Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #العراق_ينتفض

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May 28th 2021
🇮🇶 | THREAD: la révolution irakienne.

Deuxième partie: le début de la « Thawra ». ImageImage
Ce thread est une suite à la première partie qui explique le contexte dans lequel le mouvement est né.
Face à cette crise socio-économique et politique, la corruption, le chômage, la négligence des services publics et la tutelle étrangère sur l’Irak, le peuple irakien a commencé à se mobiliser en octobre 2019 dans les rues. Image
Read 19 tweets
Dec 8th 2019
The video shows Iraqi protesters carrying coffins, signalling that not only are they not afraid of death, they're already expecting and prepared for it.
But this is my favorite. A young Iraqi protester sits in a coffin, chilling and having a sheesha. This is the attitude these man have towards death. You think you can defeat them?
The fact that these young man are mostly Shia should not be lost on anyone. Every year the Shia religious calendar revolves around remembering and giving life to the martyrdom of a man who chose death over obeying a tyrant. You think you can scare them with... death?
Read 3 tweets
Oct 4th 2019
[2nd #Thread on Iraq] 1/ Earlier I posted an analysis of a Twitter campaign in Iraq calling for international attention and revolution. It was in English. The following thread is of the Arabic hashtags #العراق_تنتفض and #العراق_ينتفض (Iraq is revolting masc and fem.).
2/ I analysed around 18,000 unique accounts tweeting on either of the hashtags. 1021 accounts were created in September and October 2019. That's around 6%. 334 of these accounts were just created in the three days of October! It may or may not be unusual that most of the accounts
3/ started being created in September 2019. This is common when we see influence campaigns, or indeed samples, as bots tend to have short lives and often created shortly before a campaign, and die upon campaigning. It could indicate there was a pre-emptive campaign, but not
Read 11 tweets

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