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Jun 3rd 2021
What is the incidence of VITT after 2nd AZ vaccination? The MHRA are saying 1.3 per 1 million. I say it may be a lot less and could be zero. #VITT #COVIT19 1/7
We do not know much about the 2nd dose VITT cases that the MHRA claims to have had reported to them. They are all >50 but we do not know anything else. Why do they not publish type of thrombosis, age, sex, co-morbidities, anti-PF4? 2/7
It is accepted that the MHRA have had 18 reports of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after 2nd dose AZ vaccine. But are they VITT? Do they definitely not have cancer or sepsis? Do they fulfil the attached typical VITT definition? 3/7 Image
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Mar 29th 2021
1- Kronoloji çok önemli veriler sunuyor bize.
Erşad Salihi baskıyla istifa ettirildi.
ABD seçimlerinden sonra alınan sonuçlar Ankara siyasetine ayar vermişti.
Ve Milli Savunma Bakanı Hulusi Akar soluğu Barzanistan'da aldı. Paçavra önünde oturup poz verdi.
Kimsenin sesi çıkmadı.
2- Papa Irak'a geliyordu.
Tabi,Irak ziyaretinin bir parçası Barzanistan 'ı kutsamak ve Barzanistan'ı himayesine alarak bunu dünyaya ilan etmekti.
Bunun için Barzanistan HATIRA PULU bastırdı. Türkiye siyasetinde MHP - AKP sus pus bu olanları sadece izledi.Muhalefetin sesi çıkmadı.
3- Bu aralarda #COVIT19 salgınına rağmen Erdoğan,partisinin kongrelerini düzenliyor ve bindirilmiş kıtalardan oluşan AKP'liler salgını iplemeyerek maskesiz "Tıpkı Bedir savaşına giden müşrikler gibi" Çalgı,çengi ile videolar çekip sosyal medyaya atıyorlardı.Kongre sonucunda,
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Mar 18th 2020
The show is just getting started! KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis on @FamilyMediaTV & @FamilyRadio316 It's all about the effect of Coronavirus to the economy.

#KAMtalksCoronaVirus #staysafe #Covit19 Image
We must adhere to the preventive measures shared by the government including regularly and thoroughly washing hands with soap and water, or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer & maintaining a distance among others - KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis

#KAMtalksCoronavirus #staysafe #Covit19 Image
There are local manufacturers that provide sanitizers and their cost remains the same. Our online directory ( provides a platform for the public to see what's locally available - KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis

#KAMtalksCoronavirus #staysafe #Covit19 Image
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Mar 15th 2020
Leo muchos tuiteros temerosos y quejándose de las acciones del gobierno encabezado por @lopezobrador_, pero casi nadie repara en el reto que suponen las creencias mágicas de los mexicanos. #COVIDー19 #coronavirus…
La Encuesta sobre la Percepción Pública de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en México, hecha en 2017 por Conacyt, revela que 60% de los encuestados prefieren tratar sus enfermedades con "limpias" o con la llamada medicina alternativa. #COVIDー19 #coronavirus…
La "magia" de México, que tanto gusta a los extranjeros que nos visitan, es también un factor en contra para enfrentar emergencias sanitarias. En algunos países desarrollados la magia es parte de los museos. En México es cotidiana. #coronavirus #COVIDー19…
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