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Mar 26th 2023
The Grand #Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (#GERD).

A thread.
If you happen to look at the news in the last couple of weeks about it, you will find a lot.👇

For the casual reader, what these news articles Don't tell you WHY exactly #Egypt and #Ethiopia are locked in these bitter disagreements over the #Nile water use via the #GERD.
Quick background:

The #Nile river is shared by 11 countries. Of its total annual flow contribution, #Ethiopian rivers including #Abbay (Blue Nile) that #GERD is being built accounts 85% or ~77 Billion Cubic Meters (BCM). The rest of the Nile countries accounts ~15%.
Read 26 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
Anti-acidity medicines increase the risk of heart attacks

1. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like omeprazole, esomeprazole & rabeprazole are commonly used for treating GERD and other acidity-related disorders.
A recent study looked at long-term PPI use and risk of heart diseases.
2. 19,229 adults with type 2 diabetes were followed up for about 11 years.
Long term PPI users had 27% higher risk of coronary artery disease; 34% higher risk of myocardial infarction, 35% higher risk of heart failure & 30% higher risk of all-cause death, as compared to non-users
3. The mechanism of PPI increasing the risk of #heart diseases could be: the effects of PPI on altering gut microbes and their interaction with anti-platelet agents (PPIs may reduce the bio-availability of clopidogrel).
#MedTwitter #Gastroenterology #gerd
Read 4 tweets
Sep 15th 2022
🧵 Reducing #PrescribingCascades ⬇️

1/ What are #Prescribing Cascades?

1⃣ A drug is prescribed 💊
2⃣ #AdverseEvent occurs but is misinterpreted as a new medical condition ⚠️
3⃣Another drug is prescribed for the drug-induced adverse event 💊💊 #MedEd Image
2/ Anticholinergics ➡️ cognitive dysfunction ➡️ drugs for #dementia

#Anticholinergic 💊 block acetylcholinergic neurotransmission in the brain, impairing cognition & memory

Can lead to new Rx or ↗️ acetylcholinesterase inhibitor doses #MedEd #FOAMed Image
3/ Drugs for #dementia ➡️ incontinence ➡️ anticholinergics

Conversely, AChE-I can cause urinary or fecal incontinence, that may "cascade" to prescription of an #anticholinergic

👉🏽 full Letter here:

#MedEd #PrescribingCascades #MedTwitter Image
Read 10 tweets
Aug 15th 2022
#GERD and Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs)

The #GERD , as a project on a transboundary water course, will tremendously help not only Ethiopia but the whole Nile basin region to move towards the attainment of the #SDGs
#Ethiopia is constructing the #GERD with the aim of eradicating abject poverty in the country (SDG1).

The project will also contribute towards Zero Hunger (SDG2) as well as provision of clean water and sanitation (SDG6).
Ethiopia is a country with more than 65 million people without access to electricity.
The GERD is a project which will cater for millions providing Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG7) for Ethiopia and the wider region at large.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 12th 2022
⭐️Everything you need to know about H. pylori: the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report summarized❗️ 🧵


#MedTwitter #GITwitter #IDTwitter #microbiome…
🦠HP gastritis is an infectious disease irrespective of symptoms/complications

⚠️HP▶️chronic active gastritis in ALL colonized individuals. This can▶️peptic ulcer disease, atrophic gastritis, gastric adenocarcinoma, MALT. Eradication prevents all of this
🦠Test-and-treat (versus endoscopy or empiric PPI) for uninvestigated dyspepsia. Subject to regional HP prevalence and 💰considerations. This does NOT apply to patients with 🚩symptoms or older patients.

