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Sep 1st 2021
We need to talk about #ChinaSyndrome.
No, I don’t mean a nuclear reactor tunnelling through the Earth, but the constant use of “yeah, but China” as an excuse for failing to prevent climate breakdown.
First, where did this come from?
Well, there’s a long, racist tradition of invoking the threat of China as a scapegoat/excuse for everything powerful people do or don’t want to do.
There’s a name for it: the Yellow Peril myth.…
So pointing at China, even when its per capita emissions were much smaller than ours, came naturally to racists and deniers. But it was weaponised in 2006 by a BBC programme presented by David Attenborough, mistitled The Truth About Climate Change.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 10th 2021
Jamie Dimon (who I once had enormous respect for) on investor losses in Chinese equities:”That’s life in the fast lane,” JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon regarding the startling losses caused by China. #ChinaSyndrome ⁦⁦@joshrogin⁩ ⁦…
“I’m not breathless over it. … I am not as worried about China as everybody else.” Dimon
“For Dimon, billions of dollars in losses may be just another day at the office; the investors who entrusted him with their savings likely aren’t so cavalier.” Rogin
It’s sad to see the vigor with which Wall Street CEOs fight to enable opaque Chinese companies continue to have access to unwitting US investors (including retirees).
Read 6 tweets
Dec 22nd 2018
It's time: #Godzilla v. #Destoroyah! Scientist 2 meddling kids: First u warn me to not make an oxygen destroyer. Now U want me to make one! #kidsthesedays @Elreynetwork #kaiju
I said I could make one. I didn't say it would be easy. #Godzilla v. #Destoroyah @Elreynetwork #kaiju
Ooh-this movie ha=is #graphic sensitive viewers' warning! @Elreynetwork on the scourge of magamonster violence. #Killitwithfire #Kaiju #cadmiummissles #Godzilla
Read 42 tweets

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