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May 22nd 2023
🚨New Paper Alert🚨
Heureux de vous annoncer la publication d'une étude conduite avec des collègues du #CNRM (@meteofrance /@INSU_CNRS) revenant sur l'exceptionnel été #2022 pour les #SST sur les façades maritimes françaises.
Un 🧵 pour parler 🛰️et 🌊:
Vous vous souvenez de mon fil de l'an dernier?
Le but ici est de quantifier la réponse des #SST et d'attribuer ces extrêmes aux conditions atmosphériques en évaluant les contributions des variables atmosphériques.
Le contexte:
L'été #2022 est le 2ème été le + chaud en France depuis 1900 avec une moyenne saisonnière pour la T2m de 22.7°C.
En particulier, la France a subit 3 vagues de chaleur exceptionnelles Image
Read 21 tweets
Nov 21st 2022
Last month, @fraxfinance launched their liquid staking service and related token $frxETH

A thread 🧵to talk about $frxETH, and why I think it goona be the biggest challenger for Lido and $stETH 👇

Keep reading!
Let me introduced the mechanism of $frxETH first.

Users can deposit their ETH into the validator ran by frax finance and mint $frxETH.

Different with Lido’s stETH rebase mechanism, $frxETH is constant and holding $frxETH cannot generate yield Image
Two choice for users to earning rewards

First. Staking $frxETH to mint sfrxETH. sfrxETH is ERC-4626 vault and accumulates staking yield of Frax ETH validators.

The rates of frxETH:sfrxETH is changeable, holders will earn reward when redeem frxETH back.

Curreny APY is 4.72%
Read 12 tweets
Sep 10th 2022
0/ stablecoin liquidity is a core element of a flourishing, decentralized financial system

let's explore the #stablecoin landscape & have a look at the largest & most innovative stablecoins out there

featuring $USDT, $DAI, $FRAX, $UXD & more

mega-🧵 on stablecoins (0/50)✨👇 Image
1/ stablecoins are #cryptocurrencies the value of which is pegged, or tied, to that of another currency, commodity or financial instrument
2/ most #stablecoins use the the U.S. dollar as their “stable” reserve asset. Stablecoins are designed to reduce volatility relative to unpegged #cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and bridge the worlds of crypto & fiat currencies
Read 51 tweets
Jan 3rd 2020
2020 weekly close thread for PFAS.

Down 0.17% over the first two trading sessions. 11 up, 9 down, 5 unch...

No movements greater than 5%
Divis #ULS #RECI
Exit: #RRE (too crowded, no edge)
Slice: #AAZ (to 20% weight)

Now 8% cash which I plan to deploy next week

Good w/e all
PFAS down 0.44% weekly (-0.61% YTD). 12 up, 12 down, 2 unch
🐶 #ULS

Divis #GAW #GSK

Have a great w/e folks 🍻🥂⚽️
PFAS up 1.1% weekly (+0.48% YTD). 18 up, 7 down, 2 unch


Sold a slither of #GAW & #SPSY to fund an experimental position in #EMQQ

Have a great w/e folks 🍻🥂⚽️
Read 57 tweets

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