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Apr 29th 2018
New #QAnon #Q #GreatAwakening @POTUS

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/29/18 (Sun) 09:11:22

Be careful who you are following.
Some are profiting off this movement.
Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream.
Patriots make sacrifices.

Some, the ultimate sacrifice.
Patriots are SELFLESS.
Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots?
Think logically.
To some, it’s only about the money.
Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.


You decide.
This is not a game.
The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM.
God bless you all.

#QAnon #Q #GreatAwakening @POTUS
Read 16 tweets

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