⚠️Need EGD if🚩. Can also consider🔦in patients where HP prevalence is ⬇️
Read 63 tweets
May 25th 2022
The Minister of the Ministry of Planning & Development, @FitsumAdela received a special envoy from the Norwegian Government Ministry of Climate & Environment, led by H.E. Mr. Hans Brattskar.
During the meeting, the officials discussed the overall strategic issues related to 1/5
climate change, preparation of the 2nd phase strategic plan for investment & climate change mitigation by the Norwegian Government, & the overall coordination of the support.
During the discussion, @FitsumAdela recalled that #Ethiopia has been championing the issue of 2/5
climate change globally as well as domestically, & demonstrated its commitment by including a climate resilient green economy as one of the strategic pillars of its development plan. Ethiopia’s commitment is also demonstrated through its actions in generating renewable energy 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
@rebelliousgut @MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @ibdesis @Empoweringpts9 @DCharabaty @crohnsbabble @LivingWithUmeed @vkckiranpullela @TheMaveilousGut @dunung_ruchita 1/ I'm Tina from 🇺🇸 co-founder of Team @ibdesis. We are proud to lead #PatientExperience on @MondayNightIBD to discuss specific aspects of #SouthAsianIBD experience. We hope to improve care & reduce disparities in our community around the 🌍 thru @southasianIBD. #MondayNightIBD
@rebelliousgut @MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @ibdesis @Empoweringpts9 @DCharabaty @crohnsbabble @LivingWithUmeed @vkckiranpullela @TheMaveilousGut @dunung_ruchita 2/ Even though my dad suffered from #Crohns, when I presented with #IBS #constipation, #GERD, joint pains & eye issues as a child, no one made the connection or escalated it to a gastroenterologist. #MondayNightIBD #SouthAsianIBD
@rebelliousgut @MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @ibdesis @Empoweringpts9 @DCharabaty @crohnsbabble @LivingWithUmeed @vkckiranpullela @TheMaveilousGut @dunung_ruchita 3/ When my dad passed from #CRC, my family went into poverty & couldn't afford health insurance. Though I was symptomatic as a child, I didn't have a #colonoscopy until 22 when I got my 1st job. That's when I received my very delayed #IBD diagnosis. #MondayNightIBD #SouthAsianIBD
Read 11 tweets
Dec 18th 2021
Now this is a great tweet.

What is it you ask?

Well it’s a TPLF information officer explaining that the TPLF have taken over Ethiopia’s largest military command the day after President Trump publicly suggested Egypt might need to bomb the #GERD in a televised press conf.
Eight days later in a treacherous attack, soldiers loyal to the TPLF launched a coordinated surprise attack on five military bases killing 1000s of their colleagues.
While @SecPompeo acknowledged this the day after, on Election Day in the US. The @nytimes still remains skeptical about the origins of the war, claiming that @AbiyAhmedAli really started the war just last week >>… ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
H pylori #tweetorial for resistant H pylori
#AGA released CPU in 4/21 revisiting topic of resistance/treatment failures, not a guideline, but the expert opinion @BradSpellberg loves! (1/x)…
@ABsteward @RushCCH_ID #MedEd #medtwitter #idtwitter
As GN bacteria go, it's an interesting bug:
Highly motile, curved, GNR, #Urease-positive, catalase-positive, oxidase-positive
Related to Campylobacter, for family fun
Nice crossover with our #Gastroenterology colleagues, eh #IDtwitter and @IDSAInfo
GN, and as such should be sensitive to most #antibiotics that target GN with pretty good susceptibilities over time for:
#amoxicillin #tetracycline #aminoglycoside #nitroimidazole #macrolide
Read 25 tweets
Dec 6th 2021
A high resolution view over the #HornOfAfrica and Nile Basins from this morning from the @NASA Worldview satellite system. #GERD #Ethiopia #Somalia #Somaliland #Sudan #SouthSudan #Kenya #Uganda
A closeup of Ethiopia's #GERD and #Sudan's Rosieres dams.
And a close up of the upper reaches of the White Nile showing Lake Albert and Lake Kyoga which are downstream from the Lake Victoria outlet of the White Nile at Jinja.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 10th 2021
There was a marked change in tone in the UNSC meeting held 8th November on "Peace and Security in Africa" which addressed the escalating conflict in Ethiopia.

