Tom Bateman Profile picture
BBC State Department Correspondent. Ex Middle East. Presenter of BBC series #TheMandates - how Britain & France divided the Middle East:
Jun 23 4 tweets 2 min read
“We were the masters… and whatever we did was right”.
British forces refined the use of human shields including strapping prisoners to vehicles back in mandate Palestine. In our R4 series The Mandates-we unearthed the extraordinary tape of Arthur Lane, 1st Bn Manchester Regt Lane was a teenage soldier serving in Egypt, then Palestine in 1938 and then Malaya. He would later write with a mix of revulsion and regret about some of what he saw. His testimony was recorded decades later as part of an oral history project by the Imperial War Museum.
Oct 7, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
1. In the autumn of 1938 British soldiers arrived in the village of Al-Bassa in northern Palestine. They rounded up villagers and burned down homes. Troops later forced men onto a bus and blew it up by making them drive over a landmine. Eid Haddad’s parents lived there It was a reprisal killing after the deaths of 4 British soldiers in a roadside bomb. The local British commander warned if mines were laid the nearest Palestinian village would receive “punitive” action. A British policeman took photos of the atrocity at al-Bassa.
Apr 22, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
1. This is a story from #Mariupol about one woman’s journey into the heart of darkness. Her name is Anastasia and she is 23. Hers is a story of duty, loyalty and love in the midst of the appalling onslaught of war. 2. On 28 March, Anastasia left with a volunteer driver from #Zaporizhzhia to attempt a 200 mile drive across the front line into Russian-occupied territory to Mariupol, to rescue her parents Oksana and Dmitry.
Apr 8, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
1. Civilians who escaped Mariupol in recent days have described the growing desperation in the besieged city, including accounts of bodies buried in shallow graves, looting by Chechen fighters, and starving residents being killed when they venture out of shelters to find water 2. The evacuee's accounts to the BBC are emerging as they reach the town of #Zaporizhzhia which is acting as a hub for refugees. They have risked journeys through Russian and Ukrainian lines that the Red Cross describes as an evacuation "from hell"
Jul 18, 2021 12 tweets 6 min read
Thread: What’s happening in #Israel as the Delta variant surges in one of the world’s most vaccinated countries? More below- as the lead scientist advising Israel’s government tells me “#vaccines work” but must not be treated as “bullet proof vests”... New daily #COVID19 cases hit more than 1,000 on Friday, from nearly none in early June. Severe illness remains relatively low but is rising - now 63 patients. Death rates are still very low, averaging 1 per day. Israel has a highly vaccinated population - 56% with 2 doses