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Mar 23rd 2021
It's #Nowruz --- the Persian New Year!

What a wonderful time to talk about Africa in Iran: Momma Africa's babies are in Iran: The Afro-Persians

'We are Iranians'.

Rediscovering the history of African slavery in Iran 🇮🇷 .

Ali ibn al- Hassan Shirazi, the Black Persian Ethiopian prince who founded the Kilwa Sultanate in East Africa.

Ali ibn al-Hassan Shirazi was one of seven sons of the Emir Al-Hassan of Shiraz, Persia, his mother an Abyssinian (Ethiopian) slave.

"Upon his father's death, Ali was driven out of his inheritance by his warring brothers. Setting sail out of Hormuz, Ali ibn al-Hassan, his household and a small group of followers first made their way to Mogadishu, a commercial port on the East African coast.:
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