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Mar 24th 2022
1/3 Russia🇷🇺 has been systematically destroying everything Ukrainian🇺🇦 for the last few centuries. Our culture and language have always been a target. And AGAIN one of Russia's key ultimatum today is to force Ukraine to make the Russian language official.
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Mar 17th 2022
Declaring a #NoFlyZone over Ukraine (more specifically, the western half) is realistic; it need not lead to WWII or nuclear winter; and should at least be in NATO's quiver of available options. I support it.🧵
As the saying goes, "In for a penny, in for a pound." The U.S. and NATO are already in for much more than a penny in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This is not a far-off conflict of little relevance. The Cold War has remerged and territorial demarcations must be established.
NATO Countries are currently supplying materiel and aide, and there's serious talk of MiG fighter jets and more. There is, of course, a distinction between NATO pilots flying aircraft over Ukraine vs. just supplying arms; but again, we're already in for more than a penny...
Read 16 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
#russians killed a documentarist Brent Renaud, working for @nytimes in #Ukraine.

Those bastards open fire on journalists, doctors, pregnant women, children, civilians. This is the war against the whole civilized world.

#StopPutin #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine Image
Brent's colleague is in the hospital. He doesn't yet know that Brent was killed.
@nytimes specified that Brent used to cooperate with them before, but not in this specific task.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
Should #NATO consider placing a #NoFlyZone over #Ukraine️ ? I flew in support of a NoFlyZone in Iraq prior to the Second Gulf War and have some thoughts from a #Legal/JAG + operational perspective that I unpack for @just_security here. 🧵…
2/ A #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine zone does not equate to a "no-combat zone." Quite the opposite. It does not magically occur by mere declaration. It requires a massive military presence and military enforcement, a point made 10 years ago by @Schmitt_ILaw and others.
3/I sympathize with the no-fly zone’s animating idea—to protect human lives—but a #NATO no-fly zone simply presents an unacceptable, escalatory risk to the United States and its allies. Why?
Read 9 tweets
Mar 6th 2022
The risk of nuclear war is greater than at any time since 1945. Not even the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 - which, it should be recalled, was triggered by Kennedy's refusal to allow Soviet missiles in the Western Hemisphere - posed as great a danger. 1/ #UkraineRussianWar #NATO
Sixty years ago, even in the midst of a major confrontation, both the US and Soviet governments were seeking to negotiate a way out of the crisis and avoid war. Not so today: both US/NATO and the Putin government are acting with a staggering level of recklessness. 2/
Having been backed into a corner by the relentless expansion of NATO, Putin's desperate invasion has played into the hands of US and European imperialism. US strategists often boasted about plans to turn Ukraine into "Russia's Afghanistan." 3/
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Mar 6th 2022
my grandma is about to celebrate her 92th birthday in her apartment hearing russian bombs falling closer and closer. she is too frail to leave. she survived hitler and his invaders setting her house on fire and shooting her point blank as 12yo teenager. she is not scared
i talk to her every day. every time she ends up comforting me, despite that i am not the one in mortal danger. it breaks my heart over and over again. “don’t worry. i outlived hitler. i’ll live to the day when they hang putin, too” — that’s how we end every conversation
my grandma taught me how to read and write. during dark poverty days of 1990s she would shelter me when my parents were struggling to provide enough food even for themselves. being head nurse at kids hospital, she always had energy reserved for me even after most grueling shifts
Read 5 tweets
Mar 5th 2022
Saturday, March 5th, 2022
News you can use. 🧵
I'm going to keep repeating it:

#NATO, or The U.S. and other partners, need to make a #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine now, or the blood of this #WarInUkraine is on their/our hands.

Read 32 tweets
Mar 4th 2022
🧵1/ There's something weird about #NoFlyZones. Opponents to setting one up over Ukraine say that #NATO would have to implement it, which would mean shooting down Russian planes, which means #WW3.
2/ But here's the thing: In effect #NATO *already has* a #NoFlyZone--over NATO countries. If #Russian military aircraft violate it, we would see it as a hostile act, and shoot the aircraft down. (Or at best, give them a military escort out of NATO airspace--more on that later)
3/ A key to a #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine that people seem to be missing is this: while yes, #NATO would be obliged to shoot down violators, Russian aircraft would have to violate the airspace FIRST. NATO and the international community recognize #Ukraine as a sovereign nation.
Read 19 tweets
Mar 4th 2022
. @ZelenskyyUa accuses @NATO of weakness over #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine and says they will partly be responsible for the civilian deaths

#Ukraine #UkraineUnderAttaсk
"We believe that #NATO countries themselves have created a narrative that the closure of the skies will provoke #Russia's aggression against NATO. This is self-hypnosis »
« [they] are weak, insecure, internally. Although they have weapons many times stronger than ours »
Read 4 tweets
Mar 4th 2022
THREAD @NATO isn't able to prevent "bigger war" by denying #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine:
1) Even if NATO wants no direct war with #Russia, it will start once Putin decides about that.
2)This war isn't just btw UA & RU. It is already all-European one after Russia seized ☢️power plants
3) NATO is scared with actually meeting its direct obligations: to defend and to fight. It wants to leave UA alone with Putin, though supplying UA with weapons, but giving no extraordinary support like closed sky.
4) UA Army destroyed myth of undefeated RU army. But credibility of NATO is also under the question now, if not for UA, than for it's member states.
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Mar 4th 2022
#RussiaUkraineConflict Looks Prez Putin will stop carrying out further operations, once d immediate goals set, are met. Eastern #Ukraine may fall within d areas of extended influence of Russia while no operations may be carried in the Western Ukraine, thus securing gas pipelines. Image
#RussiaUkraineConflict has inflicted huge blow to rabble rouser West & #NATO. Putin committed in securing one of d important objectives of d operations, that is d #NordStream offshore natural gas pipelines, running under Baltic Sea from Vyborg Russia to Greifswald North Germany. Image
Holding Kiev, one of the oldest & most populous city & the capital of Ukraine close to Russia is important for Putin. Kiev/Kyiv is home to many high-tech industries besides an important scientific, educational and cultural centre in Eastern Europe.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 4th 2022
⚠️⚠️List of Sanctions on #Russia⚠️⚠️
The following companies have decided to limit or suspend operations:

