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Oct 10th 2022
As a Zapotec Professor, born and raised in Koreatown, I am appalled to hear LA City Council members blatant racial attacks. Many of us Indigenous Oaxacans, however, are not surprised to hear this racial violence from non-Indigenous Latinx and Mexicans! It happens EVERYDAY!
I began my research on Indigenous Oaxacan experiences in the US because of my family's and my pueblos (not "villages") transnational autonomous practices across #LosAngeles & #Oaxaca. I concentrate on women and children precisely because of the racial violence we have
endured by Latinx & non-Indigenous mestizo Mexicans, yet that remains invisible by most. Being called "Pinche India fea!," "India Maria Baja del cerro"... and the number of spitts from my Latinx peers growing up attending #LAUSD from elementary to h.s.
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