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Mar 16th 2023
A petition calling for posthumous changes to the Gender Recognition Act, launched following the death of Brianna Ghey and to respect trans people after they die, has been rejected by the government. 🧵 (1/7) An image of Brianna Ghey in front of a trans flag background
After Brianna Ghey, a 16-year-old trans girl, was stabbed to death in a park in Warrington on 11 February, campaigners wanted Brianna Ghey to be given a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) so her death certificate reflects her true gender. (2/7)
Under UK law, only those aged 18 and over are able to obtain a GRC, which allows a trans person’s gender to be recorded on birth, death, marriage and civil partnership certificates. (3/7)
Read 9 tweets
Feb 17th 2023
All of this hashtag drama would be settled if a lot more people just learnt how to use Twitters advance searches. So, as I did that boring work for you. Besides the dross of people's horror book titles and saying women's name in the bedroom. (2010).... 🧵
In a feminist context relating to violence the earliest use I could find was in a relation tnamed Rehtaeh Parsons (a rape victim) in 2014 before the launch of the campaign what most people are claiming "invented" this tag/chant +
As I've said MULTIPLE times for years on this platform. Twitter is not an accurate documentation of anything! The term "say her name" has been used before in the context of violence against women. Seemingly Crenshaw and others knew this and they used it WITHIN that tradition!
Read 8 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
Please use #DignityForBrianna instead of using hashtag SayHerName to mourn Brianna Ghey. That hashtag is for Black folks killed by police violence, for that community to mourn & fight. We white folks shouldn’t steal it, especially as all of us (not just white folks) are mourning.
First, after listening Black folks, the issue is how quickly white people coopted the use of this hashtag. Second, how white folks got angry when this was pointed out, and would rather argue then listen, which feeds to drain us both of energy and ability to mourn. Third - (2/3)
We are not fighting for Brianna's name to even be heard, she made news. The hashtag is for Black women who were ignored by mainstream. Brianna is being discussed. We are fighting for her dignity in death, her ability to be seen as herself, and for this to not happen again.
Read 7 tweets

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