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Sep 24th 2019
Was the story of Jesus based on #Romulus, the #Demigod Son of #Mars and the mythical founder of #Rome?
Um, #No, and here is why:
There are various versions of the story of how Romulus came to be. Some says he and his twin #Remus were the sons of Roma, a mythical heroine whom Rome was named after, and a feller named Latinus (I'm from Texas, I can get away with writing "Feller" (meaning "Fellow" to you
Yankees!), while others say that Aneas and Dexithea were his parents. Some have his mother as being a woman named Aemilia.
However, the main version of the tale has him being the son of Mars, the god of war, and Rhea Silvia, a mortal.
According to the Myth, Mars actually (Brace
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