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Oct 2nd 2019
Kicking off our roundtable with #5thMiddlesex educators, parents, school committee members, superintendents and others to discuss the #StudentOpportunityAct! #mapoli #FBRC #maedu Image
So excited that representatives, officials and community members are here from ALL the communities in the #5thMiddlesex: #MaldenMA #MelroseMA #ReadingMA #StonehamMA #WakefieldMA #StonehamMA!
Thank you @StonehamSuper and #StonehamCentralMiddleSchool for hosting us at the middle school library tonight and thank you @StonehamTV for recording, airing and sharing the event! #mapoli #maedu
Read 3 tweets
Dec 13th 2018
With a new legislative session beginning in January, we are busy preparing our policy agenda and priorities, and seeking feedback from our constituents on the issues that are most important to you and your families.

#MApoli #ConstituentFeedback #5thMiddlesex
We invite you to fill out a brief survey, which can be found here:…. This survey should only take a few minutes to complete and all responses will be anonymous.

#MApoli #ConstituentFeedback #5thMiddlesex
To gather further constituent input, we will be holding a #VirtualTownHall in January. During a Facebook live-stream on January 8 at 6:00pm, I will discuss the survey results and take questions and feedback from the online audience.

#MApoli #ConstituentFeedback #5thMiddlesex
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Nov 7th 2018
Thank you to the voters of the #5thMiddlesex for once again putting your faith in me.

Thank you as well to all of our volunteers and supporters for your hard work toward our resounding victory yesterday.

This is a shared victory for our shared values. 1/

#mapoli Image
I want to congratulate Erin Calvo-Bacci on a hard fought campaign. 2/

I am looking forward to returning to work to advocate on behalf of our residents -- by standing up for our values, improving people's lives, and strengthening our communities.

Read 3 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
Now more than ever, we must defend our core democratic values and fight to build a grassroots coalition that can improve the lives of our neighbors and communities across the #5thMiddlesex district. We can only do this together. 1/
#mapoli Image
I want to thank the hundreds of volunteers, supporters, and friends who helped our campaign over the last few months. We wouldn't be here today without you. 2/
My thanks go out to @samhammar who ran a great campaign and engaged many new voices in the political process. We win when we build bridges together and listen to all voices in our communities. 3/
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