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Feb 23rd 2022
Are you having trouble filling out your #2022MMM Bracket? Too hard to make decisions? What's a Sneak of Weasels and can they beat a Glaring of Cats? (That one is easy: No)


Grab your towel and follow along with Professor Bobcat’s March Mammal Madness Manifesto
First up, reach down for that confidence and remember that this is YOUR bracket and you don’t have to let anybody else make you second guess.

Why am I saying this?

Because if you’re reading #2022MMM advice from an Internet Bobcat you’ve got some issues, Biped.
Next up, you’ve got your essential #2022MMM decision to make with that newfound mesopredator level confidence:

Are you going with your head or your heart?

If the latter, you get to pick your favorites and go ahead and cheer for them, but,
Read 32 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
NEXT UP: 6th seed Sphinx monkey (Mandrillus sphinx) vs. 11th seed Black and Red Bush Squirrel (Paraxerus lucifer) #2021MMM
Sphinx monkey is named after the sphinx, a mythical creature w/the body of a lion, wings of an eagle, and head of a person. Astute observers may recognize sphinx in hits like #2014MMM, #2017MMM, & as part of the seven Wonders of the Ancient World. [Pic: Clark & Kim Kays] #2021MMM A photo taken by Clark and Kim Kays showing the Great Sphinx
Sphinx were supposed to be intelligent & ferocious guards. It must be something about these monkey's colorful faces that just strikes us as wise - Rafiki, Simba's mentor in The Lion King, was also a sphinx monkey (or more commonly, mandrill). #2021MMM
Read 20 tweets
Mar 2nd 2021
Having trouble filling out your #2021MMM Bracket? Too hard to make the decisions? What the heck is a Red-Rumped Agouti and can it beat a Bay Cat? (That one is easy: No)


Grab your towel and follow along with Professor Bobcat’s Annual March Mammal Madness Manifesto!
First up, reach down for that confidence and remember that this is YOUR bracket and you don’t have to let anybody else make you second guess.

Why am I saying this?

Because if you’re reading #2021MMM advice from an Internet Bobcat? You’ve got some issues, Biped.
Next, you’ve got your essential #2021MMM decision to make with that newfound mesopredator level confidence:

Are you going with your head or your heart?

If the latter, you get to pick your favorites and go ahead and cheer for them, but,
Read 32 tweets
Mar 19th 2019
NEXT UP: #3 seed Bearcat (Carnivora: Arctictis binturong) vs #14 seed Leopard Frog (Amphibia: Lithobates pipiens, previously Rana pipiens) #2019MMM
The common names of each of these species lands them in the Cat-e-Gory division: BearCAT & LEOPARD frog #2019MMM
This is our 3rd year seeing Bearcat, or Binturong, at MMM (previous appearances in #2014MMM & #2017MMM) because Bearcats are awesome (but not awesome enough to make it to the Wheatie's box.....yet #Is2019TheirYear #OrDoTheyLoveFigs) #2019MMM
Read 17 tweets

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