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Jul 26th 2020
I was in my father’s birthplace (‘#Al_Ansha Meda’, between ‘#Boru_Meda’ & ‘#Kuta_Ber’, some 20 minutes drive from #Dessie) with my Dad two months ago. There are more than 1,400+ households in the area who have been deprived of electricity. #Wollo #GERD #AccesstoElectricity ImageImageImageImage
I am not sure they will get electricity when #GERD starts. The residents bitterly complain that the current and previous administration deliberately ignored their plea to access road and electricity despite thier interest to co-finance it. #GoodGovernance #InclusiveGrowth ImageImageImageImage
The paradox is that there is electricity across their village near the main road. Besides, there is also a construction (residential houses )near their village & they are frustrated why they were left behind. #GoodGovernance #InclusiveGrowth #Wollo #KutaBer #AlAnshaMeda #BoruMeda ImageImageImageImage
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