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Mar 11th 2023
The phrase “slimmed-down monarchy” is growing more and more irksome. The #britishroyalfamily has about a dozen palaces and vast wealth that other European monarchies don’t come close to. #KingCharlesTheCruel wanting a “slimmed-down monarchy” does NOT mean a few of those 1/ Image
palatial residences are getting sold off and turned into museums like the Palace of Versailles—fwi France takes in WAY more royalty-related tourism dollars than Britain does. “Slimmed-down” in this case means concentrating titles/wealth privileges among an even smaller group 2/

Thank God #GoodKingHarry and #PrincessMeghan called their bluff in the Oprah interview about #PrinceArchie having a title—the Palace was going to let the world falsely believe that the Sussexes CHOSE it! 3/ Image
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Apr 9th 2021
A few personal memories of the late #dukeofedinburgh - starting with his last ever official engagement with the Rifles last year.....
It was so impressive that at 99 - and having had a hip replacement two years previously - he waked down the stairs at the Equerries Entrance at Windsor Castle unaided.....
On the forecourt at Buckingham Palace, senior royal officials were in tears as he officially retired in 2017 - months after I revealed palace officials had called a secret meeting about the issue exclusively in the Mail.....
Read 14 tweets
Apr 9th 2021
“144-page issue with magical souvenir magazine” @DailyMailUK

“144 pages”?
#PrincePhilip #dukeofedinburgh #RIPPrincePhilip
Only 16 pages in the Irish edition of the Daily Mail!

They cut 128 pages!
(pic via @CSBlenner)
“It’s a stretch to call him a feminist icon but...” @guardian
#dukeofedinburgh #PrincePhilip #RoyalFamily
Read 11 tweets
Apr 9th 2021
The world's press are here to report on the death of #PrincePhilip the #dukeofedingburgh, and I've not seen these sorts of numbers around #BuckinghamPalace since before #lockdown.
Westminster Abbey begins to ring the tenor bell 99 times in a mark of respect to #PrincePhilip the #DukeOfEdinburgh, and for some of the spectators here to pay their respects to #Philip it's a fairly low key spectacle. Passers-by seem quite bemused.
The tributes to #Philip are starting to slowly pile up outside Buck House now. However, I've lost count of the number of people posing for selfies and "grieving" for the gram as they lay flowers down - and the mood pretty much reflects that amongst the crowd to be honest. ImageImage
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Apr 9th 2021
‘The Queen's husband, Prince Philip, dies’

Prince Philip ‘has died, Buckingham Palace announced Friday. He was 99.’

‘The Duke of Edinburgh died at Windsor Castle on Friday morning, following a recent stay in hospital.’

‘Prince Philip, husband of Britain's Queen Elizabeth, dies at 99’…
‘Prince Philip, Husband of Queen Elizabeth II, Is Dead at 99’

“As ‘the first gentleman in the land,’ Philip tried to shepherd into the 20th century a monarchy encrusted with the trappings of the 19th.”…
Read 5 tweets
Feb 17th 2021
BREAKING: Duke of Edinburgh, 99, in hospital
Prince Philip was admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in London, on Tuesday evening.
Royal spokesperson says it was taken as “precautionary measure, on the advice of His Royal Highness’s Doctor, after feeling unwell.
We are told the Duke of Edinburgh is “expected to remain in hospital for a few days of observation and rest.”
Prince Philip has been staying in Windsor with the Queen during the lockdown.
Read 9 tweets

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