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Apr 24th 2023
#Goa was liberated from over four centuries of #Portuguese rule in 1961. But the Portuguese occupation saw anti-colonial uprisings including the #PintoRevolt or the #ConspiracyofthePintos. It is claimed that the rebels had colluded with #TipuSultan of #Mysore
#history ImageImage
The Pinto revolt at Candolim was the 1st such serious attempt by the people of #Goa to overthrow the #Portuguese. It was a protest against the racial discrimination by the Portuguese.
The conspiracy was hatched largely by the clergy, which was upset at the discrimination ingrained in the Catholic Church against native Goan Christians and a system where the Portuguese were supreme.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
आज मला Static Electric Shock चा आलेला अनुभव.
गेल्या काही दिवसापासून बेंगलोर आणि म्हैसूर या शहरामध्ये Static Electric Shock चे प्रमाण वाढले आहे. आजच मी एका मित्राला स्पर्श केल्यावर मला पण त्याचा झटका बसला. पण हे असे का होते त्यामगील शास्त्रीय कारण जाणून घेऊया. 👇
हा शॉक असा असतो की जेव्हा पण एखादा माणूस दुसऱ्या वस्तूला खासकरून मेटल बॉडी ला स्पर्श करतो किंवा दुसऱ्या माणसाला स्पर्श करतो तेव्हा त्या माणसाला करंट लागल्यासारखा वाटतो.हे होण्यामागे कारण असे की प्रत्येक माणसाची बॉडी ही Atom (अणू) पासुन बनलेली असते.👇
त्यामध्ये इलेक्ट्रॉन (-) प्रोटॉन (+) आणि न्युट्रोन (neutral)असते.यात सर्व अणुंचे प्रमाण हे balance राखण्यासाठी समान असते. पण जेव्हा पण शरीराच्या बाहेरील तापमान, हवेचा दाब किंवा वेगवेगळे रेडिएशन मुळे याचे प्रमाण अचानक कमी जास्त होते.👇
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Sep 15th 2022
I bow to the great son of #Karnataka Sir #MVisvesvaraya on his Jayanti.

The visionary engineer, scholar and statesman devoted his entire life to our nation, spearheading several transformational projects.

Sir MV was a strong proponent of industrialise or perish.

Sir MV transformed #Mysore:

Mysore Sandal Oil & Soap Factory

Bangalore Agricultural University

Mysore Chambers of Commerce

Bhadravati Iron & Steel Works

Kannada Literary Academy

Hebbal Agricultural School

State Bank of Mysore

Mysore University


When Sir MV was offered the position of Dewan of Mysore State, he summoned all his relatives and took a word from each one of them that she/he will not ask for any favour from him once he becomes Dewan.

Only after all of them agreed did he accept the position.

Read 3 tweets
Jul 4th 2022
Alleging that the lease period has expired, Farooqia Girls' High School in #Mysore has been suddenly #locked by the authorities. As a result, more than 450 children & teachers have been thrown into the streets. there has been widespread outrage over the action of the Edu dept. 1/
"Education is our Right we can not wait for our future"
a student of Farooqia girls High school speaking in protest today in Mysore. Several org/parties and lawyers standing with students protest. 2/
It's heartbreaking 💔 to see some of the students sitting outside Farooqia school shed tears thinking of their studies & future. Most of them are pursuing class 10 and their annual exams are near. 3/
Read 9 tweets
Jun 19th 2022
🪡@narendramodi will take part in the International Yoga Day show in #Mysore on June 21.

In a nation that buys ‘The Daily Spectacle’, this is just another dot in @PMOIndia’s diary.

But what goes into an event like this—for hashtags to trend for a few hours on Tuesday? #YogaDay
2️⃣ Modi doing #Yoga in #Mysuru is a big deal.

All three great gurus of the 20th century—T.Krishnamacharya, B.K.S. Iyengar, K. Pattabhi Jois—grew under the patronage of the Maharajas of Mysore.

