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Nov 26th 2022
FIL took ill this week on Vic country trip, taken to small country hospital, deemed to need major regional hospital, wait a day for MICA ambo to become available, then transferred. Can't come back to Melbourne bcoz "there's no available ICU or cardiology beds there" #springst 😳
Once at major regional hospital, spent day in ED before ward bed became available, still no ICU. Today, deemed to have been exposed to #covid while in ED. Experiencing heart & breathing problems prior to this. Already in a dire situation, still unable to get care level needed
To be clear, all HCW staff have been top notch to both FIL & my husband's family. They are being pushed past their limits by totally preventable covid catastrophe.
All governments should hang their eugenics heads in shame.
#auspol #springst #VicVotes #BringBackMasks #BringBackIso
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