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Oct 22nd 2022
Here is the start of Saturday's news thread as #Ukraine battles for freedom.

#Russia's attack on the people (quite literally) continues with power cuts becoming more frequent as the temperatures tumble outside.

#StopRussia #SaveUkraine

So today's the biggest attack by #Russia for weeks.

More missiles are flying around #Ukraine right now - but it's becoming noticeable that air defence is getting better.

17 cruise missiles were fired from aircraft and 16 Kalibr missiles were launched from the Black Sea fleet.
Mayor of #Kyiv, Vitaliy Klichko says "several" missiles fired on energy structure in the capital were shot down.

Other cities to come under attack include:
#Chernihiv #Lutsk #Lviv #Khmelnytskyi #Kovel #Kropyvnytskyi/#Kirovohrad #Odesa #Rivne #Zhytomyr

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