UN designated June 21 as #InternationalDayofYoga only after Modi became PM in 2014.
3️⃣ Still, a one-hour show led by the PM at Mysore Palace takes some doing.

Coverage in Mysore’s local dailies #StarOfMysore and #Andolana gives a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes.

It is a sobering lesson of how a partipatory democracy can be a made-for-TV spectacle.
Read 20 tweets
May 25th 2022
Contribution of #Mysore Empire - #Thread.

Brithishers knew about #KGF (Kolar Gold Field). In the year 1802, John Warner learned about the presence of gold and demarked the area, allowing him to export a small amount of gold.
From 1881 through 1946, John Taylor & Company exported 10,000 kg of gold to the United Kingdom each year. That's almost 6,50,000 kg of gold from #Mysore State, which is now #Karnataka. Even at that time, #Karnataka was the largest tax-paying state.
Britishers robbed the whole wealth of Mysore State during the 4th Anglo Mysore War in 1799. Due to a lack of money, work on the Mysore Palace was halted for four years. Even Dussehra was not celebrated between 1800 and 1804.
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Apr 28th 2022
#Dr_Ambedkar Visited to #KGF in 11th_July_1954.:-

Dr Ambedkar Visited only two_place in #Karnataka one was #KGF and other one was #Bangalore: Even though #Mysore_Maharaj invited but due to National assignment he couldn't go to #Mysore.
Mr.SWAMINATHAN, #MLA_of_KGF during 1953 (scheduled caste federation) with #BABASAHEB_AMBEDKAR
#Hand_Bill_copy of 1954 During Dr Ambedkar Visit to #KGF.
Read 3 tweets
Jan 26th 2022
The Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway (MSM) was formed in 1908 from the merger of the Madras Railway Company (MR) which operated a broad gauge (BG) system and the Southern Mahratta Railway(SMR) metre gauge (MG) system.
In 1943, MSM operated 1518 miles of Broad gauge track and 2087 miles of Metre gauge track across southern India.
Madras Railway Company (MR) was incorporated in 1845 for the purposes of building a 70 mile line between Madras and the military base at Arcot. In 1859, its mandate was expanded to Beypore, with branches to Bangalore, and via Bellary, to join the line from Bombay.
Read 20 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
This is #Navaratri / #Dasara.

For long & even today, Dasara is synonymous with #Mysore. It is also the nADa-habba - the State Festival of Karnataka.

Dasara as the State Festival are a contribution of the #Wodeyar dynasty.

“May they prosper forever” - the Yadukula Santana.

Vijayadashami as a Festival has a very long history. Many classical texts trace it back to Mahabharata, although the Vyasa Bharata does not say anything. It, of course, goes back to Ramayana.

In the Classical era & subsequently in the preBritish references are galore.

The Vijayanagar Kings made Vijayadashami - Dasara a very big event, which is recorded by many travellers.

But its the Wodeyars alone who carried this festival to the Modern times. They transformed a cultural/religious event into a State/Civilizational Festival.

Read 29 tweets
Aug 3rd 2021
Inspired by @MonicaK2511 to share photos taken my ME, God has been so wonderful to me that my work has taken me to so many places & I share some pictures from my travels. Maybe I will add to this like a series but this is just a beginning. #Amritsar #Dhaka #Dublin #Mysore
To these I add #Holland #Qatar #Norway and #California There many pictures but these are just a few, representative...
The next in line are #Paris #NewYork #Switzerland and #Kolkatta... Each place has a beauty, charm, culture, that must be experienced.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 16th 2021
#Thread on Hyder Ali's legacy of Hindu persecution policy.

As people begin to grasp Tipu Sultan's anti-Hindu policies, this thread will make it evident that they were put in force by his father, Hyder Ali too.

#TipuSultan #HyderAli #Mysuru #Mysore #Hindutva #History
Hyder Ali didn’t spare even girls of 4-5 years old, who were purchased on account of beauty to train them in music, dance and to give pleasure.
1763: Hyder Ali fought with Rani of Bednur, Rani Virammaji. When people of Bednur heard about his attack, they fled to jungle. Hyder systematically looted Bednur. His loot was estimated 12 mn sterling.