Most notable of all was the statement from @USAmbUN which came at the end.
Amb. Linda Thomas Greenfield finally delivered a full throated condemnation of TPLF violence in Amhara and Afar demanding their withdrawal nearly four months after TPLF forces launched its offensive in mid-July, after rejecting a unilateral ceasefire announced by GoE on 28 June.
Yesterday's @StateDept briefing from Ned Price @StateDeptSpox also covered the escalating crisis in Ethiopia closely - the UNSC and the US are now deferring to the mediation effort led by former Nigerian President @Oolusegun_obj.…
Read 18 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
Should an authoritarian nation involved in hostilities against its neighbours be hosting the next COP?

Question and answer addressed to OCHA Policy Chief Hans Joerg Strohmeyer at #COP26 by Scoop Media 9 November 2021
Question from Scoop answered by OCHA Chief, Policy Development and Studies Branch Hans Joerg Strohmeyer - OCHA is the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs which is responsible for coordinating humanitarian aid delivery around the world.
The question relates to a recent decision to award COP27 to Egypt - made in September 2021 - and announced by US Climate Change Envoy John Kerry on October 2nd 2021, on the same day that US special envoy to the HoA Jeffrey Feltman was dispatched to Sudan to prevent a coup.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 23rd 2021

#GERD #ACG2021 Image
Therapies alternative to acid suppression Image
Read 17 tweets
Oct 13th 2021
My understanding is that at east two major contractors on the #GERD are European, German Generators and Italian as the construction lead.
If Europe attempts to intervene in these contracts - on a renewable energy development project with the potential to lift 100s of millions out of extreme poverty - it will alienate not just Ethiopia but much of Africa and millions of Africa diaspora.
Unfortunately this sounds like exactly the sort of thing that the @EEAS_EU under High Representative @JosepBorrellF might think is a good idea.

A far better approach might me a sincere approach for reconciliation with the newly sworn Govt. of Ethiopia.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 26th 2021
Here's @AP's report on @DemekeHasen's speech to the #UNGA last night >>…

But I find it rather confusing there are TPLF diplomatic letters in relation to a matter of life and death for 1000s of people in Ethiopia, which have not been made public.
This report covers several of the speeches made yesterday including that by Ethiopia Deputy PM and Foreign Minister @DemekeHasen.…
"Ethiopia Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen, who rejected humanitarian concerns over Tigray as part of a “twisted propaganda campaign" in the embattled corner of northern Ethiopia." >>…
Read 13 tweets
Sep 22nd 2021
Dear @LindaT_G @AsstSecStateAF @JoeBiden,

As the US continues to pursue its agenda to secure negotiations between the GoE and the TPLF this is what is being reported in Northern Ethiopia.

The current estimate for deaths in TPLF occupied Kobo is 600+.

#UNGA #UNGAEthiopiaCrisis
A German @dw_amharic report on Kobo. The massacre has been discussed in Ethiopia now for several days.
Additional info:
- TPLF was fighting 2 fronts 12 km from Kobo center
- Losing they chose to regroup in Kobo & used mortars, .50 & AAA machine guns on the outskirts of town.
This story remains un-reported by Western Media, and there are no recent specific international condemnations addressing numerous reported TPLF attrocities in the parts of Amhara Region that it is occupying.

#UNGA #UNGAEthiopiacrisis
Read 10 tweets
Sep 22nd 2021
Africa Speaks to the World:

African National Leader addresses in the 76th #UNGA General Debate which started yesterday.

#COVID #ClimateChange #Equity #HumanRights #Justice

A thread...
President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmajo.

"The UN must have a greater impact on people's lives through a focus on peace-building activities."

#UNGA #AfricaSpeaks Day 1 - 21st September 2021
Faustin Archange Touadera, Head of State of the Central African Republic.

"Faced with new challenges sweeping reforms of [UN] organs are needed for it to remain the forum par excellence for multilateralism."

