emerging:

A billion-dollar repair scheme that would eventually attract federal investigation.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 22
Phone + ChatGPT = $6,017 a month

(Even my grandmother can do it)

Here's the plan to follow ↓ Image
Reminder: Make sure to read this thread until the end because I have a surprise for you.

In the meantime, here are the 3 simple steps to follow:
1/ Go to ChatGPT

Once you're on ChatGPT, paste this message:

“List 10 best-selling electronic products on Amazon priced over $100.”

For this example, I’m going to choose the Garmin Forerunner 945 Premium GPS Running. Image
Read 11 tweets
Feb 22
How to Find High-Probability IFVG (Inversion)

Early induction of the market structure shift.

Mastering IFVG helps refine your entries and trade with precision.

Let’s break it down step by step. 🧵 Image
01. Image
02. Image
Read 12 tweets
Feb 22
Long-COVID, POTS, and post-viral syndrome all share one root:

Dysregulated nervous system function.

Proper breathing can restore parasympathetic tone—bringing your body back to baseline.

The 5 powerful breathwork techniques to start with: 🧵 Image
First off, to show that my claim is well-founded, here are the studies:

Breathwork truly provides a non-invasive method to tackle autonomic dysfunction observed in post-viral syndrome, long COVID, and POTS.

Let me explain this to you real quick ↓ Image
Breathwork aids in rebalancing the autonomic nervous system.

Deep breathing helps calm the body by activating lung sensors that signal the brain to relax. This boosts the parasympathetic system, which slows your heart rate, reduces stress, and restores balance.

My techniques: Image
Read 10 tweets
Feb 22
6 Deep messages about life:

1. Image
2. Image
3. Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 22
This is insane:

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway just announced they now hold a record $334 BILLION in cash.

To put this into perspective, between Q1 2024 and Q4 2024, their cash balance rose a massive $145.2 BILLION.

What does Warren Buffett see here?

(a thread) Image
Below is Berkshire Hathaway's balance sheet:

They now hold $286.5 BILLION of US Treasury Bills and $44.3 billion of cash in their insurance and other business.

In their Railroad, Utilities and Energy business, they hold another ~$3.4 billion of cash.

This is unprecedented. Image
To put this in perspective, the US Federal Reserve currently holds $195.3 billion in US Treasury Bills.

This means that Berkshire Hathaway now holds ~$91.2 billion MORE of T-bills than the Fed.

Berkshire Hathaway's T-bill balance is ~47% HIGHER than the Fed itself. Image
Read 13 tweets
Feb 22
Bom dia. Venho alertando para um certo oba-oba que envolve o campo progressista brasileiro (em especial, a base social-militante do lulismo, que vai além do PT) com a denúncia da PGR contra Bolsonaro et caterva. O fio é sobre isso: uma explicação sobre este alerta. Image
1) Quanto ao julgamento pelo STF, a grande imprensa ventilou a possibilidade de tudo ser finalizado ainda neste semestre. Considero um desatino típico da linha editorial sensacionalista em busca de likes. O mais provável é a sentença ser proferida em setembro ou outubro. Image
2) Se minhas projeções são razoáveis quanto ao calendário de julgamento, teremos um longo intervalo de 7 a 8 meses de muita turbulência pela frente. Já se esboçam algumas frentes da ofensiva bolsonarista: uma de massas e outra política, além da jurídica. Image
Read 14 tweets
Feb 22

After studying 1000+ geniuses, Laszlo Polgar was sure that geniuses are made, not born—so he found a wife and had 3 kids.

15 years later, all 3 daughters became chess grandmasters and spoke 7 languages fluently.

Here's how he did it: Image
Hungarian psychologist Laszlo Polgar was born in 1946.

In university, he studied lives of the greatest geniuses in history—from Socrates to DaVinci and Einstein.

And this gave him a crazy idea...
Laszlo came to a conclusion:

"Geniuses are made, not born."

