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The Marine who killed a Black man on the NYC subway was a white man, 24 yrs of age, from Queens, NY.

It’s been days, but he is still not named publicly, still no info about his background, affiliations, history.

Why does this matter?

A thread:
6 yrs ago, a houseless NYer & Black man, Timothy Caughman was stabbed to death by a vigilante supremacist Army veteran who drove to NYC from MD specifically to carry out terroristic hate crimes vs BM.

It was as important then, as it is now, for mil veterans to rise against hate. ImageImageImage
Something that went widely overlooked back then was how this homicidal, supremacist veteran was reported to have been harboring feelings of racial hatred/violence for at least 10 yrs.

Which makes you wonder about his experience & conduct when he deployed to AFG in 2011, armed. ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
So, ich hab ja gesagt ich komme drauf zurück.

Vielleicht auch interessant für
@EvaHoegl und #borispistorius @BMVg_Bundeswehr.

Damit das in dem anderen #miltwitter🧵 nicht untergeht, ein neuer 🧵zum Thema:
Warum die BW zu viele Generale/Admirale hat.
Featering @markus_meyer7 1/n
Der Ursprungsthread war ja mit einem Hauch Sarkasmus versehen. Aufgabe: Gib ein Statement was triggered!

So ganz grob zusammengefasst.

Hat geklappt. Ein paar meiner Lieblings-HUT sprangen drauf an.

Du kannst ja MC nicht mit BW vergleichen - dies, das. 2/n

Sicherlich hinkt der Vergleich. Die Aufgaben und auch die Fähigkeiten sind nicht gleich. Lediglich der Personalkörper ist von der Gesamtstärke vergleichbar. Und das ist ja schonmal was. Denn ganz egal ob wir uns mit LV/BV befassen oder mit Expeditionary warfare, es 3/n
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ORBAT on PLAMC Brigade and its evolution pre/post-2017 reform
#PLA #China #PLAMC #Marines #Taiwan Image
1.In 2017, the PLA launched a wave of expansion and reform for its Marine Corps. The aim is to transform the PLAMC into an all-domain operation capable force able to deploy on short notice and maintain a high level of readiness Image
2.The reforms are not made with only the Taiwan invasion scenario in mind but also China’s overseas interest. The PLAMC would play a dual role of securing China’s national interests abroad and assisting the PLAA’s amphibious forces in a cross-strait invasion Image
Read 9 tweets
If you live in the blue area of this map, we need you to vote in the Democratic Primary on August 2nd.

We need you to skip the statewide offices, our governor, SOS, and AG candidates are locked in anyway.

We need you to write in JOSEPH ALFONSO for US Congressional District 4. Image
If we fail to get 3,250 voters to do this, there will only be a Republican available on the 4th house district ballot, covering cities like #Kalamazoo, #BattleCreek, #BentonHarbor, #Holland, #Portage, #Saugatuck, #StJoseph, and #SouthHaven. That Republican is absolutely terrible.
Bill Huizenga represents the area of the district in the red square. His old gerrymandered district is in green. He's a no-name candidate in most of the district. He needs an opponent, especially one like Joseph Alfonso who is a Marine #veteran on the state plumbing board. ImageImage
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"Retreat? Hell, we just got here!"
The famous words were spoken by Cpt. Williams to a French officer as his #Marines arrived on Hill 142. What he was most likely witnessing was the withdrawal of the @152eRI from Belleau Wood. What was actually happening?

Image via @ecpa_d ImageImage
"A Belleau les heures sont graves. Tout cède devant Attila, Mais le vieux Quinze-Deux est là. La vague meurt devant ses braves."

The #152eRI was going to push the Germans back out of Torcy and Belleau. In the Regimental HQ (PC) the phone rang. Colonel Meilhan picked it up. Image
"It's understood, my general. We will do our best.

