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Most recents (2)

Jan 3rd 2023
#ChildhoodAsthma and wheezing a 🧵

Childhood atopic asthma (cough, wheezing, breathlessness) is all too common
Stigma attached is doubly so, myths associated with inhalers and spacers is strongly ingrained, perpetuated acquiesced even by a proportion of paediatricians
What happens in asthma?
Due to a viral or environmental trigger (pollen etc) the child develops reaction in his airways: smaller breathing tubes (bronchioles)in lungs constrict (muscle around them tighten) + smooth lining of these tubes become swollen and produce sticky mucus PC: Asthma initiative of Michigan
What are the symptoms of #asthma in a child?
Tightness of chest, fast breathing, shortness of breath, severe fatigue with cough when severe
Milder symptoms could be troublesome cough in sleep, on running around or a cough that follows common cold and doesn’t get better easily
Read 12 tweets
Feb 23rd 2021
Childhood #Asthma: not unusual to see some wishing it away. It’s stigmatised and poorly managed. Knowing triggers that can be avoided is the first step. Children need personalised Rx plan

9 Asthma Triggers and What to do About Them…
Let us take up:
1.Can you prevent #Asthma?
2. Can you cure Asthma?
3. Will my child get 'addicted' to inhalers?
4. You have prescribed steroids!!
5. Can I try alternative medicine/no medicine?
1.Can you prevent #Asthma?
Primary (Preventing it all together)
Not much, but these help:
Breastfeeding - protective, regulates immune and allergic responses
Avoiding obesity/Overweight + wt loss/healthy wt in children with respiratory symptoms
Avoid exposure to/smoking
Read 13 tweets

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