He was convinced that with proper education, any healthy child could be turned into a prodigy.

But he wanted to prove his theory—so he got to work:
Read 16 tweets
Feb 22

The Chinese device drastically outshined the current best spy cameras, including those made by the US. (1/8)
🧵👇 Image
(2/8) The camera, recently tested near the remote Qinghai Lake, can spot detailed objects measuring as small as 1.7mm (0.03 inches) from distances exceeding 100km (62 miles). Image
(3/8) For comparison, US-made analogues only reach a 20 mm (7.87 inches) resolution at 1.6 km (1 mile). Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 22
Actress with Small Tit$ 🤭🍒

A Thread Image
Zendaya Image
Samara Weaving Image
Read 6 tweets
Feb 22
Warren Buffett spends $0 on longevity hacks at 93.

Yet he's mentally sharper than 90% of CEOs half his age.

The best part? He drinks 5 Cokes, eats McDonald's and Dairy Queen daily.

Here's a billionaire unconventional anti-aging protocol: 🧵 Image
Most billionaires obsess over:
• Personal chefs
• Organic food
• Strict diet plans

But Buffett's philosophy?

"I checked the actuarial tables, and the lowest death rate is among 6-year-olds. So I decided to eat like a 6-year-old."

Here are 5 habits in Buffet's protocol:
1/ His precise breakfast ritual is based on the market.

If stocks are:
• UP: $3.17 bacon, egg & cheese biscuit
• FLAT: $2.95 sausage, egg & cheese
• DOWN: $2.61 two sausage patties

And, of course, sometimes he'll throw in a Coke. Image
Read 15 tweets
Feb 22
🇺🇦⚔️🇷🇺 Ukrainian troops are at risk of being ENCIRCLED and DESTROYED by Russian defenders in Kursk

😨This will be a MASSIVE HUMILIATION for Zelensky

🧵Here’s why Ukraine supporters should be VERY WORRIED👇 Image
Putin recently revealed that Russian troops had crossed the border from Russia’s Kursk region into Ukraine’s Sumy region.

This could become a HUGE PROBLEM for the remaining Ukrainians in Kursk.
Based on the available information, Russian forces appear to be moving to cut off the supply route between Ukraine’s Sumy region and occupied Sudzha in Russia’s Kursk region.

If that happens, it’ll be a logistical nightmare for Ukraine Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 22
The most powerful skill in the world:


Over the last 3 years, I’ve built an audience of 2,500,000 by studying the greatest copywriters in history.

Here are 7 copywriting principles I’ve learned to master the art of writing: Image
Don't Describe An Emotion, Make It⁣

Hemingway mastered what he called the "Theory of Omission."

Delete every sentence that explains an emotion:

• "He was angry" → "His fists clenched"
• "She felt sad" → "Tears fell into her coffee"
• "They were excited" → "They couldn't sit still"

The less you explain, the more your readers feel.Image
Kill Adverbs

Stephen King famously said, “The road to hell is paved with adverbs.”

• He ran quickly → He sprinted
• She said softly → She whispered
• He said loudly → He shouted

Hang this adjective matrix on your wall: Image
Read 9 tweets
Feb 22
Goodbye ChatGPT

It's only been 5 days since Grok 3 dropped, and the World is already blown away by its potential.

13 examples that will blow your mind (Don't miss the 5th one): Image
1. Build games in different languages
2. Comparing products when you want to buy something
Read 17 tweets
Feb 22
Now that it’s been reveals that Trump has been a Russian asset for 40 years named Krasnov by the FSB, I will write a simple thread of various pieces of information that solidifies the truth of everything I’ve written. Please read and share. #Krasnov Image
Ivana’s FBI files indicate she had a questionable origin story and was working with known stock manipulators and Russian mob. Image
Like mother like daughter. I’ve speculated that mom and dad aren’t the only Russian assets in the family. Image
Read 28 tweets