General Michel, the division commander, had just the 152e to go on the counter-attack. More than anyone else, Colonel Meilhan knew that his regiment was at the end of its tether...
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Despite the recent blockade of #Azovstal and #Putin’s ban on a direct assault, #Russian troops continue to advance on the plant. Intel suggests that 🇷🇺 may have split the complex into two pockets. If true,#Ukrainian defenders will have a harder time w supplies and manpower.
Video of recent #Russian advances in #Mariupol. Translation needed. These advances are likely due to dwindling supplies available to #Ukrainian troops in the plant. The fighting over the last several weeks has been using huge quantities of ppl & ammo that can’t be replaced.
#Russian drone footage posted today showing shelling and direct fire strikes on the #Azovstal Plant in #Mariupol. The destruction at the plant is immense. Reminder: In addition to #Azov Regiment and #Ukrainian #Marines there are still hundreds of civilians inside the plant.
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For anyone wondering about the recent hubbub on Force Design in the #USMC from retired Marines—esp. the implication that the #Marines are throwing away decades-old tried-&-true equipment & methods—read chapters 2 & 3 of my book, “A New Conception of War:”… Image
There is no “decades old tried-and-true” Marine Corps organization b/c the Corps has adapted its mission, organization, and equipment often throughout its history. The 20th century alone saw several changes in the Corps’ structure and mission. Pre-WWI: ship’s landing party &
Low intensity conflict constabulary force. WWI: second land army. WWII: amphibious forcible entry as part of a wider naval campaign in the Pacific. Korea: amphibious assault, and then land army. Post-Korea: force in readiness. Vietnam: counterinsurgency.
Read 7 tweets
My Dad, Felix, proudly served the US as a RECON Marine. He was stationed at Camp Lejeune in the 1960s during a water contamination that resulted in lymphoma later in life. This is a travesty that has impacted 1000s and that the US govt acknowledges. He died over Christmas (1/7)
in the exceptional #VA hospital of southwest Virginia. He had contracted #COVID and it had damaged his lungs to the point where he could not breathe or survive without 60L of high flow O2. His doctors and nurses were remarkable on all levels. He was vaccinated, but (2/7)
his lymphoma made his B cells unable to generate antibodies. His VA doctor explained how she had many men with my Dad’s lymphoma that could not make antibodies and had an unusually poor prognosis with COVID even with monoclonal antibody treatment— just not getting better. (3/7)
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Wake Island - Pacific Theater 1941
An 80th-anniversary social media experience from the #USMCMuseum.
West of the int’l dateline on 8 Dec 1941, Japanese bombs were falling on three US bases across the Pacific Ocean. Guam would be the first American territory to fall to the Japanese on 10 December. The defenders of Wake Island, however, would hold out for another 2 weeks.
Wake had become a US possession in 1899 and was strategically located halfway between Honolulu and Manila. By 1936, it had become a stopover point for Pan Am airlines’ flying boat Clipper service. However, it was not until 1941 that the Navy began defensive improvements.
Read 43 tweets
A.Philip Randolph proved instrumental in urging #FDR to open up the #Marines—and other #military branches—to African American… #BlackMarines #ReparationsNow-#ADOS #DefundTheBBC #BidenIsAFailure #Bidenflation #USHistory,#TeachUSHistory,#History
It was just a month since the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. U.S. troops were arriving in Europe to join Allied forces in fighting Adolf Hitler’s invasions.The United States needed its people to help win World War II.
And yet,in January 1942,the highest-ranking officer in the Marines, General Thomas Holcomb, expressed contempt for an effort to recruit more marines—Black marines—to the force.
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#IStandWithColVindman Today Col. Vindman resigned his commission because no one in the @USArmy or the @thejointstaff had the "balls" to stand up to a draft dodger installed by Vladimir Putin. As children we learned to tell the truth because it mattered especially if you came
from a WWI, WWII and Korean War Family of Service if you didn't learn it then you damn well learned it in service. Lt Col Vindman was denied his rightful promotion because he did the right thing. There should be NO vet and I mean NO #Marines #Navy #Army #CoastGuard #AirForce that
stand with this Hitler wannabe, in a few months we have a choice do we end up like Turkey, Poland, Saudi or worse China or Russia. That is what Vladimir Putin is attempting to do with a willing coward who is ignorant, incompetent and a coward.
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Since this is my first #Marines Birthday as a 70 year old, it got me thinking. How many more will there be for me? It's been 7 years since my 3rd heart attack and believe me, I appreciate life each and every day I awake. For those who know my, my approach to life is through . . .
my love of humor, either sarcasm, irony, or slapstick. Therefore, on this 244th birthday of the Marine Corps, I'll republish all my sea stories, and memes I've created in order to celebrate my 2.5 years as a Navy Hospital Corpsman assigned to the FMF, 1/4, 2/1, and 3rd Recon.
I cannot begin to describe the love, respect, and loyality the Marines have for their Devil Docs, but trust me, it's real. I hope I gave back as much as I received. I love my Marines. Semper Fi Leathernecks from Doc George.
Read 22 tweets
#Timeless Halloween candy story @TimelessHallow1. During the fighting at #ChosinReservoir in Dec. 1950, a radio operator got confused on code words and ordered a pallet of candy instead of the ammo that had been requested by the Marines. (1/3) Image
The “Tootsie Rolls” that were dropped in turned out to be a source of nutrition and energy for the #Marines and also an excellent way of fixing bullet-riddled vehicles. Many men attributed the candy to keeping their vehicles running and saving their lives (2/3). Image
The Tootsie Roll company continues to send a case of the candies to reunions of the Chosin Few, an organization of veterans who fought at the Reservoir. Lt. Gen. Richard E. Carey USMC (ret.) and Ellen R. Gordon from Tootsie Roll Industries in 2016. (pic: Sgt. A. Ferrer) (3/3) Image
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"For Over 221 Years Our Corps Has Done Two Things For This Great Nation. We Make Marines And We Win Battles."

