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May 24th 2023
Disheartening things I find w/ #ChronicPain & #ChronicIllness is misunderstanding &judgement from others. Weight seems to be a big thing for others. Overweight or thin seems to be an issue. Is it though or are those "others" basing it from their reality instead of the reality of
#ChronicPain & #ChronicIllness. I'll share just one of the many examples I've experienced. Recently I had to shop in the little girls' section & buy the largest size little girls to find a #sundress that would fit!!!(still a little big)So I'm a fairly small person. I, literally,
also had major #abdominalsurgery 2 weeks ago. A friend gave me a ride to get my staples out yesterday. He, on the way home, asked about my exercise, &about how often I walk. Yes, he knows about #ChronicPain & #chronicillness. Unless someone is asking you for exercise health
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