#UNGA #AfricaSpeaks Day 1 - 21st Sept. 2021
Read 12 tweets
Aug 25th 2021
I am re-upping this thread from the weekend. Tomorrow is an important day for @USAmbUN, a day for courage, to seek moderation of an indefensible US Foreign Policy or a day of shame, one which will not be remembered fondly in history.
In February 2003 Former GWB Admin U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell delivered a speech which led to the Iraq War, and countless horrors thereafter.

@USAmbUN Linda Thomas Greenfield is not facing quite such a significant moment. Yet.
Greenfield has an opportunity to live up to her own words, "African Lives Matter", delivered in the last UNSC meeting to address Ethiopia and Tigray. She will be very closely watched diplomatically, across Africa, in the East and more generally in the global south.
Read 20 tweets
Aug 24th 2021
The UNISFA Ethiopian UN Peacekeeper withdrawal from South Sudan/Darfur border regions. One of the unexpected, and unfortunate consequences of the Ethiopian Crisis, here highlighted by @LaurenBinDC
Another video, more inspirational music. And inspiring pictures. The UN at its best, with Ethiopian support.
I hope when the UNSC discusses "Peace and security in Africa" on Thursday afternoon, an appropriate level of recognition is given to the positive role that Ethiopia has played, and can continue to play in peacekeeping in Eastern Africa.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 19th 2021

In this critical time for our country, here are some steps you can take as an individual for the collective good - at home or abroad:

- Be intentional to buy products made in #Ethiopia, specially from small businesses
- Exchange foreign currency through official channels
- Fly Ethiopian Airlines whenever possible (@flyethiopian)
- If you are a landlord in #Ethiopia, for the foreseeable future, don't increase rent on your tenants
- Donate to educational organizations and charities operating in #Ethiopia
- If you can afford, invest in Ethiopia
- Financially support #GERD (
- And if you work in Ethiopia, pay your taxes

If you support this initiative, spread the word.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 18th 2021
#Feltman THREAD

On Friday 29th January 2021, The Middle East Policy Council held its 103rd Capitol Hill Conference virtually.
One of the speakers of the event was Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman, Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa.

Full video here👇🏾 1
Although the event was about the Middle East, #Feltman wanted to start with what he referred as ’ the alarming developments in the Horn of Africa’ as he is convinced that there is a very strong connection between the Horn and the Middle East. Agree with him on the connection. 2
#Feltman thus discusses Ethiopia. He says, “Ethiopia's population alone is more than 4 times that of pre war Syria. 110 million people in Ethiopia. Conflict in the Horn could make Syria look like child's play by comparison.”

We disagree. Ethiopia & Syria are totally different. 3
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Aug 17th 2021
There is an obvious pathway for the @JoeBiden to rehabilitate its international reputation and change the subject from its debacle in Afghanistan. I.E. to focus on preventing a new foreign policy catastrophe in Ethiopia.

Thread follows....
At least since 1991 and the fall of the DERG, which coincided with the fall of disintegration of the Soviet Union, Ethiopia, and the TPLF led governments which followed have been been close allies to the U.S.
This long-standing relationship deepened in the years after the 9/11 attacks in 2001 and became a partnership for counter-terrorism.
Read 41 tweets
Aug 15th 2021
Ambassador Robert Godec, Acting Assitant Secretary of the Bureau of African Affairs is the lead U.S. Govt. official responsible for U.S. policy reponses to this crisis.

Here is his biography -…
He is a long serving career diplomat but has had two assignments which point to deeper involvement in the wider U.S. security apparatus.

Three aspects of his biography jump out for me as being relevant to our understanding of U.S. engagement on this crisis.
1/ His last posting before returning to D.C. "He was U.S. Ambassador to Kenya from January 2013 to February 2019.  Ambassador Godec was assigned as the Chargé d’Affaires at U.S. Embassy Nairobi, Kenya in August 2012."
Read 25 tweets

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