~ General Charles C. Krulak, 31st Commandant of the Marine Corps #USMC #SemperFidelis #Marines
Gen Krulak devised the concept of the “Three Block War” to to describe the challenges likely to be faced by Marines on modern battlefields. Marines may be required to conduct full scale military action, peacekeeping & humanitarian aid within the space of 3 contiguous city blocks.
General Krulak is the son of LtGen Victor H. Krulak, nicknamed “Brute”.

"Being ready is not what matters. What matters is winning after you get there." — LtGen Victor H. Krulak, #USMC #SemperFidelis #Marines
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(1) #TeamTrump #PhotoThread starting October 13, 2018.

🇺🇸Previous thread from September 30:

🇺🇸40+ other threads like these:…

🇺🇸Unrolled versions:

Below: Current mood.😉 #VoteGOP #UnitedGOP #MAGA
(2) When POTUS landed in Richmond, KY for his rally Saturday he was thrilled to see Mitch McConnell, who has gotten 84 judges confirmed including Justice Kavanaugh. Also met by Gov Matt Bevin.
(3) Pastor Mark Brunson's oval office welcome home after being released from Turkey.
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I'm an #Immigrant. I served in the #Marines. Trump's new policy is to discharge immigrants serving in the military.
If taking a knee to protest racism offends U more than discharging honorable soldiers from our military—you're the racist we're protesting.…
Trump administration deliberately complicating the background check process is leaving 1000+ recruits in limbo. Once their visa runs out, they will be deported - many back to countries in which their lives would be at risk due to their willingness to serve in the US military.
The pathway to citizenship program call MAVNI allows 3 years to complete a background check. What kind of a ridiculous background check takes more than 3 years?…
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He wanted to join the @USMC, but he was too short.

The paratroopers wouldn't have him either.

Reluctantly, he settled on the infantry, enlisting to become nothing less than one of the most-decorated heroes of #WorldWarII.

(#USArmy photo)
He was Audie Murphy, the baby-faced Texas farmboy who was born #OnThisDay in 1924. He became a U.S. legend.

Murphy grew up on a sharecropper's farm in Hunt County, Texas.
Left at a very young age to help raise 10 brothers and sisters when his father deserted their mother, Audie was 16 when his mother died. He watched as his siblings were doled out to an orphanage or relatives.

Seeking an escape from that life in 1942, he looked to the #Marines.
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New #QAnon #Q #GreatAwakening @POTUS

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/29/18 (Sun) 09:11:22

Be careful who you are following.
Some are profiting off this movement.
Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream.
Patriots make sacrifices.

Some, the ultimate sacrifice.
Patriots are SELFLESS.
Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots?
Think logically.
To some, it’s only about the money.
Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.


You decide.
This is not a game.
The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM.
God bless you all.

#QAnon #Q #GreatAwakening @POTUS
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1) Brilliant theory being discussed on the boards: The #military are now funded... to build a defensive wall along Southern border? 🙏

A wall planned using the @USArmy Corps of Engineers. Their logo? #Q posted #RED_CASTLE 1 hour before @POTUS went on TV.

#Qanon #BuildTheWall
2) By having the #military build the wall, there is no need for #SwampCreature subcontractors and #kickbackRats, so who cares if the full wall is not funded?

@POTUS may have just checkmated the #Democrats.


#TheStormIsHere #Qanon #BuildTheWall #GreatAwakening #4dChess
3) @POTUS's favorite wall sample was from a small company that could not do it on it's own. How could a little company would be able to fulfill such a contract? It doesn't have to. It will receive compensation for the design concept.

#Qanon #Army #Navy #AirForce #Marines
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On days like today not even 5 yrs of faithful & honorable active duty #Service in #USMC can convince some ppl of a Muslims loyalty to USA.1/
Ppl ask me why I enlisted in the #Marines in 1997 at the age of 19. I tell them b/c loyalty to my nation of residence is part of my faith./2
I served the US faithfully BECAUSE of my faith, not in spite of it. I had the full support of my father — a Muslim Imam & my family. /3
Read 17 tweets

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