Later he imprisoned the Rani.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
Most Famous Temples of Lord Shiva in #Karnataka
Mahabaleshwar #Gokarna Murdeshwar #Bhatkal ಉ.#ಕನ್ನಡ
Manjunatha Swamy #Dharmasthala
Srikanteshwara #Nanjangud
Kotilingeshwara #Kolar
Mahadeva is one of the principal deities of Hinduism.

Har Har Mahadev I ಹರ ಹರ ಮಹಾದೇವ I 🙏 ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
Sir Mirza Ismail noted this in a report in 1930s that best illustrates the development in #Mysore under the Wodeyars.
What was more remarkable was Mysore's social interventions.

>Primary Education was made free and compulsory in 1913
>Introduced adult literacy programs long before it was conceptualised elsewhere
>Other firsts include mass smallpox vaccinations, girls hostels, agri banks
>In 1927, Mysore state was first in the country to start a Braille printing press
>First two birth control clinics in the world were set up by the Princely state of Mysore in 1930
Read 4 tweets
May 19th 2020
🔹 Srikanteshwara temple 🔹

Nanjangud, Mysore is also called as
"Dakshina Kashi" lies on the banks of the river Kapila (Kabini).

ನಂಜನಗೂಡು I ಮೈಸೂರು I Karnataka Image
'ಸೋಜುಗಾದ ಸೂಜಿ ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ...
ಮಾದೇವ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮಂಡೆ ಮೇಲೆ ದುಂಡು ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ..'

ನಮ್ಮ ಕನ್ನಡ ಜಾನಪದ ಹಾಡಿಗೆ ಸೊಬಗು ತಂದ ಅನನ್ಯ ಭಟ್ ರ ಭಾವಪೂರ್ಣ ಕಂಠ ಸಿರಿ ! 🙏
Who else addicted to this song..?
A soulful rendition of a Kannada folk song by @Ananyabhat14 on Mahashivaratri 2020 @ ISHA
Devine and eternal peace.. Nanjundeshwara temple.

Abode of Lord Shiva who swallowed Poison to save earth. Parashurama worshipped here for Paapa Vimochana..Har Har Mahadev 🙏

ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಕಾಶಿ ಶ್ರೀಕಂಠೇಶ್ವರ ದೇವಾಲಯ..ಹರ ಹರ ಮಹಾದೇವ. #ನಂಜನಗೂಡು #Mysuru l Karnataka ImageImage
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May 16th 2020
Mahishasura Mardini – Chamundeshwari I Mysuru I

Goddess 'DURGA’ the fierce form of SHAKTI, Fought Mahishasura over a period of Fifteen days, he kept changing his shape and mislead. Finally when transformed into a Buffalo, stabbed him with her TRIDENT, that was the end of Demon! ImageImage
Ashada Masa is an auspicious Hindu month specially for Devi aradhane devotees consider the Goddess as their daughter and offer sarees & special pooja essentials on ashada fridays.

