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Jun 18th 2023

People wonder what's wrong with Florida, but the problem is so big you can literally see it from outter space. I'm talking about the sugar farms.

#Fanjuls ImageImage
2/ The big three sugar interests in the Everglades Agricultural Area are U.S. Sugar, Florida Crystals, and The Sugar Growers Cooperative. This thread will focus on Florida Crystals which is owned by the #Fanjuls, Pepe and Alfie, who are octogenarian refugees from Cuba. Image
3/ The history of the Everglades Agricultural Area is a storied one that dates back a hundred years when the first real land rush south of Lake Okeechobee culminated in ppl being sold swamps as farmland, and the deadliest hurricane in FL history in 1928. ImageImage
Read 30 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
Ron DeSantis is a horrible governor and wants to be President. It's time for a quick Florida postcard/meme thread.

Read 46 tweets
Jun 6th 2022
Monday, June 6th, 2022.
News you can use. ☕ Image
When Trump supporters started burning their shoes and throwing their razors away, I thought 🤔 "they're gonna be barefoot with neck beards? Sounds like the Taliban."

Read 31 tweets

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