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Protein sequencing is a big deal and goes way beyond DNA sequencing. While we have ~20000 protein-coding genes, we have _millions_ of protein variants, mainly because of post-translational modifications that attach a side group to amino acids.

Phosphorylation is the most frequent PTM, and of particular interest, as dysregulation of phosphorylation pathways is linked to many diseases including cancers, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease.

We lack techniques to measure such PTMs on the single-molecule level! 😳

=> We need new single-molecule techniques
(Mass spectrometry requires typically more than a billion copies and often struggles to identify the correct position of a PTM between multiple candidate sites)

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Today, we put 2 new #CDlab papers on the @arxiv preprint server – which both report, in different ways, on demonstrating nanoscale rotary motors that are driven by a flow through a nanopore.……

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@arxiv Such rotors are inspired by the awesome F0F1 ATPase motor protein in our cells. Here, a proton gradient drives rotation of F0 which induces conformational changes in F1 that catalyze production of ATP, which is the fuel for most processes in our body.

Video credit Biovisions

We built similar rotary motors synthetically from the bottom up, using ‘DNA origami’ in great collaboration with @hendrik_dietz lab. These motor structures dock onto a nanopore and autonomously show sustained unidirectional rotations where a rod rotates at >10 rotations/sec.

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Today we publish a paper in @ScienceMagazine that expands nanopore readings to the proteome:
a nanopore-based scanner to read off PROTEINS at the single-molecule level! 🤩

Awesome experiments by postdoc Henry Brinkerhoff of our #CDlab, with MD simulations of @aksimentievLab

@ScienceMagazine @aksimentievLab Here’s the link to this paper in @ScienceMagazine entitled “Multiple re-reads of single proteins at single-amino-acid resolution using nanopores”:…

@ScienceMagazine @aksimentievLab Principle reminds of nanopore DNA sequencing: we draw a peptide through a nanopore with a helicase walking on a lead DNA strand, and then read off ion current step signals as amino acids are blocking the pore.

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