ಆಷಾಢ ಶುಕ್ರವಾರ ನಾಡ ಅಧಿದೇವತೆ ಶ್ರೀ ಚಾಮುಂಡೇಶ್ವರಿ ಅಮ್ಮನವರು 🙏
#mysore #mysuru #Karnataka
#chamundihills ImageImage
ತಾಯಿ ಚಾಮುಂಡಿ ವರ್ಧಂತಿ ಮಹೋತ್ಸವದ ಶುಭಾಶಯ ಗಳು l
ತಾಯಿ ಎಲ್ಲರಿಗೂ ಒಳ್ಳೇದು ಮಾಡಲಿ 🙏
#ChamundiHills #ಮೈಸೂರು #mysore #Mysuru Image
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Jan 30th 2020
#Threads Collating National Protests Against #CAA_NRC_NPR
Scheduled On 30 January 2020, Thursday
24x7 | Shaheen Bagh | women led protest
24x7 | near Khureji Petrol Pump, Khureji | women led dharna
24x7 | Seelampur-Jafrabad, in front of Al Taj Dawakhana
24x7 | Inderlok Metro Station
24x7 | Turkman Gate, Chandni Chowk
24x7 | Jamia Millia Islamia Gate 7
24x7 | Brijpuri Pullya, Mustafabad
24x7 | Kardampuri Chowk, opp. Yamuna Vihar
24x7 | Chand Bagh, near Gokulpuri Metro Station
24x7 | Sri Ram Colony, Ramleela Ground, near Hanuman Mandir, Khajuri
24x7 | Gandhi Park, Hauz Rani, Malviya Nagar
Read 24 tweets
Jan 25th 2020
This 71st REPUBLIC DAY, Lets Unite and Protest to save the constitution which came into effect this day in 1950!

Here are the thread collating #CAAProtests planned for 26th JANUARY from all over INDIA🇮🇳 & 🌏 Image
All Latest 24 x 7 Sit-in Protests are updated in this thread!

Do check in!
United States Nation Wide Protests in 9+ Cities Against CAA / NRC

Signup for bus ride and email them for more info! ImageImage
Read 36 tweets
Jan 25th 2020
Here are the thread collating #CAAProtests planned for 25th JANUARY from all over INDIA🇮🇳 & 🌏 Image
Don’t forget to check in all the 24x7 Sit-in Protests ongoing updated in this thread!
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Dec 23rd 2019
Here are the thread collating #CAAPotests planned for 24th December from all over INDIA🇮🇳
@deepsealioness @yehlog @naukarshah @_stayloud @mirzahyd1 @commieqazi @Actor_Siddharth @DearthOfSid @ReallySwara @ResistCAA @nuts2406 @Fatima_Z0hra
#Bangalore Protest Against Police Brutality and CAA / NRC
Date 24th DEC @ 5 PM
Venue👇in poster
More info @_riqsha
Spread it out Image
#Mysore Protest Against CAA / NRC
Date 24th Dec @ 11 AM
Venue : Town Hall
Read 14 tweets
Jul 30th 2019
A linga surrounded by 108 miniature lingas! Carved on rock on the banks of the Tungabhadra. Those who haven't been to #Hampi have missed the finest Indian heritage site of all. #Karnatakatrail. ImageImage
#Karnatakatrail: One of the finest heritage sites of the state at Kanaganahalli, near Sannati, #Yadgir. Excavated stupa comparable to Sanchi. Remains frm Mauryan-Late Satavahana period, frm 3rd cen BCE. Grt set of carved columns, cant be photographed though. Under restoration. Image
#Karnatakatrail: The excavation of the Adhaloka Mahachaitya, over 2 decades, has thrown up over 200 Brahmi inscriptions, depictions of Ashoka & of several Satavahana monarchs, stories frm the Jatakas, of the Buddha and more. Remains show a sculpted circle similar to Sanchi.
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Sep 13th 2018
Have been following @sidagarwal's #FiftyTrees and was nudged by @SloganMurugan to join in soon. So, I'm now joining the lovely @AratiKumarRao to post photos of #NammaOorinaMaragalu #NOM #trees

1/50: Tabebuia rosea (Pink Poui), photographed in Basavanagudi ImageImage
2/50: African Tulip Tree (Spathodea campanulata)
Image 1: Jungle Myna feeding on the flowers (from Magadi Road)
Image 2: All the red-tops in this scape are African Tulip trees that have just come into bloom in September (from Arekere)
#FiftyTrees #NammaOorinaMaragalu #NOM #trees ImageImage
3/50: Gulmohar (Delonix regia) photographed near the State Central Library in Cubbon Park
Contrary to popular belief, the Gulmohar is not a native species; it comes from Madagascar.
#FiftyTrees #NammaOorinaMaragalu #NOM #trees #BangaloreTrees ImageImage
Read 33 tweets

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