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May 22nd 2018

Newly-examined emails among then FBI Director James Comey and his chief of staff James Rybicki—reference a “sensitive matter team.”

Based on the context of the emails, the “sensitive matter” appears to be...


#QAnon #MAGA #2ndSpecialCounsel
...the Trump-Russia media narrative, and political opposition research funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Research— known as the “Steele dossier”— peddled to the press (via @jaketapper) by COMEY, MCCABE, CLAPPER, et al...


Jan 6th: Comey chief of staff Rybicki email, “Director Comey is coming to HQ briefly now for an update on the sensitive matter team”

Same day: Comey briefed President-elect Trump on a few of the salacious, unverified allegations in the dossier..
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