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Nov 21st 2019
Just look at nChains patent portfolio and ask yourself who could doubt #CraigisSatoshi. And its a lie to say most doubt this as all the scammers attacking Craig do it because they know he is Satoshi and this threatens their scams:…
Craig's patent portofolio make it impossible for other block chains to follow his invention of original #Bitcoin #BSV. all critical to scaling ones are open only on BSV. its the ONLY place you can build applications to scale.
As #CraigisSatoshi has been saying for years, scaling solves all problems.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 25th 2019
#bsv #bitcoin #craigissatoshi
Remember the locked in Bitcoins of Satoshi?

You may want to read this and question yourself what world do you want to live in!

BTC is greed, BCH is anarchism, BSV is Bitcoin!

Learn, teach, create, build, back the power of honest money!
Bitcoin is brought back by Satoshi, it functions as Satoshi envisioned it. It is because Satoshi is Craig Wright!
Decentral (meaning no people exerting power), simple, secure, capable of doing anything, thrives on competition and work!
Miners are the guardians of Bitcoin,
protecting Bitcoin from change. Change is not always good, decentralised protocols can only be decentralised if people can’t enforce their will upon it. If a protocol is easily changed, people in power can easily transform into something they want, BTC is a living example of what
Read 13 tweets

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