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May 8th 2022
#EconomicProvincialRankings - How Canada Performs. British Columbia tops the provinces with an excellent overall A performance that ranks second only to Ireland. #bcfinance #bcpoli #bceconomy…
Ontario has worked its way up into second place among the provinces with strong growth over the past three years—the province ranks 6th among the 26 jurisdictions and gets a C grade.
Resource-rich Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador have tumbled down the rankings as a result of recent sustained negative commodity shocks and now get D and D– grades, as do Quebec and the Maritime provinces.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
On #IWD, how do we value health for all? I'd argue that how we measure our economy & its progress indicators are crucial in achieving this.

Based on 3 guiding principles:
Value planetary health ✅
Value social foundations & equity ✅
Take human health seriously ✅
1/ #bcpoli
As proposed by the @WHO Council on the Economics of Health for all policy brief, valuing Health for All means rethinking and building a whole-of-society approach. 2/ #bcpoli #BCEconomy #GPI…
We value planetary health, by protecting the integrity of essential common goods such as water and air, and by respecting the ecological boundaries upon which human health and well-being ultimately depend. 3/ #bcpoli #BCEconomy #GPI
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