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Jan 26th 2021
Today, January 26 at 5:30 PM at the Allen Street Gates -- Join @3_20Coalition in our vindicated continued cries for justice, accountability and transparency.

We will not stay silent!!

#BlackLivesMatter #OsazeOsagie #PoliceBrutality #NoJusticeNoPeace #StateCollege #CentreCounty
A massive lie has been served to the people of State College by all members of Centre County leadership and specifically State College Borough & Police, as well as District Attorney Bernie Cantorna.
The officer who is shot and killed Osaze is a violent, alcoholic, domestic abuser, who was released from rehab just days before murdering Osaze.

Three shots to the back, by an officer unfit to work? How do you justify that??

They can't, so instead they cover up
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