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Feb 12th 2023
#Virginia has once again failed 1) #elephant🐘#Asha & 2) the issue of public safety (HB2483).

The personal ‘wants’ of a few were favored over public safety & the needs of a captive wild #animal.
.@MichaelWebert You have said:

“Life is easy when you’re a Democrat politician because you can twist whatever legislation you want to fit your narrative.”

With all due respect, you did just that in response to HB2483. 2/
.@MichaelWebert Your remarks & those in opposition to the bill were *personal, emotional, not based in science*.

Ironically, these are words used to invalidate concerned citizens when advocating for animal welfare issues and public safety concerns. 3/
Read 12 tweets
Nov 4th 2019
A starving #SunBear begs for food in an #Indonesia ZOO
This isn't new news😔
In 2017, Scorpion Foundation: "90% of Zoo's in Indonesia are unfit"
Under the guise of #CONservation is how these 84+ Zoo's operate


.@Menlu_RI .@GrandIndo

#AnimalAbuse 🆘
2/ #Indonesia ZOO'S = #AnimalAbuse
The Ministry of Environment & Forestry regulates these Zoo's
Secretary General of Indonesia Zoo Association👉 #TonnySumampau does nothing

In 2013 the #surabaya Zoo, 130 animals died
In 2014 it was called the #ZooOfDeath

3/ #Indonesia ZOO'S = #AnimalAbuse

There are daily #AnimalRights VIOLATIONS committed by these Zoo's -
Which can be enforced under the Criminal Code BUT law enforcement officials will not.

Forced to perform
Unsanitary conditions EXTREME

Read 9 tweets

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