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Apr 16th 2023
ELITE #cannibalism is THROUGHOUT pop culture, of course. Food Network, culinary institutions, magazines, etc.

My family has a lot of "foodies" and "culinarians"--as they are not ALL professionally TRAINED at the #cia C.ulinary I.nstitute of A.merica, like my Auntie Carol.
I had a cousin who acted as my handler, too. Auntie Carol's son. Shanon Levenherz was seen Tweeting about hanging with Emeril... Well, your Phantom is DONE, Shanon. Your gig is up. #broadway #cannibalism #sra #zionism #thesepeoplearesick Image
One time, when I was working for the newer Shell Creek Grill & Wine Bar; head chef, Mark, thought he initiated me by sharing his special order meat with me.

They used to have invite only parties in the back room and underneath, before again, rebranding, and relocating!
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Nov 28th 2022
This woman is called #LottaVolkova. Much acclaimed in the fashion world. She works for #BAALenciaga. We entered her Instagram. Let's see what we found. 👇🏼📝 1/10. Image
The person who commented on this photo and always comments on Volkova's posts is also renowned stylist #MARCJACOBS. Here he said: "So good." 👇🏼📝 2/10. ImageImage
This is sick...👇🏼📝 3/10. ImageImageImageImage
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Dec 10th 2017
1/ THREAD - Decoding #QAnon's reference to Thor - TLDR: Thor Slays the #Jotunn = #Maneaters = #Witiko = #Cannibalism
2/ #QAnon said the pictures unlock the deal proposed (by HRC) that was declined (by Q's group). First photo is PJP2, 2nd photo is a painting of Thor. This thread is about that second photo.
3/ It's a painting called Thor's Fight with the Giants, an 1872 piece by Swedish artist Mårten Eskil Winge. It shows Thor's battle against the jötnar << remember this term. You can delve into it here:…
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