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Jul 20th 2020
Is 5th Aug best for laying foundation for #RamJanambhoomi?

Ram Janmabhoomi is an epitome of devotion for not only Hindus but the community as a large. We consider Lord Rama as a guiding force of righteousness and dharma in this century. And the most awaited day Image
has finally came when Shree Ram Ji will reside in his own abode in Ayodhya. According to the sources, the foundation stone (groundbreaking ceremony) will be of silver and the day selected for laying the stone is 5th August. The three-day rituals will begin from August 3 and
culminate on August 5. Let’s analyse this date and #nakshatra rising to know the overall outcome.

The tithi is Dwitiya (2nd lunar day). The nature of Dwitiya tithi is Mangala Prada, “one that angurs auspiciousness “. All Mangala (Auspicious) works can be done on this tithi.
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Jul 8th 2020
Today the moon is transiting through #Dhanishta Nakshatra.This nakshatra is the foundation of sound and hence called Shravishtha Nakshatra too.When the moon transits through this nakshatra,you can experience abundance and prosperity if it is favorable nakshatra according to Image
Nakshatra tara scheme.

This nakshatra is associated with Hari and Hara which are two prime forces on this earth. As the month of Shravana is going on,it will auspicious to beat a damru or ring a bell in Shiva's temple today as the nakshatra has a huge
connectivity with Shiva's Damru.

Today is also shravani Ganesh #SankashtiChaturthi fast. Wednesday-a day dedicated to Lord Ganesh ji- the God of learning & intellect. Creative energy & good vibes for religious activities & mantra chanting.

#GajananSays #astroquote
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