Nicholas de Wolff ❎ Profile picture
Executive Strategy | Sustainable Business Previously Technicolor | Disney | ABC World News Now, 🧠💼🌿🎬🎭🗣️🇫🇷 🇵🇹 🇬🇧 🇺🇸🏅🌍 (See Linktree for 🦋and @)
Oct 11, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
A) why is the Musk oX unable to decide between "Robotaxi" and "Cybercab"? Did The latter sound too close to "Johnny Cab" for his lawyers' liking? 🧵 B) price-per-mile comparisons between a large public transport vehicle and a small car are useless unless they are calculated per capita. Then again, details & facts are never of much interest to this category of entrepreneur, whether arguably brilliant or incontestable buffoon.
Jun 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Many of us complain on this platform about unpleasant brand experiences, whether to seek restitution or simply vent publicly. I'd like to think we're equally prepared to leverage our networks in recognition of brands doing things the right way. Who deserves your kudos?
I'll start Purely from product evangelism, creative innovation, and CRM perspective, @benandjerrys has a sweet spot in my list: everything they do demonstrates humanity, compassion, care, and commitment to quality.
Oct 21, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
Annual letter from @Microsoft CEO @satyanadella : Progress made and optimism for the opportunity ahead. Well worth the read Some compelling trends in the letter focusing on many enterprises' increased obsession with digital twining and the Metaverse. Some of @satyanadella's comments clarify why @Facebook is so passionately pursuing dominant positioning in the metaverse layer.
Aug 14, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Coke Putting Dasani Water in Cans Amid Backlash Against Plastic
Let's be blunt: consumers who can't grasp that filtered tap water is *usually* better quality than this bottled stuff are looking for a "pure, fresh" and convenient hydration experience. While plastic is a proven environmental and ecological hazard, aluminum or other metallic cans have not benefitted from the millions and millions of dollars that the plastics industry invested in fomenting an aura of purity that infects consumer consciousness.
Jul 12, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
I sat next to a pleasant elder gentleman on the plane yesterday and, during our conversation, I discovered he fervently believes all illegal immigrants coming to our borders are thieves, rapists, and gang members...because the @GOP and Administration told him so. The man beside me spoke repeatedly of "they" and "them", venomously deriding black, brown, and other PoC as a virus that required swift eradication. I was shocked, but I was seated next to him for 3 hours.
I knew an argument would resolve nothing.
Apr 23, 2019 7 tweets 5 min read
If brands choose to have a presence on a social platform, they had better understand, and be well prepared for, the diversity of interactions they will encounter on those platforms. This is probably most crucial on @Twitter. I'm talking to you @oakley, with whom I've been politely DMing to no avail for the past 4 months. Lesson #1: when a customer shows you the courtesy of quietly lodging their concerns by DM, instead of airing their grievance publicly, it behooves you to be responsive and thorough.
Feb 23, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
You don't have to pretend you love a candidate to create a healthy dialogue with their supporters, but you do have to stop unnecessarily badmouthing the candidate and supporters to get the respect and consideration of those voters (not the bots) who admire said candidate. Some politicians are also heinous individuals with abhorrent beliefs and positions, and those who continue to support them no longer merit my respect, though I will *try* to remain courteous. I know I will never find political common ground with that constituency.
Feb 1, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
Residential ISPs have been operating under a massively flawed business model for years now, and seem to have no interest in change said model. @ATT @GetSpectrum and others believe that customer churn is an acceptable cost of doing business. So long as they can successfully seduce an equal or greater volume of new customers each month, to offset loss of customers due to their shady price hikes, these near #monopolies are happy.
Dec 31, 2018 7 tweets 4 min read
The 2020 Presidential Race has begun, but candidate smears have been ongoing for a while. I fear centrist/liberal/left squabbling will seriously undermine the prospect of unified opposition to GOP entrenchment, gerrymandering, voter suppression, Russian meddling, & other tactics. Voters who believe @SenSanders sabotaged @HillaryClinton presidential chances are vilifying his supporters, and effectively alienating them out of spite, it seems. Where is the benefit in this tactic?
Dec 23, 2018 7 tweets 4 min read
Holiday shopping tip for retailers: If you're going to offer live customer support, know that it will always set the standard for your brand value. #Fail to communicate clearly, or provide resolution with integrity, and you lose not only the customer but their influence network. Whatever complaints we may have about @amazon, their customer support is generally excellent, and so their customers stick with them. Features offered tend to work, and problems are resolved with the minimum possible fuss. Sadly, other brands, attempting to compete, fall short.
Nov 26, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
The Fourth Estate is like the rest of society: #diverse and complex, yet immensely important. Several #Media outlets continue to operate with integrity, passion for truth, and professional excellence…yet… Sadly, many well-known #news brands have fallen prey to the same desire for eyeballs and subscriptions that infects so many @YouTube vloggers and @Instagram “celebrities”.
Nov 9, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
Marketing #fail of the month: I visited the big @TMobile store in Burbank, CA - planning on getting the new @oneplus 6T, but the @petelau2007 @JohnLegere love-fest is going to go sour very shortly, if my experience was any indicator. Staff not only had zero product knowledge of the phone, but clearly didn't even care. I casually asked what the phone specs were (storage, camera), and the store associate begrudgingly took out his own phone to research the answer via the Web.
Nov 6, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
I've always contended that promoting the notion of a "Blue Wave" is a mistake, as it sets us up for failure. If Democrats succeed in flipping either the House or Senate today (or both), the Right gets to say it was "as expected", and not much will change in their minds. Congress may stand up to the vile actions and intents of the current Administration, but if the House and Senate are split, that's an impasse, and the Right gets to hypocritically claim Liberals are impeding democracy, thereby bolstering the rabid singlemindedness of their base.
Sep 28, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
The once United States of America is now a terribly broken nation, in dire need of honorable leadership, enlightened representation, and thoughful introspection. The venom with which self-centered citizens attack each other is only self-destructive. The bigotry and hatred, once hidden under a veneer of social nicety, is now plainly evident, and even celebrated.
Sep 27, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
This is not the "enlightened delegate" that Madison envisioned, but rather an uninformed partisan, intent not on the honorable representation of his constituency, but on victory at all cost against a fabricated enemy. Our elected representatives, absent term limits, lose sight of the intended purpose of their role, and become trapped in the back rooms of a system no longer in touch with, nor responsive to, the electorate.
Mar 15, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Short thread inspired by a video from Britain:
1/4 - So many people are claiming the issue of gun violence is fraught with complexity, but it's not. In Australia, in Britain, in countries that have heretofore looked to the US for democratic and human rights leadership... 2/4 - ...the threats posed by gun violence have been addressed with sensible civility and urgent thoughtfulness. The children of our communities are now trying to do what we have repeatedly failed to do. Will we sit by, apathetic and selfish in our numb denial?...
Jan 21, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
Short thread: I took my...No. Correction: My 11-yr old daughter took me to last year's March, and it was a joyful "F*** you!" to a man and an Administration that we already knew represented the worst of our nation's complex character...We simply did not know how bad it would get. Today, I was unable to march, as I had a business commitment, but I was there in spirit: thinking of all the wonderful strong women, girls, and allies who I knew were marching all over the world. I thought "it may not be as many as last year, but it will be a good showing!".