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Sep 13th 2018
Have been following @sidagarwal's #FiftyTrees and was nudged by @SloganMurugan to join in soon. So, I'm now joining the lovely @AratiKumarRao to post photos of #NammaOorinaMaragalu #NOM #trees

1/50: Tabebuia rosea (Pink Poui), photographed in Basavanagudi ImageImage
2/50: African Tulip Tree (Spathodea campanulata)
Image 1: Jungle Myna feeding on the flowers (from Magadi Road)
Image 2: All the red-tops in this scape are African Tulip trees that have just come into bloom in September (from Arekere)
#FiftyTrees #NammaOorinaMaragalu #NOM #trees ImageImage
3/50: Gulmohar (Delonix regia) photographed near the State Central Library in Cubbon Park
Contrary to popular belief, the Gulmohar is not a native species; it comes from Madagascar.
#FiftyTrees #NammaOorinaMaragalu #NOM #trees #BangaloreTrees ImageImage
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