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Apr 24th 2022
How to Build a Comfortable Big House Slowly starting with Kes. 1m and a piece of land.

This comes from lessons learnt over the last 15 years and building my own house.


"How to proceed from Necessity to Luxury."


Step 01. Vision.

Building is Sacrifice. Be driven by a Vision that is greater than a pile of stones

This can be to create a home for your children (we fight harder when fighting for others)

This can be to cut off that annoying Landlady. You run faster when running from Poverty
I did not start building until I saw a composition written by my son. In it was embedded an infectious Bigger Vision

It switched something in me and I woke up

Prior, I was OK building for others. And fighting that necessary monthly nonsense of Tenancy

Read 20 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
How to reduce the Cost of a Typical Maisonette by 40% through Design Thinking.

A Short Thread. 🧵

#Bungalow vs. #Maisonette

The most common reasons people build Maisonettes are

1. To have less footprint on the ground.
2. To afford family members a common room upstairs
3. To fit the hype of a neighbourhood.
4. The aesthetic of Maisonettes is attractive.
5. To enjoy better views beyond.
The most important factor that affects the overall cost of a building is the Size.

Size is everything. From it are all costs resultant, from Consultancy Fees to Finishing Costs

One can fulfill optimum cost by reducing the most expensive part of a Maisonette : The Upper Floor
Read 10 tweets

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