@apple Pay — full lock;
@apple — complete exit from the market;
@adidas — refusal to work with the Russian national #football team;
@AudiOfficial — exit from the market;
@AMD — ban on the supply of #microchips & soon ban on the supply of #videocards;
@amazon — CEO pledges to help in logistics, cybersecurity;
@Adobe — turned off their services;
@BALENCIAGA — removed all posts from its @instagram page, leaving only a post with the #Ukrainian flag and words of support;
@bp_plc -withdrew 19.75% of shares from Rosneft;
@BMW — closes plants, blocks supplies;
@boltapp — €5M in assistance to #Ukraine;
Read 26 tweets
Mar 4th 2022
A Ukraine NFZ - busting some myths - A thread… #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine #NoFlyZone #NoFlyZoneInUkraineNow
A No Fly Zone response to Russian actions in Ukraine is being dismissed out of hand. The arguments against are being parroted by politicians and commentators alike, but is it that black and white. Let’s unpick the 4 main arguments:
1. It’s escalatory. Really? A NFZ that defends sovereign Ukraine airspace, and in respect of soviet ground based air defence in Ukraine would be acting in Self Defence. That looks pretty defensive to me.
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Mar 3rd 2022
there’s a fire at zaporizhia nuclear plant following russian attack, znp’s spokesperson says…
‘I repeat, there’s a fire at the nuclear plant following the shooting by russian troops’
zaporizhia nuclear plant’s spokesperson
live stream: fire, explosions seen at the site of zaporizhia nuclear power plant. fuck.

Read 8 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
An ethical thread on #NoFlyZone

TL;DR: A #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine puts at risk billions of lives to save thousands of lives.

Let's break down why it's irresponsible to support it unless you are Ukrainian.

If you are Ukrainian, besieged by terror and bombardment, you are ethically entitled to ask for a #NoFlyZone.

It may even be practical - pressure on the world to do more.

But the only sane answer to the request is no. Let's look at why.

A #noflyzone is a declaration of war against Russia.

Russia has the capacity to destroy you, your family, your country and Western civilization in under an hour.

That's what you are toying with when you tweet: #NoFlyZoneInUkraineNow

Read 6 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
Map of battles in Ukraine over the past day. Image
Soon tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers will have nowhere to go. What's next? Mass surrender, or the 2014 battle of Ilovaisk on a much larger scale.… Image
Mariupol is under practical siege. Sources say only two corridors open for civilians. Big question: will civilians be allowed to leave the city?… Image
Read 19 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
I've been seeing a lot of calls for a #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine. On the surface this might seem a great option - no more Russia bombing civilians. But imposing a no-fly zone involves active combat. #NATO would be declaring war on Russia. So let's talk about no-fly zones. 1/
Step 1 - Determine what type of no-fly zone. An absolute NFZ with no aircraft allowed, no hostile aircraft (& hostile as any military aircraft vs actively engaged in hostilities, wh/ would allow for ISR platforms), fixed wing vs rotary wing, etc. 2/
Step 2 - Determine ROEs. Attack aircraft violating the NFZ vs striking airfields where they took off from. Is pursuit allowed? Ie could a NATO plane pursue a Russian plane into Belarus or Russian airspace? Could airfields in Belarus or Russia be bombed? 3/
Read 12 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
🧵Thoughts from Kyiv -afternoon Feb 28
From Mychailo Winnyckyj, 🇨🇦-🇺🇦Acadamic, Kyiv Mohila Academia
1. Much going on at the moment:
- residential districts of Kharkiv and Chernihiv under Grad attack
2. - significant areas of southern Ukraine occupied by Russians, but local residents continue resistance and civil disobedience
- Kyiv is defiant and (in my opinion) invincible.
3. The above conditions make the peace talks launched today in Belarus highly problematic. The Russian delegation will try to gain concessions (or even capitulation) from the Ukrainian side. The Ukrainians will tell the "Russian ship" exactly where to go.
Read 22 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
🧵Thoughts from Kyiv - afternoon Feb 26.
From Mychailo Wynnyckyj, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

1. According to unconfirmed reports, Putin was handed a report of Russian losses this morning that showed 3471 dead. This number matches official reports from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense
2. They have also counted over 100 destroyed enemy tanks, over 500 armored vehicles, 14 Russian fighter jets, 8 helicopters. Ukrainian losses are 20-25% of those of the invader.
3. Obviously, the Russian advance is not going well. According to western intelligence, the Kremlin had planned to topple Ukraine’s duly elected government by now, and Russian television was supposed to be showing Ukrainians welcoming their “liberators” with flowers on Sunday.
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Feb 26th 2022
🧵Thoughts from Kyiv - 2 days after Feb 24.
From Mychailo Wynnyckyj, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

1/ Listening to analysts from the West, one gets the impression that Ukraine's fate was sealed the moment Putin attacked on 3 fronts two days ago.
2/ On the other hand, reading reports from Ukraine (including from eyewitnesses and event participants), one can only conclude that Putin's planned "victorious" military escapade is turning into a complete disaster. Why the difference?
3/ As a social system Russia represents the epitomy of hierarchy, as embodied in autocracy. In this system, the voice of the individual does not matter. Soldiers are sent into battle without knowledge of
of their objectives.
Read 20 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
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