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Jul 28th 2019

🐢 is a Russian asset

🐢 blocks us from protecting/hardening our elex systems.

Let’s call this what it is: unpatriotic.

🐢 is, arguably more than any other American, doing Russian President Putin’s bidding harming our sovereignty.


GA elex officials accused of destroying evidence

FBI made forensic image of the server before it was wiped by GA officials

A KSU server, wiped clean in July 2016,

April 2016, Kislyak visited KSU (GA).

Trump beat HRC in GA w/ a razor-thin 5% of the vote. 🤔

Was GA’s Elex System Hacked in 2016 &2018?

Mueller raises new questions about the integrity of GA’s voting infrastructure. Why is the state stonewalling?

Brian Kemp, Enemy of Democracy
An expert on voter suppression, he is determined to help keep Georgia red
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