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Sep 11th 2021
20 years ago, it was around 6 months that I had been in the US for the first time. My morning commute then was taking an @NJTRANSIT train from #Metropark to #NewarkPenn and then the @PATHTrain to #JournalSquare crossing over to another train to finally reach #Newport by 9 AM
On #LabourDay that year I had made my first online purchase - a @KonicaMinoltaUS camera on @eBay. How much I rue not having bought it before the #MemorialDay would come later. From the office on the 22nd floor of the #NewportTower, the #NewYorkSkyline was always breathtaking
On the #MemorialDay weekend that year, some of us friends, all in the US for the first time, went all across #Manhattan. From #TimesSquare to #NYSE and then to the twin towers of the #WorldTradeCenter all without a camera alongwith me. Always thought there will be a next time
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