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Nov 11th 2022
🧵Time for long thread number 2 today.

I've started a #DragonAge community on Dreamwidth. I created it earlier this year, and debated about sharing, but I'm going with it. Keep reading to find out why and to answer WTF is DW?
DREAMWIDTH is a Livejournal clone (please Gen Z, don't say what's LJ? I'm gonna cry).

These platforms were part of the early web, focused on long-form blogging. They do not have a feed, reblogs, or likes. (Well LJ does now, but they've become evil.)
You have control over every post to make it private (just you), friends only, or public. People can friend you, but you don't have to friend them... and if you don't, then they CAN'T see your friends only posts.
Read 12 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
🧵Hey there #DragonAge Community. There's been a lot of talk about moving or not moving from people here, and I wanted to give some advice from a fandom old, who's watched the collapse of SEVERAL social medias over the years.
What's happening here is a little different than the tumblr exodus/migration. There is a REAL possibility that you could try to sign on to twitter tomorrow, and it just won't be here because El*n didn't pay the bills. We have no idea how much time we have left.
With that in mind, here are a few things you should do ASAP, whether you're moving somewhere else or not.

1. Decide if you're ready to jump ship and never plan on coming back. If so, DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT. Don't just leave it here and open. It could be a security risk.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 2nd 2021
Немного запоздало начинаем #inktober2021
В прошлый раз я выдержала только 11 дней) Надеюсь, что в этом году не сойду с дистанции так быстро Image
#inktober2021 #inktober2021day2
Поздравляю всех причастных с началом выхода #amphibiaseason3 #AmphibiaMarcy Image
Сегодня меньше времени и сил
#inktober2021 #inktober2021day3 Image
Read 32 tweets
Aug 31st 2020

El servicio de suscripción #EAPlay acaba de aparecer en Steam. A cincuenta pesos (PESOS!) por mes y $299 por AÑO. Una locura. Tiene unos 50 juegos en el catálogo y, como #GamePass, te permite jugar lo que quieras mientras estés suscripto. Netflix gamer. Image
EA, por supuesto, es mucho más que #FIFA y #Battlefield (¡aunque también están esos!). Lo mejor de la selección para mí es lo de #BioWare: las trilogías completas de #DragonAge y #MassEffect.

(sí, Mass Effect es una trilogía y no acepto correcciones al respecto, @Zripwud) Image
Pero no es todo lo que hay. También están los #DeadSpace (los dos primeros son excelentes), #Titanfall2 (mejor campaña de FPS de la década pasada), el todavía excelente #Crysis, #BattlefieldBadCompany2, #AWayOut y grandes juegos de autitos: #BurnoutParadise y #NFSMostWanted. Image
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